Third place!

It means that half of the body is in the state of God.

Such existence, even if it is the realm that their master did not reach at that time!

"You --" Poor Qi points to Ye Hao and doesn't know what to say.

He could see clearly the rising trend of Kunpeng just now.

The number Kunpeng can reach is likely to be close to 4000.

That is to say, Ye Hao is the best even in the third place.

"Is it possible for me to practice the highest level of psychic skills?" Ye Hao looked at poverty and said faintly.

Poor Qi smiles bitterly.

With Ye Hao's qualification, it is more than enough to practice the highest level of psychic skills here.


Thank you very much

Hearing Ye Hao say thanks to himself, poor Qi's look becomes strange.

Because according to Ye Hao's qualifications, there is no need to say this.

"What does this post measure?" Leiluan fairy then asked.

"This pillar is a measure of nature." Poor Qi took a look at Lei Luan fairy.


"No matter how high a monk's qualification is, if there is no matching nature, then it is certainly impossible to go far." He looks at this and says.

"What do you think I do?" Ye Hao glanced at poor Qi.

"I'll give you a chance if you can surpass my master."

"What chance can you have?" Let poor Qi did not expect is Ye Hao said these words.

"Who do you despise?"

"Look down on you."

"Boy, I'll tear you to pieces." Poor Qi roared.

"Shall we make a bet?" Ye Hao looks at the poor strange road with a smile.

"What bet?"

"Just bet that my nature can surpass your master?"

"Do you know the nature of my master?"

"How much?"

"Ninety six thousand."

"Not many?"

"Do you know that the acme of nature is one thousand and eight thousand?"

"I don't know." Ye Hao said here for a moment, "now do you want to gamble?"

"What is the bet?" Poor Qi did not rashly agree.

"Bet." Ye Hao thought for a moment and then asked, "what chance did you say just now?"

"Don't you look down on the chance I gave you?"

"It's one thing to look down on, another thing to say."

"If your nature can surpass my master, I can help you once unconditionally." Poor Qi looks at Ye Hao and says slowly.

"It doesn't mean much." Ye Hao gently shook his head and said, "you should know who is behind me?"

"What do you want?"

"I need you to protect my power for a hundred years." Ye Hao said faintly.


"I've offended a killer at the top of the Immortal King. I'm afraid this one will attack my power." Ye Hao's eyes twinkled with jingmang way, "of course, if you kill that one in a hundred years, then you can leave my influence at any time."

"A hundred years?" "Do you not worry that I will attack your power?" he thought

"If you attack my power, my revenge is beyond your imagination."

The poor and strange heart felt awe inspiring.

He believes Ye Hao can do it.

"You mean you'll be able to deal with the killer at the top of the fairy king in a hundred years?" Taowu looks at Ye Hao in disbelief.

"Self protection is still OK." Ye Hao said lightly.

A hundred years later, Ye Hao could not have the top fighting power of the Immortal King.

However, Ye Hao only needs to ensure that the spirit and spirit can be separated and delayed.

But now the spirit of separation is not even qualified to delay.

Taowu looks at Ye Hao's look more startled.

"If you are more than my master, I will give you a spirit of an ancient beast."

"The spirit of Taicang ancient beast?"

"Essence and soul are the combination of blood essence and soul, which can break out the top blow before birth." Taowu said slowly, "Taicang ancient beast reached the semi God state in those years. Even if the half god was attacked at the peak, he had to retreat."

"The ancient beast of Taicang has fallen

"It fell."

"How did it fall?"

"I don't know." Taowu shook his head and said, "I only know that when the master came back that day, his whole body was stained with blood, and the Taicang ancient beast was dying. The master tried his best to keep the Taicang ancient beast. When he was about to fall, the Taicang ancient beast turned into three spirits with its own blood essence and soul."

"Isn't it time for five spirits?"

"Two drops of blood essence were consumed during the battle."

"Spirit." Ye Hao thought for a moment and said, "it's OK." Speaking of this, Ye Hao raised his feet and walked towards the column to test the nature. As soon as Ye Hao's big hand touched the column, one after another of the lights of creation bloomed.A hundred!

A thousand!

Ten thousand!

Looking at the number of continuous wind, whether it is red practice fairy or Lei Luan fairy are shocked.

Seeing this scene, they realized that Ye Hao was an existence they couldn't imagine.




When the number soared to 90000, poor Qi and Taowu's eyes were full of tension.

Because the current situation seems to be able to surpass their owners.

In their hearts, the master is invincible.

They don't want to be run over by Ye Hao.

Ninety four thousand!

Ninety five thousand!

Ninety six thousand!

When you see here, poor Qi and Tao Wu's heart is very complex.

I didn't expect that the master of Megatron jiuchongtian would be easily surpassed by a younger generation.

At this time, the number is still rising.

Ninety seven thousand!

Ninety eight thousand!

Ninety nine thousand!

When the number rose to 100000, the pillar trembled violently.

"Let go, let go, let go." Taowu said in a hurry.

Because the limit of this column is 100000.

If Ye Hao continues to hold on to it, he is likely to scrap the pillar.

Chilian fairy and leiluan fairy don't know what to say.

It's just that the qualification reaches the limit of the test, but the nature returns his mother's limit.

Is this going to save people?

"You two have a test." Poor Qi looked at the red practice fairy and leiluan fairy.

Results the results of the test showed that Chilian fairy had 1200 ways of fortune, while leiluan fairy had 2100.

Seeing this number, Chilian fairy and leiluan fairy have an impulse to get to the ground.

It's a big difference.

"Well, follow me." Poor Qi says.

Three people with poor Qi and Taowu came to the hall and saw a full range of books.

"Are these books all about psychics?" Ye Hao said in surprise.

"Among the three thousand roads, there's one who can communicate with the spirit, OK?" Poor Qi gives Ye Hao a look.

It always feels that Ye Hao's words despise the way of channeling.

"Are all these books in your master's collection?" Ye Hao said softly.


"May I have a look at it?"

"Yes." Poor Qi said here, pointing to a door in the hall, "the hall is the foundation, inside is the treasures." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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