The next morning, tens of thousands of monks appeared at the entrance of Zuixian building.

These friars are like dragons in blood.

Obviously, they are the elite of the major forces.

When Ye Hao's figure appeared in front of them, their eyes all looked over, even if they didn't mean to, tens of thousands of eyes still fell on Ye Hao.

Ye Hao looked at them with his hands on his back.

"It seems that everyone is here." Ye Hao glanced and waved his hand. Tens of thousands of friars appeared in the ring that Ruyi gave him in a blink of an eye.

The next moment Ye Hao's figure appeared in the ring.

"I cast a spirit gathering array in this space. The effect of practicing here is several times that of the outside world." Ye Hao said that there was an array stacked with spirit stones in the center of the space. The next moment they saw thousands of medium grade immortal stones put into the array.

This array is like a furnace melting the medium grade immortal stone.

After about a breath, they were surprised to see a stream of pure energy spreading around.

At this time, thousands of medium-sized immortal stones are automatically put into the array.

A minute later, the monk's face changed.

"One breath will cost thousands of high-grade immortal stones. If we calculate this, we will get 300 million pieces a year, and we will stay here for three years."

"Mr. Ye, it's too rich and generous, isn't it?"

"One billion."

"In fact, Mr. Ye didn't need to do this."

"Yes, no one has ever pulled out so many immortal stones for us to practice?" Said the monks one after another.

One billion.

Even if it's a force like Yunxiao palace, it can't be taken out casually?

"For the sake of safety, my sub body will keep an eye on this place all the time. If I find out that there is intentional disturbance, don't blame me for being rude." Ye Hao glanced at the whole audience and said faintly.

The tens of thousands of monks don't think Ye Hao is joking.

With Ye Hao's identity and status, even if they are killed, the family behind them dare not say words of revenge.

Who dares?

Ye Hao is now the most popular existence of quadruple sky.

Then Ye Hao's figure disappeared in place.

When Ye Hao appeared again, he was already in xiaotiandi.

"Mr. Ye." After seeing Ye Hao, Su Yifei, Ji Xiaotian, Ji Shilan and angel saluted in a hurry.

The four were sent to xiaotiandi by Ye Hao just now.

"This is a place I've opened up for you alone." Ye Hao looked at Su Yifei and said, "you will practice here for the next three years, and I will come over to answer your doubts in practice."

When Ye Hao waved his hand, hundreds of ancient books appeared in front of them.

"These skills are all at the level of immortal master." Ye Hao said slowly, "angel, Ji Xiaotian, Ji Shilan, each of you chooses two skills."

Two skills, one attack, one defense.

Hearing Ye Hao say so, angel's three faces all showed the color of surprise.

Especially Ji Shilan.

She always thought Ye Hao didn't want to see her?

In fact, the immortal master level skills recorded in Ye Hao's vision are all excellent.

At the time of Angie's screening, Su Yifei bit her lip and asked, "can I choose?"

"With your potential, you can step into the realm of immortal master. Therefore, I have prepared the skill of immortal level for you." Ye Hao said with a smile.

"It will be hundreds of years before I set foot in the immortal kingdom." Su Yifei is very clear about her qualifications.

"In three years, I'll make you step on the immortal Lord." Ye Hao looks at Su Yifei.

"Three years?" Su Yifei said in surprise.

"In fact, I can promote you to the realm of immortal Lord at any time, but I want you to polish every realm carefully." Ye Hao nodded his head and said, "in a hundred years, you have no problem stepping on the immortal statue."

"Xianzun?" Su Yifei's eyes widened.

Ji Shilan and angel look at Su Yifei's face.

Originally, they still felt that they had been greatly lucky.

But compared with Su Yifei, they are not so good.

"Mr. Ye, can I be a master of immortals?" Angel asked cautiously.

"It's hard." Ye Hao took a look and shook his head.

Angel's little face suddenly collapsed.

"But I can assure you that after you come out of here, you will set foot in the realm of immortal Lord." Ye Hao immediately said.

With the resources controlled by Ye Hao, not to mention creating an immortal master, there is no difficulty in creating an immortal statue.

"In three years I'll be the Lord of the gods?" Angel's face was full of wonder.


"I'll be able to tear up the space then?""Yes."

"I'll be a master at that time, too?"


"Wow." Angel exclaimed excitedly.

Looking at angel's happy appearance, Ye Hao said with a smile, "what I can guarantee is that you can reach the immortal master before you go out. As for how far you can go in the immortal master's territory, it depends on yourself."

"What do you mean?" Angie forced herself to calm down.

Listen to Ye Hao's meaning, can you go far in the immortal kingdom?

"It's no problem if you want to go further by grinding every realm carefully." Ye Hao said with a light smile, "to give you a simple example, the elixirs I give you are all the best."

"The best elixir?" Angie was taken aback.

"Sanpin pill contains a lot of erysipelas, so few friars dare to take it; the second grade pill contains relatively few toxins, but after taking it, it will affect the foundation; the first grade pill contains not much toxin, which can be said to have little impact on the foundation; and the best grade pill does not have any erysipelas, which will not have any impact on the foundation." Ye Hao said lightly.

"Mr. Ye, I want to know why Tianjiao hardly uses the elixir to improve his cultivation?" Su Yifei suddenly thought of something.

"Let's talk about the realm of xianzun." Ye Hao looked at Su Yifei and said, "there are two ways to improve the realm. One is to take the elixir, the other is to carry the road. "

"Taking elixir won't affect your foundation, but it's not as powerful as carrying the road."

"Tianjiao, who is not arrogant? Who wants to be born weaker than others? "

Su Yifei thought for a moment and understood.

Tianjiao doesn't care spending more time.

Because they will be promoted sooner or later.

They will seriously Polish every realm and strive to be the strongest in each realm, otherwise they will fall down step by step.

Angie, they don't matter.

They don't have the appeal of Tianjiao.

It's enough to be able to practice.

"Here are three excellent pills for you." Ye Hao looked at angel Sanren and said, "after taking it, you can raise a level unconditionally, and then you can practice the magic power you have just chosen." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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