"I have the eyes to see through the false." Poison star glanced at Lei Yichen and said, "I don't know what's in this stone, but I'm sure there's something good in it." Speaking of this, poison star continued, "if you don't want it, I can exchange it for something else."

"Break the eyes of delusion." Haoyue's face changed a little, "one of the ten eyes."

"Very good?" Sometimes Ye Hao is really Xiaobai. His questions make Haoyue doubt whether Ye Hao is really from the force of terror?

"Since ancient times, there have been ten eye techniques, one of which is the broken false eye." Haoyue explained.

"Do you know what the other nine eye techniques are?"

"The eyes of heaven, of butcher, of light, of darkness, of destruction, of life, of Lingjian, of stars, of seeing of micro."

"See the tiny eyes." When ye Haoyue hears this kind of heart haoshu.

If Ye Hao remembers correctly, Ye Hao seems to master this kind of eye skill.

When Ye Hao learned the array way from the array demon, he told Ye Hao that there was also a name called the eye of seeing the micro.

Be able to see the micro and deep things.

This is the ability to see micro eyes.

"To see the eyes of micro, this kind of eye technique has long been lost." The light voice of the bright moon.

Ye Hao launched his eyes without trace.

The next moment, Ye Hao saw green textures on the stone.

"What a strong breath of life." After seeing this, Ye Hao realized that there might be a medicinal herb in the stone.

But Ye Hao doesn't know exactly what the medicinal material is.

Ye Hao thought for a moment and then threw it to the poison star. "Can you give me something reliable?"

"Here you are." Poison star angrily throws a medicinal material to Ye Hao.

After Ye Hao caught the herbs, he smelled the strong fragrance of medicine.

This smell of medicine has made Ye Hao's accomplishments subtle and advanced.

"Great medicine." Ye Hao was surprised.

"Are you satisfied with this one hundred thousand year old drug?" Poison star looks at Ye Hao.

"Let's go." Ye Hao waved.

Poison star snorted coldly, turned and left.

"Mr. Ye, I don't know if you can sell me this great medicine?" Hua Qiusheng said immediately.

The reason why Hua Qiusheng opened his mouth was that he thought this medicinal material was useful to him.

"Hua Xian Wang, do you think I am a person who lacks immortal stones?" Ye Hao said faintly.

Hua Qiusheng laughed bitterly.

Ye Hao is short of money?

Are you kidding?

However, Hua Qiusheng immediately thought of another thing, "Mr. Ye, dog, he --"

Ye Hao looked at Hua Rongguang and said, "it's hard to recover the cultivation and appearance of this life." Hua Rongguang's toxin was absorbed by poison star, but his body was still injured.

"No way?"

"Want to restore refining a high-level beauty pill can." Ye Hao said lightly, "and this level of Yang Yan Dan needs ten grade Dan division to refine."

"Ten Dan masters?" Hua Qiusheng could not help but feel relieved.

Ten grade Dan master can still be found.

"What about cultivation?"

Ye Hao did not speak.

Hua Qiusheng's face suddenly became ugly.

He slapped on Hua Rongguang's face and yelled, "let you do it."

Hua Rongguang is also very aggrieved.

Who could have thought that poison stars could be easily provoked?

"Dad, I don't want to be a loser."

Hua Qiusheng turned and left here.

"Mr. Ye." Hua Rongguang's face turned pale when he saw his father leave. Then Hua Rongguang seemed to think of something. He knelt down in front of Ye Hao and said, "please, help me."

Ye Hao threw a jade bottle in front of Hua Rongguang.

"I'll save you once for all your efforts to deal with Yinsha Pavilion."

"Thank you, Mr. Ye." Hua Rongguang was very happy.

"Never feel that you are more than yourself. You should know that there are many monks who are stronger than you in the world." Ye Hao turned around and left.

Hua Rongguang looked at Ye Hao's back and murmured, "no, no more."

Hua Rongguang really dare not.

He almost killed Ye Hao before, but now he has almost no damage. Where does Hua Rongguang dare to pretend?

When Ye Hao comes to the sky, a kind voice rings in Ye Hao's ears.

"Are you Ye Hao?"

Ye Hao looked at the old woman with white hair and nodded slightly.

"Ye Hao has met my predecessors."

The old woman with white hair is the founder of Yunxiao palace. Her accomplishments have reached the second level of demigod.This kind of cultivation is extremely terrible, because if she uses forbidden skills, her strength may step into the third state.

The old woman with white hair looked at Ye Hao and said, "are you married?"

"I have a wife." Ye Hao said calmly.

"What a pity." Hearing Ye Hao say that he has a wife, the white haired old woman's eyes show regret.

The old lady with white hair wants to introduce Haoyue to Ye Hao.

"Ye Hao is one of the demons. What do you mean by this name?" Lonely this time said.

"Yunxiao palace can't afford to lose this man." The old woman with white hair shook her head.

It's OK to marry an old woman with white hair. But if you are a concubine, you will lose your value.

"You can't look up to the cloud palace. We want the laurel holy land." At this time, an old figure appeared opposite Ye Hao. The figure's skin was dry and had no much luster. It looked like bark.

"Ye Hao has met my predecessors." Ye Hao knows that this is laurel, the patron saint of laurel holy land.

Laurel tree looked at Ye Hao with a smile and said, "closed moon, the girl you know, has not been known for a day or two. Your talent for refining tools must be clear to you. Having her around you can save you a lot of mental effort."

As soon as Ye Hao was about to speak, laurel continued, "and the reason why I betrothed the closed moon to you is because you have seen her body. Don't tell me you don't want to be responsible."

Ye Hao was speechless in this sentence of laurel tree.

Because Ye Hao did see Chen Xiuyue's body.

"Our laurel Holy Land women will only love one person in their life." Laurel tree then said, "you see the body of the closed moon, you have to marry her? Or she'll be alone for the rest of her life. "

After a pause, laurel continued, "do you have the heart to watch her die alone?"

"Master, this, I think it's better to consult the closed moon?"

"Closed moon has agreed."


"We laurel Holy Land women, life and death matters are small, break up a big matter." Laurel tree said lightly, "otherwise, you think you take out those things, why would closed moon compromise? Is this how the virgin of laurel holy land has no insight? "

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