"Yifei, follow me." Ye Hao then took Su Yifei to a courtyard.

"The next time you practice here." Ye Hao said here for a moment, "here is a tuotian Dan, you take it."

"Tuotian Dan?"

"Tuotian Dan can improve your talent and strengthen your blood."

Su Yifei's eyes lit up.

Enhance talent?

Since ancient times, all the treasures that can enhance talents are rare.

"It doesn't matter if you take this tuotian pill and set foot in the celestial realm." Ye Hao said slowly, "in addition, I'll send you a glazed fruit."

"Glazed fruit?" Su Yifei was surprised and said, "is it possible to condense the body of glass after taking it?"

"Not bad."

"This." Su Yifei is a little confused.

Is Ye Hao too kind to her?

"It won't be long before I leave quadruple." Ye Hao looked at Su Yifei and said, "so before leaving, I'll send you a piece of fortune. It's so simple."

Ye Hao is very frank.

Su Yifei thought about it for a while and then respectfully saluted Ye Hao and said, "thank you very much."

Ye Hao accepted.

"Remember what I said to you?"

"You mean introducing me to a big man?"

Ye Hao nodded. "Luo Fu has followed me, so you can go to Xiaoyao Pavilion. Hua self pity will soon become the prince, and I can introduce you to her."

"Laurel holy land can also be."

"Yunxiao palace is no problem."

"Where you want to go, you want to."

Su Yifei is a little messy.

Which second-class force did Su Yifei want to follow before?

But now Ye Hao introduces all the top forces.

"I want to follow Hua's self pity." Su Yifei thought for a moment and then said.

There are also reasons why Su Yifei follows Hua's self pity.

Because the city of Su Yifei's family belongs to Donghua Dynasty.

Who doesn't want to shine?


It's no problem.

For Ye Hao, this is a matter of one sentence.

Ye Hao left xiaotiandi and went to the palace.

At the gate of the palace, the three princesses stood on the red carpet in full dress and waited quietly.

When she saw Ye Hao, she rushed to meet him.

"Mr. Ye." Hua self pity whispered.

"Three princesses." Ye Hao politely replied.

Hua self pity took Ye Hao to the royal garden.

But the nine people of Haoyue had already arrived.

At this time, a middle-aged man in a Dragon Robe said with a smile, "Mr. Ye."

"Lord Hua." Ye Hao bowed his hands.

Emperor Donghua personally invited Ye Hao to his seat.

After taking his seat, the emperor of Donghua took out the space crystal and gave it to the fourth to ninth refiners.

No. 10's eyes were straight at the sight.

One million won't buy a single crystal.

What the tenth place didn't know was that the fourth and ninth place were also broken down.

They did get space crystals.

But can space crystal compare with the benefits of the top three?

Say Ye Hao!

How much benefit did Ye Hao get last night?

All the great forces have given precious gifts for the excellent disciples to practice for two more years.

Maybe they don't care about the gift of one or two forces?

The question is, is that one or two forces?

A year later, Chen closed the moon for a banquet.

At that time, Chen closed moon can also get the benefits of the major forces. Of course, the benefits of Chen closed moon will have to be halved, but even the half reduction is still an astronomical figure.

After the award was given out, the emperor of Donghua held a banquet to entertain them, and during the banquet, almost all the royal families of Donghua Dynasty appeared.

The royal family threw out the olive branch when they pushed the cup and changed the cup. Not to mention, there were two smelters on the spot to follow.

The three princesses are also soliciting.

But none of them followed.

Because they are all watching.

The three princesses are more powerful now, but how can they be strong again? After all, the prince has to be made by a man.

Will the new crown prince accommodate her?

Is this still an unknown number?

So considering this situation, who dares to follow?

Seeing the three Princess Hua's self pity and gloomy face, Ye Hao said with a smile, "how about I introduce you?"

"Who?" Hua's self pity brightened her eyes.

"Su Yifei."

"Su Yifei?" Hua self pity pondered for a while and said, "Su Yifei's strength seems not so good?""Su Yifei's current strength is not very good, but in the future, there will be no problem stepping into the immortal realm." Ye Hao said with a smile, "and Su Yifei can become a master of high-level weapons in the future."

"I'm afraid it will take a long time for Su Yifei to enter China?"

"In ten years, there will be no problem to set foot in the immortal realm." Ye Hao thought for a moment and then said.

"Ten years? Su Yifei is just a golden fairy now. " Hua looks at Ye Hao with self pity and doubt.

"If I want to, I can let Su Yifei surpass you in ten years?"

"I don't believe it." Hua's self pity really doesn't believe it.

Hua self pity is now the fourth level cultivation of xianzun.

Ten years later, Hua self pity is confident that he can step on the sixth floor of Xianwang.

"Do you want to make a bet?"

"What's your bet?"

"Can su Yifei surpass you in ten years

"What is the bet?"

"Cultivate Su Yifei well."

"Who are you, Su Yifei?"

"Just an ordinary friend?"

"Are you sure?"

"I'm sure." Ye Hao met Hua's self pity eyes and said, "if it's not an ordinary friend, will I let her follow you?"

"Good." Hua self pity nodded, "if you can let Su Yifei surpass me in ten years, then I will let Su Yifei be my right hand."

"Wait and see." Ye Hao said with a smile.

Ye Hao wanted Su Yifei to step by step.

Now it seems that Jane fan has to be more rough.

The supreme breakthrough pill!

After taking tuotian pill, Su Yifei is expected to step into xianzun state in the future, so Su Yifei will be able to set foot on the seventh level of xianzun if she takes the wushangpengjing pill.

The seventh floor of xianzun is higher than xianzun.

Of course, the consequence of taking the supreme breakthrough pill is that Su Yifei's cultivation in this life has been shaped.

The problem is that Su Yifei's own potential is not qualified to step on the seventh floor of xianzun.

This is a great creation!

Originally, Ye Hao didn't want to give Su Yifei the supreme breakthrough pill.

But now it has to be taken out.

After the banquet, the emperor of Donghua took Ye Hao and his party to the forbidden area of Donghua emperor.

Ye Hao had always wondered what the statue of time looked like before?

But when he saw the statue of time, he was stunned.

Clay figurine!

A clay figurine with dignity.

With floating dust in the left hand and daojuan in the right hand.

Sitting in a tight seat with no expression.

"Is this the statue of time?" Ye Hao asked.

"Not bad." Emperor Donghua said, "every 30 years, the scroll in the statue book will be opened. After opening, there will be a space crack, which only allows one monk to step on his feet."

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