"Ye Hao, do you have the heart to throw Chen closed moon into the arms of others?" Lonely with a smile.

Can you bear it?

Can't bear it?

Chen closed moon is worthy of Ye Hao both in appearance and in cultivation.

What's more, Ye Hao has seen Chen closed moon's body!

"Give me some time." Ye Hao looks at laurel tree road.

"Need time to adapt?" Laurel tree speechless said, "like is like, which so many things?"

Ye Hao responded with a bitter smile.

"I asked you if you had any feelings about the closed moon?"

Ye Hao was silent. After a moment, he said, "yes."

How could it not be?

Do Ye Hao still remember the beautiful carcass of Chen closed moon?

"That's settled." Laurel said, "when you come out of the statue of time, I'll give you a wedding."

"So, or do you have to wait a little longer?" Ye Hao shook his head.

"Why?" Laurel tree frowns.

"I want to talk about marriage after I find my parents." Ye Hao looked at the laurel tree and said, "after all, marriage is such a thing that parents don't show up and are not formal."

"Where are your parents?"

"I don't know." Ye Hao said softly, "I have searched most of the regions for the first, second, third, fourth and Ninth Heaven." Ye Hao can sweep more than 90% of the territory with the spirit of Immortal King.

Unless Ye Hao did not rush to investigate some of the major gates and some Jedi.

"So you're going to wuchongtian?"


"Can I help you?"


Laurel tree heard here pondered for a while and then said, "that engagement is OK?"

"No problem."

"That's good."

"Congratulations." Lonely congratulates Ye Hao.

Ye Hao smiles shyly.

The old woman with white hair felt uncomfortable.

Immediately she turned and left.

Laurel tree and Ye Hao exchanged greetings and then left.

At this time, Ye Hao and loneliness were left in the sky.

"Master, you can practice in my space ring." Ye Hao said.

"If you enter your space ring, there will be more causality with you." Lonely pondered for a while and then said.

"No harm." Ye Hao doesn't care about Tao.

"If you get along with each other day and night, you will surely be infected with cause and effect." Loneliness or rejection.

"In this case, I'll help my predecessors to restore their roots." Ye Hao started the power of time given to him by the way of heaven. The next moment Ye Hao and loneliness appeared in a void space-time.

At this time, Ye Hao used the finger of life.

Lonely feeling the source of the body's continuous recovery, eyes flowing with surprise color.

"I didn't expect you to be so lucky." Loneliness can't be without surprise.

Originally, loneliness felt that it was impossible for him to recover without ten or eight years.

Ten years and eight years is nothing to a demigod like loneliness.

But according to the current situation, we can recover in less than half a month.

Ye Hao smiles and calls out the monument.

"In the next half a month, you can feel one or two things."

Lonely nodded.

This tablet is really useful for loneliness.

Whether it is to practice the death Sutra in the Sutra of life and death or to continue on one's own road, one needs to use Taoist tablets.

It has been proved that Ye Hao's ability of the finger of life is improved with the improvement of Ye Hao's cultivation.

Ye Hao originally planned to take half a month to make up for his loneliness, but in fact it took only 12 days to make up for his loneliness. And in the first time to make up for the origin, loneliness is about to leave this time and space, because loneliness is clear that Ye Hao uses the power of time given by the way of heaven.

This kind of thing is too precious.

Waste is not worth it here.

"Here you are." Lonely handed the tablet to Ye Hao, "when you come out of the statue of time, give it to me."

"Master, how much fortune do you have?" Ye Hao pondered for a moment and then asked.

"Eighty six thousand." Lonely mouth.

"Do you know how much I have?" Ye Hao asked with a smile.

"Thirty thousand?"

Ye Hao shakes his head!

"Forty thousand?"

Ye Hao still shakes his head!

"Don't tell me you have 50000 now?" I feel so lonely.

Loneliness does not deny that Ye Hao will surpass himself in the future.

The question is, what is Ye Hao's state now?

Ye Hao did not answer, but his whole body was full of light of creation.

"30000-40000-50000-60000." When he saw that the light of nature from Ye Hao broke through 60000 years, his lonely face showed an incredible look.It's amazing.

How could there be so much creation in the immortal realm?

It's totally out of the ordinary sense?

But what makes loneliness more shocking is still behind.

Seventy thousand!


Ninety thousand!

Ye Hao's creation easily surpasses that of loneliness itself, and continues to soar at a more rapid speed.




Lonely some confused!

Isn't the limit of nature 18000?

Why can Ye Hao break this limit?



When the light of nature reached 140000, loneliness noticed that Ye Hao had forced to restrain nature.

"140000 is not the end yet?" Loneliness suddenly came to me.

"No Ye Hao said in a low voice, "how much light do I have in the end? To be honest, I don't know." After a pause, Ye Hao looked at loneliness and said, "master, can you safely enter my space magic weapon now?"

"All right." Lonely thought for a moment and then nodded.

As loneliness enters the ring in Ye Hao's hand, Ye Hao tears the space and comes to Zuixian building.

After seeing Ye Hao, LV Meng rushed to meet him.

Ye Hao exchanged greetings with LV Meng and then looked at Luo Fu.

Luo Fu handed a brocade box.

Lu Meng's eyes swept and his face suddenly changed.

"The best war sword."

"Such a strong fluctuation should reach ten grades?"

"Why are there so many inscriptions on this sword?"

"These inscriptions are inherited inscriptions!"

"As long as you understand it, it will dissipate."

"What ye gave to LV Meng was not only a ten grade sword, but also a broad road leading to the ten grade weapon refiners."

"It's a great favor."

The smelters around saw this scene and looked at LV Meng with envy.

LV Meng put away the sword and saluted Ye Hao respectfully, "Lvmeng thanks Ye Gongzi."

Ye Haoran accepted.

"Mr. Ye, please." LV Meng then personally took Ye Hao to the VIP seat.

After Ye Hao took his seat, the monks around him said hello to him one after another.

Ye Hao responded with a smile.

After a short time, Ye Hao saw that Chen closed moon also came to his table.

Chen Xiuyue sits by Ye Hao's side.

"Closed moon, what's wrong with you?" Luo Fu has a wonderful way.

Chen closed the month secretly looked at Ye Hao, immediately dropped his head.

Luo Fu looked at Ye Hao suspiciously and asked, "childe, what happened to the closed moon?"

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