The spirit of the fire dragon ancestor can not help but feel awe inspiring.

He knew that killing was not about killing two or three people.

It's almost as good as a thousand miles.

"No The old ancestor of fire said as if to make a promise.

In fact, in terms of strength, the ancestor of fire is not inferior to loneliness.

However, the ancestor of Huo can't be lonely and ignore life and death in this way.

There is a saying like this.

Mixed afraid of horizontal, horizontal afraid of Leng, Leng afraid of not life.

Loneliness belongs to those who don't want to die.

With the passage of time, the fire in the examination room looks more and more dignified.

At a certain moment, the lonely figure appears in the air.

Seeing the face of the Lonely Firefly, he said, "where's my ancestor?"


"You killed my grandfather?" he said

"Lonely, have you ever done it to the younger generation?" At this time, the figure of the old ancestor of Huo also appeared. When he saw that he slapped Huo Yao with loneliness, he said angrily.

"I smoked him because he was so bad." Lonely to meet the fire, the eye light of the ancestor said, "when we were young, we were defeated, but no one lost like him, and still confused."

The old ancestor of Huo gave a glance to Huo, and his eyes showed cold light, "waste."

His face was full of bitterness.

"Follow me." With a wave of his hand, he rolled up the fire and left here in an instant.

After the fire dragon ancestor left, he looked at Ye Hao and said, "you follow me."

Ye Hao's figure flashed around him.

The next moment, the two figures disappeared in the sky.

"Is there a lonely demigod behind Ye Tian?"

"I heard Ye Tian is not a four fold heaven, so how can ye Tian know loneliness?"

"The demigods of jiuchongtian are all connected with each other, so it is normal for ye Tian to know loneliness."

Above the sky.

The two figures stand side by side.

"You went to jiuchongtian?"


"What do you think?"

"Sometimes a promise is a piece of white paper, and human feelings may not work." Ye Hao pondered for a moment and then said.

"So try to improve your strength." He patted Ye Hao on the shoulder.

"Master, what are you going to do next?" Ye Hao looks at loneliness.

"He gave me a volume of God's book just now when I was fighting with Laozu Huo." Lonely said, the hand appeared a volume of divine text.

"Shenwen?" Ye Hao was surprised.

A volume of ancient books appeared in a flash of gold in lonely hands.

"May I have a look?"


Ye Hao took over the ancient books in his lonely hands and flipped through them. "I've never seen this kind of writing before."

"I've never seen it." Lonely whispered, "but surely this volume of ancient books is not simple."

"This volume of ancient books is the fist of life and death." At this time, the tree of nature rings in Ye Hao's consciousness of the sea.

"The book of life and death?"

"The Sutra of life and death" was once a flash in the pan in jiuchongtian "At that time, the monk who used this scripture pushed jiuchongtian. No matter how amazing Tianjiao was, he was defeated in the life and death Sutra."

"How do you know this secret?" Ye Hao asked in surprise.

"Because I know all the nature in this world." Said the tree calmly.

"Can you understand the text of this volume?"

"Do you want to practice?"

Ye Hao couldn't help turning over the tree.

The book of life and death!

Who doesn't want to practice?

"Give me ten lights." The tree opens its way.

"There is only one light." Ye Hao bargained.

"Nine ways."


"You don't bargain so much?"

"It's just simple words."

"Simple words?" "Do you know that this is written in divine script?" exclaimed the tree

"Is it really divine?"


"Then you teach me divinity?"

"I only know part of it." The tree pondered for a moment and said, "can I recognize all the words in this Scripture?"

Ye Hao then opened the Scriptures page by page.

"Don't you know?" Asked alone and suspiciously.

"Know a little bit." Ye Hao didn't say enough.

"Take a look." Lonely busy said.

Loneliness has been studied before.

He didn't know any of the words on it.

Although I don't know loneliness, it doesn't mean that you can't practice, but you will have deviation according to your own understanding.After Ye Hao had looked through this volume of secret script, Zaohua tree pondered for a moment, and then passed on the contents of the book to Ye Hao in the way of divinity fluctuation.

Ye Hao closed his eyes and studied the profound meaning of each word word word by word.

Gradually, Ye Hao's eyes seem to see a terrible figure, toward the front of a blow out.

The fist meaning of terror is engraved with the meaning of death that makes all living beings wither.

When Ye Hao realized it, he was surprised in his lonely eyes, because he saw the breath of death in Ye Hao's body, which made him feel awe inspiring.

About a quarter of an hour later, Ye Hao opened his eyes, and then Ye Hao detained a wisp of divinity on his lonely brow.

Loneliness has no resistance.

Ye Hao's behavior is actually a little presumptuous.

But I don't feel lonely.

Because of loneliness, Ye Hao will surpass himself sooner or later.

Then I close my eyes and taste it.

The more I tasted the loneliness, my face was full of shock.

"Is this the real divine text?" Asked lonely.

"Yes." Ye Hao nods.

"It's a pity that the second volume is missing." Lonely said with some regret.

"The second volume is too harsh." Ye Hao shook his head gently.

The second volume is the life and death classic!

Shengjing can make dead trees blossom;

Shengjing can revive the dead;

Shengjing can surpass life and death.

"This volume of death Sutra can let me taste life." Lonely whisper.

"Well." Ye Hao nods.

This volume of death Sutra is more terrifying than any magic power Ye Hao has seen.

If you learn it, the combat effectiveness will certainly increase explosively.

Thank you very much Lonely immediately said to Ye Hao.

"Where did the elder say that?" Ye Hao said quickly.

"If you hadn't told me what this volume annotated, I'm sure I would not have understood it even if I had spent my whole life." Lonely whispered.

"In that case, thank you very much."

"No Lonely looking at Ye Hao, he said, "when I come to the point where I am today, there is no hope of breakthrough. There is really no pursuit. Maybe you don't know that I want to die with the fire dragon


"I have no family, no wife, no friends, nothing in my life." Lonely and leisurely said, "I have no meaning to live for a long time. Now with this death Sutra, I finally find the meaning of living."

"Master, have you lost your way?" Ye Hao pondered and asked.

"It's broken." Lonely nodded his head and said, "in fact, the fairy King's peak to the divine realm is his own hard work." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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