Luo Fu was not qualified to shout the word "closed moon" directly before.

However, with Luo Fu's fighting power stepping into the giant, the two sides are on equal footing.

"I don't know." Ye Hao looked at Chen closed month and said with a smile.

Ye Hao just said this sentence, his feet were severely trampled on.

Ye Hao could not help grinning.

No one will always run the whole body, so Chen closed moon's foot is really painful.

Ye Hao just want to say what to see Chen closed moon if autumn water like eyes showed a little worried color.

Ye Hao was stunned.

Immediately realized that the reason why Chen closed moon showed this look was that she was worried that Ye Hao would be bored by her actions just now.

Ye Hao held Chen closed Yue's feet in silence.

Chen closed the moon can't help but stare big eyes.

She struggled.

But no matter how hard you struggle, you can't pull it out.

"Apprentice." Chen closed the month to pass on a voice to scold a way.

"Ha ha ha, if I were a disciple, what were you just now?"

"You, you, you."

"Do you have time later?"

Hearing Ye Hao's question, Chen closed Yue's little heart popped up, "what do you want to do?"

"Want to make an appointment with you?"

"Who's going out with you?" Chen closed the moon sound like a mosquito ant path.

Ye Hao didn't tease Chen closed moon any more. Instead, he released her jade feet and looked at Luo Fu beside him. "Luo Fu, let's go after three rounds of wine."


"There's one thing I have to tell you."

"About the closed moon?"

"How do you know?"

Luo Fu glanced at Ye Hao and said, "it's obvious. Do you think I'm stupid?"

"Well, I'll take closed moon shopping later, and I'll take you next time."

"Good." Luo Fu nodded, and the warm current surged in his heart.

Luo Fu always knew his identity.


But Ye Hao never regarded her as a maid.

A lot of things are discussed with her.

After three rounds of drinking, Ye Hao left.

But just after Ye Hao left, Chen closed the moon to leave immediately.

Haoyue looks at Chen closed moon's leaving figure, and immediately stands up to say goodbye to LV Meng.

When walking out of Zuixian building, Haoyue sees Chen closed moon and Ye Hao shoulder to shoulder walking toward the distance. I don't know why she feels uncomfortable when she sees this scene.

As a monster of the Terran, Haoyue has a high spirit.

Even the giants are not in her eyes.

But Ye Hao walked into her heart.

Unfortunately, Ye Hao and she always maintain a certain distance, just when Haoyue wants to put down her body pursuit, this just found that someone has been the first.

Chen is very shy.

She kept her head down as if there was something beautiful on her feet.

Ye Hao asked with a smile, "I know your feet are very beautiful, but you can't always look at them like this?"

"Where are my shoes?"

"I saw it when you didn't have shoes on."

Chen closed the moon suddenly remembered Ye Hao's peeping into his affairs, and his ears became red. "Did you really break in carelessly at that time?"


"Do you think it's fate?"

"Yes." Ye Hao nodded his head and said, "fate is really wonderful."

"Do you like me?" Chen Xiuyue pondered for a moment and looked at Ye Hao.

"And you?" Ye Hao asked instead of answering.

"My body has been seen by you. Who will I marry if I don't marry you in my life?"

"Why do I think you are not willing to do so?"

"No matter from what point of view, you are my ideal husband." Chen Shuyue gently shook his head and said, "even you are more ideal than the husband I imagined."

After a pause, Chen closed moon looked at Ye Hao seriously and said, "my heart is also sweet, and my love is willing."

"After I have seen your body, it is impossible to say that there is no feeling." Ye Hao thought for a moment and then said, "and through these contacts, I also have some feelings for you."

"Go on."

"I've always felt that I'm a devoted person, but gradually I've found that it's not necessarily a good thing." Ye Hao considered the language and said, "I have the time and energy to accompany the woman I like and the woman I like."

"I have feelings for you, and you like me." Ye Hao said here and took Chen closed moon's hand, "I think we can be together."

Chen closed the month by Ye Hao to hold a small hand, instinctively struggled for a while.

But soon gave up the struggle.

"Will you marry me"Yes."

"I'm sure you won't let me down."

"Are you not confident in yourself?"

"Here you are." Chen closed month handed Ye Hao a brocade box.

"What is this?" Ye Hao went over and saw a wooden figure in the brocade box.

"For the dead puppet." Chen closed the moon light voice way.

"For the dead puppet?" Ye Hao was not surprised.

"After you refine this puppet, you can help you die once."

"You'd better keep it." Ye Hao said he would return it to Chen Xiuyue.

"I already have a puppet in my body." Chen closed the month said and took out a puppet to show Ye Hao.

Ye Hao thought about it and took it.

Immediately Ye Hao handed Chen closed moon a pet egg.

Looking at the war pet eggs in his hand, Chen closed moon asked curiously, "is this war pet egg?"

Ye Hao nods.

"What kind of pet is this?" As soon as Chen closed Moon said this, a middle-aged man came up. The middle-aged man looked at the war pet egg suspiciously. After a breath, he looked at Chen closed moon and asked, "can you show me your war pet egg?"

"No Ye Hao replied.

"The mark on this pet egg seems to be a celestial beast."

Ye Hao looked at the middle-aged in dismay and said, "it seems that you have a lot of research on war pet eggs."

"It's really a heavenly beast." The middle-aged man's guess was confirmed.

"Tianxuan beast?" Chen closed the moon surprised way, "what level of Tianxuan beast?"

"The blood of Tianxuan beast in your hand belongs to the top." Ye Hao said in a low voice, "there will be no problem stepping into the high rank of Xianwang in the future."

"Fairy king high rank?" Chen Xiuyue was stunned.

The existence of this level, even if it is the laurel palace, is not much!

It can be expected that once Tianxuan beast grows up, it will become its right arm.

"Can you sell it to me?" The middle-aged man said with burning eyes.

"Who do you think will sell Tianxuan beast?" Chen Xiuyue thinks that this middle-aged person is a bit silly.

Fairy King's high-level war pet!

Who would be stupid to sell?

The middle-aged thought for a moment and then said, "I can give you an Immortal King's mid-level war pet. The war pet I sent you is already an adult."

"I'm not rare for an adult." How could Chen closed moon be rare?

What about adult war pets?

In terms of value, it can't be compared with the pet given by Ye Hao? , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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