"It's impossible for your blood to sneak on me before it's transformed." Ye Hao looked at Xiao Qi and said with a smile.

"When will my blood change?" Xiao Qi asked with his head askew.

"Blood transformation has never been so simple." Ye Hao stroked Xiao Qi's smooth hair and said, "the first way is to fight cruelly. It may be triggered when you are on the verge of death, but this way is extremely dangerous, because if you are not careful, you may really fall; the second way is to encounter the heavenly material and treasure against the sky."

"I want to fight." Seven pondered for a moment and then said.

"Do you know why your ancestors asked you to follow me?" Ye Hao looks at Xiao Qi Dao.

Xiao Qi is silent.

How can he not know?

The ancestor hoped that Xiao Qi could get Tiancai Dibao against the sky with Ye Hao.

At this time, Ye Hao heard the sound of eggshell breaking, and then he saw a little life break the eggshell, and the small head was trying to squeeze out.

"The ancient bear was born at last." Xiao Qi rushes in.

Ye Hao walked to the side of the ancient wild bear and said, "this little guy has swallowed up the energy of thousands of demon cores. If you can't break the shell, you can't say it."

"The energy contained in those thousands of demon cores has reached the level of honor." Xiao Qi looks at the wild bear road which is constantly breaking the shell.

"It proves that it has great potential." Ye Hao said with a smile.

After the ancient man bear broke the eggshell, he looked around. His eyes stayed on Ye Hao for a while and then looked at Xiao Qi. Looking at it, he showed a strong attachment.

"Mother." The Bear cried softly.

Xiao Qi was a stumbling man who almost didn't fall to the ground.

"What do you call me?" Xiao Qi was stunned.

Wild bear's appearance is not big, has not yet small seven big, it ran to small seven side, hugged its leg to shout, "Niang."

"I'm not your mother." Xiao Qi said quickly.

Manxiong looked at Xiao Qi suspiciously, then his eyes fell on Ye Hao, but soon he looked at Xiao Qi again, "Niang, do you want me?"

Looking at the pitiful look of wild bear, Xiao Qi looks at Ye Hao like a cry for help.

"Touch it when you're free." Ye Hao laughed.

Xiao Qi often touches the eggs of the wild bear, which makes Xiao Qi smell like a wild bear. In addition, the wild bear opens his eyes and sees Ye Hao and Ye Hao. Ye Hao doesn't look like a demon. The wild bear instinctively thinks Xiao Qi is his mother.

"You are a wild bear in ancient times. I'm a nine turn exquisite beast. How could you be a mother and son?" Xiao Qi had to explain to the ancient man bear, "and I am a male."

The wild bear blinked and looked at Xiao Qi blankly. Looking at him, he filled his eyes with tears. "My mother."

"I don't know."

Wild bear looks at Ye Hao.

Ye Hao gently shook his head. "I didn't see your parents when I saw you."

"So I'm an abandoned orphan?" Wild bear tears hazy way.

Ye Hao did not speak.

The bear could no longer bear to howl in pain.

When Ye Hao wants to comfort him, Ye Hao is stunned.

After a dozen breaths, the Bear looked at Ye Hao pitifully and said, "master, I'm hungry."

"What would you like to eat?"

"The flesh and blood of monsters." Nine turn Linglong beast back.

"Then go and catch it." Ye Hao looks at jiuzhuan Linglong animal road.

"Good." With the strength of the nine turn Linglong beast, without the strength of the Immortal King, he could do nothing about it. Therefore, Ye Hao did not worry about the safety of the nine turn Linglong beast.

The speed of the nine turn Linglong beast was very fast, and it didn't take long to carry a saber toothed tiger.

After seeing the saber toothed tiger, the wild bear's eyes twinkled with astonishing light.

Just when the wild bear wants to rush forward, he is stopped by Ye Hao.

"What do you do?" Wild bear looks at Ye Hao.

"Cooked food." Ye Hao said that he took out the sword and cut off a piece of saber toothed tiger meat. After cleaning, he dipped it in seasoning and handcuffed it on the campfire.

With the passage of time, bursts of fragrance diffuse around.

Don't mention the wild bear's big finger, even the nine turn Linglong beast is dry to swallow.

"I want it, too." Nine turn Linglong beast can't help but say.

Ye Hao took off the two pieces of saber toothed tiger meat, and after a short period of pickling, he handcuffed them.

And just then, Luofu came out of the warship.

Her lovely Qiong nose sniffed and her eyes fell on the barbecue that Ye Hao was baking.


Ye Hao waved to Luo Fu and said, "come and eat the barbecue."

Luo Fu walked to Ye Hao and said, "the flesh of the saber toothed tiger?""What's the matter?"

"There seems to be an honorable saber toothed tiger in this area."

"As long as it dares to appear, I dare to bake it." Seven said domineering.

"Can you bake it?" Ye Hao said with a smile.

"I've memorized the steps of your barbecue." Xiao Qi said as he cut a piece of saber toothed tiger meat and pickled it.

Cooking is not difficult for a monk.

Xiao Qi follows Ye Hao's steps, and it doesn't take long to bake out a piece of delicious barbecue.

Xiao Qi was robbed by the wild bear just after taking a bite.

"Why are wild bears so small?" Luo Fu asked the question he always wanted to ask.

"I don't know." Ye Hao really doesn't know.

"Is it OK for a bear to eat the flesh and blood of a saber toothed tiger like this?"

This saber toothed tiger is not an ordinary saber toothed tiger.

This is the main saber toothed tiger!

Its flesh and blood contains a very strong power.

There is no problem for Luo Fu to eat because their accomplishments are there? But the ancient bear was just born.

"As a wild bear, the last blood of this family is somewhat special and reasonable." Ye Hao thought for a moment and said, "if it wants to eat, let it go."

The ancient wild bear can grow to the peak of fairy king in the future!

In ancient times, the wild bear had a large amount of food, and he didn't give up until he ate the saber toothed tiger.

"I'm going to bed." The ancient man bear said to Ye Hao and went back to the position of the eggshell and fell asleep.

Ye Hao noticed that the cultivation of ancient wild bears was slowly and steadily improving.

"People are more angry than others." Ye Hao said nothing.

You get better sleep?

This is faster than Ye Hao!

"All the top monsters have this ability." Xiao Qi looked at Ye Hao's appearance and said with a smile, "in fact, I also have such ability."

"You are not a beast." Ye Hao curled his mouth.

"Have you ever seen the beast?" Xiao Qi snorted coldly.

"Yes." Ye Hao let Xiao Qi Zheng Zheng, immediately small seven eyes burning to ask, "where did you see?"

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