All eyes of the audience fell on Ye Hao.

Because Ye Hao called that sentence slowly.

"What's the matter?" Wu Weizhong asked.

"It suddenly occurred to me that there was a seal on my sword." As Ye Hao said, he wiped his big hand on the sword, and the next moment a pattern appeared on the sword.

These patterns are as if inlaid on it, emitting a very mysterious atmosphere.

A wave stronger than that just now pervaded the audience in an instant.

The monks exclaimed, and at the same time, they saw the flames flowing from the swords. The flames had burned up the space before half a breath.


"The best magic weapon."

"Ye Tian refined the best twelve grade magic weapon."

"My God."

"Ye Tian, is it against the sky?"

"But now there are no magic weapons of the highest quality for twelve years."

All the friars were crazy.

They kept shouting.

Three months later, Chen and Chiyue lived in the city.

Ye Hao told them before that he was a master of the highest level.

But none of them believed it.

Now they believe it.

What Ye Hao said at the beginning was very implicit.

Because the ten grade high-level smelter can also be called the top of the class.

"Luo Fu, do you remember what ye Tian said to me at first?" Chen closed the month looks at Luo Fu to say leisurely.

"What words?" Luo Fu was stunned.

"When I heard Ye Tian was also an instrument refiner, I proposed to communicate with him, but ye Tian said that the two sides refused to communicate at the same level." "Now I know that ye Tian and I are not at the same level, but I am not at the same level with Ye Tian."

Remembering the pride in her heart, Chen closed moon felt that she was slapped in the face.

What Chen didn't know was that there was one more miserable than her at this time.


The eyes of Huo Yao looking at Ye Hao are about to burst out fire.

"Ye Tian." The fire roared in a low voice.

Ye Hao looked at the fire, some embarrassed way, "you don't worry, you let me think about it again, see if I can think of a better reason?"

"Ye Tian, I will tear you to pieces." When Huo Yao said this, a figure came out of the sea of his knowledge.

When the figure appeared in the air, the monks in Donghua city were shocked.

The spirit of evil pervaded three thousand li.

"Demon king."

"How could the demon king appear in Donghua city?"

"Is this demon king impatient?"

After that, who are you

"This - isn't this the old Huo clan?"

"The fire is on God."


At the moment of the appearance of Laozu Huo, a figure in yellow robe appeared opposite him.

"Fire God, what do you want to do?" This is no one else. He is the emperor of Donghua Dynasty.

"The boy humiliated my apprentice. What do you want me to do?" The fire dragon ancestor pointed to Ye Hao and said.

"I advise you not to do so." The emperor of Donghua Dynasty shook his head.

"What am I going to do? It's not up to you to talk about it?" The old ancestor of Huo gave the emperor a cold look.

The emperor of Donghua Dynasty was gloomy.

"You don't seem to understand that you're just an embodiment of ideas?"

"The embodiment of the mind is enough." "Do you dare to obstruct me?" the old fire Master said coldly

The emperor of Donghua Dynasty clenched his fist tightly, but he did not dare to say anything to stop him.

That's not a joke.

Once you say it, you're right.

Donghua Dynasty is strong.

But the existence of demigod is beyond the common sense!

"It's not just about stopping you today." At this time, a cold voice cut through the sky, and then a fast sword light cut down on the fire ancestor, which penetrated his body before an instant.

"I'm going to kill you." When this sentence falls, a figure appears in the air.

Sword eyebrow star eyes, white race snow.

Not lonely, who is it?

"Alone." When the fire dragon ancestor's idea incarnation was broken, he finally saw who killed himself.

"Heaven is a lonely star, God is lonely." Seeing the lonely appearance, Huo's face changed with a brush.

My ancestors have warned themselves that some of the existence can not be offended.

This is the one who can't be offended.The power of solitude is not the strongest of demigods.

But once you get involved with this one, you may have bad luck.

Lonely looked at the fire after a look at the distance to see the distance.

"Ancestor Huo, since you have forgotten the agreement between the two clans, I will let you have a long memory." Speaking of this, he got up in the air and killed him in the distance.

"Loneliness, this is a misunderstanding." After hearing the sound, they felt that the whole world was shaking violently.

How can the monks of Donghua city not know that this is because two and a half gods fight in the sky?

The shaking soon disappeared.

Obviously, these two men have been killed deep in the sky.

The fire bug looked up nervously.

He was afraid to move.

Because he noticed that there were dozens of thoughts locked on him in the dark.

And a lot of these thoughts have shown their murderous motives.

Huo knew that if something happened to his ancestors, he might fall here.

Deep in the sky!

The two figures turned into two electric lights and kept colliding.

Every collision stirred the sky.

"Lonely, are you crazy?" A voice of surprise and anger came out.

"I've lived enough these years." The voice of loneliness and indifference pierced the sky, "fighting for the death of a half god of demon clan can be regarded as clearing some obstacles for the people."

"Loneliness -- loneliness -- loneliness -- let's -- Talk -- Talk -- OK?" The fire dragon ancestor can feel lonely, is really has the death ambition, because this hand completely does not block.

It's just like trying to be samurao.

If we continue to fight, we may fall.

"Nothing to talk about." Lonely and indifferent to respond.

"A few days ago, I got a volume of Scripture by accident. It seems to be a divine text." Fire old ancestor busy said.

"Shenwen?" There was a trace of magic in his lonely eyes.

"Shenwen." The old ancestor nodded.

"Bring it."

Huo Lao Zu threw a volume of ancient books to loneliness.

Lonely took over the ancient books and glanced at it. His eyes suddenly showed the color of suspicion.

"I haven't seen this kind of writing."

"I haven't seen this kind of writing either." "But you should be able to feel the mystery."

Lonely silence for a moment before opening, "if you cross the border again, don't blame me for killing." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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