"What a wonderful art of space." Ye Hao's eyes were bright.

"It's natural, there's no trace." The pupil of leiluan fairy shrinks.

Lei Luan fairy was shocked that she did not see any trace of her cultivation today.

What does that mean?

This shows that the other side has far surpassed her in the field of space.

Lei Luan fairy was shocked and had to admit one thing at the same time.

His cultivation seems good, but in fact it is nothing. In the field of fairy king, there are many people who are better than themselves.

After that, Ye Hao and his party also went through the ripples in the space. What they saw were two pillars that went straight to the sky.

There is a filling material like water flow in the huge column, and the water flows in the column reversely and continuously.

"This pillar is a test of qualification." Tao Wu pointed to one of the pillars and said, "there are 369 levels of psychic skills. When you will test your qualifications, the higher your qualifications, the stronger your psychic skills will be."

"It's not that I don't give you stronger psychic skills, but that my master has proved through countless experiments that without the corresponding qualifications to learn stronger psychic skills, the effect produced is not as good as the weaker ones."

"Well, you can test it now."

The red practice fairy hesitated for a moment, and then she was the first to come to the pillar, and then her jade hand was placed on the pillar. The next moment, the water in the column began to change color from the bottom.


The golden current continued to climb and finally stayed at 99 meters.

"Average qualification." Tao Wu said lightly.

"Average qualification?" Some Chilian fairies can't accept it.

"In principle, since you are here, it means that you have a terrible nature. If you are not superior to us, you should not be so different from us." Taowu horizontal red practice fairy one eye.

"What are your qualifications?" Ye Hao asked.

"981." Ye Wu looks at Tao Tao with some provocation.

"Is 981 very tall?"

"The limit of the strong at the peak of the fairy king is 999." Taowu looks at Ye Hao's eyes as if he is looking at a silly comparison.

Hearing this, Ye Hao's mind was shocked.

Taowu is worthy of being one of the ten fierce beasts in ancient times.

Sure enough!

"I'll try." Leiluan fairy also wants to know her own limit.

Leiluan fairy came forward and put her hands on the pillar.

The next moment, the water in the column turned into gold. At the same time, the golden water continued to climb, and the number finally stayed at 93 meters.

Seeing this number, Lei Luan fairy's face was black.

"How could it be?"

"Nothing is impossible." Taowu looked at leiluan fairy's eyes full of disdain, "your qualification is not as good as your apprentice, so it is reasonable to have this result. And remember, we're assessing qualifications, not accomplishments. "

"Boy, it's your turn." Taowu looks at Ye Hao.

"What is the limit of the test for this column?" Ye Hao pondered for a moment and then said.

"What do you ask this for?"


"This pillar was even able to measure the qualification of my master." Taowu cold hum way, "do you believe that your qualifications can be comparable with my master?"

"I didn't want to compete with your master." Ye Hao said as he walked toward the pillar.

"That's good." Taowu just said here, was Ye Hao's next word startled.

"I never felt that anyone could match me?"

"Arrogant." Taowu just said these two words when he was shocked by the scene in front of him.

The water in the column is like being detonated, and it's going up at a terrible speed.

One hundred!

Two hundred!

Three hundred!

Taowu noticed that after the number reached 300, the speed did not weaken, but continued to climb.

"This --" Taowu's face changed.

Seven hundred!

Eight hundred!

Nine hundred!

When the golden water rose to 900, Taowu still did not see the weakening trend.

He and poor Qi looked at each other's eyes and saw a thick shock.

Nine hundred seven!

Nine hundred eight!

Nine hundred nine!

By the time this number is reached, the speed should be greatly reduced.

However, the golden current is still very strong.

The number soon broke to a thousand.

"A thousand." Red practice fairy exclaimed.

"A thousand does not mean that ye Tian's talent exceeds the peak of the fairy king?" Lei Luan fairy's face changed wildly.

And just after the golden current reached 1000, the water suddenly turned into a dragon.You long soared upward and kept climbing.

"Flying dragon in the sky." Taowu murmured, "break the shackles of the Immortal King and ask for the realm of the half gods."

One thousand one!

One thousand two!

One thousand three!

Looking at that you long constantly toward the high altitude, Taowu's heart is full of strong shock color.

"This one won't break through two thousand?" Taowu looked at the poor strange road.

"Not without that possibility." Poor strange mouth dry tongue road.

Now they both finally understand that the red practice fairy can set foot here with such low qualification?

It's all because of Ye Hao.

One thousand seven!

One thousand eight!

One thousand nine!

When Youlong broke through the number of two thousand, he changed himself into a Kunpeng.

"It's really a breakthrough." Taowu looked at Ye Hao all over the body shaking, "breakthrough to 2000 means that he may step into the second state in the future?"

"The boy will not really surpass his master, will he?" Poor strange some bitterness says.

Poor Qi still remembers that his master had reached the value of two thousand nine.

But look at the rising momentum of this Kun Peng, it can break through 2000.

Two thousand six!

Two thousand seven!

Two thousand eight!

With Kunpeng rushing through the number of two thousand nine, there is no bitterness in poor Qi's heart.

Because it suddenly thought of something important.

Poor Qi and Taowu look at each other's eyes are dignified.

"Do you remember what the master said to us when he left?" Taowu looks at the strange road of poverty.

"Yes." His eyes were full of complexity.

When poor Qi said this, he saw that Kun Peng suddenly broke through to 3000.

"Stop it." Poor Qi shouts to Ye Hao.

Because 3000 is the limit.

Up there is no space.

Hearing this, Ye Hao let go of his hand and said, "why is the limit of your test qualification so low?"

"Do you know what three thousand means?" Asked the poor, speechless way.

"The third place." Ye Hao said faintly.

"Third, are you not satisfied?"

"Is the third place strong or weak? Moreover, I would like to know if my qualifications can break the third level. " Ye Hao looked at poor Qi and said calmly.

"You want to break the third level?" Poor Qi's face changed greatly.

"What's the problem?" Ye Hao seems to be asking a very common thing.

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