"Strong news, ye Tian was punished by heaven."

"Ye Tian, that is Ye Hao."

"Ye Hao?"

"Ye Tian's identity has been stripped out. This is Ye Hao who pushed the younger generation in jiuchongtian."

"Jiuchongtian? Isn't it true that the monks of the Ninth Heaven will be restricted by the way of heaven when they come to the fourth heaven? "

"Ye Hao comes from yichongtian."

"One heaven pushing nine heavens? Are you sure you're not teasing me? "

"What if I told you that Ye Hao was still the master of the three main pavilions, namely, the general Pavilion of the triple heavenly array Road, the main Pavilion of the Dan Road and the general Pavilion of refining utensils?"

"If you get to know Ye Hao's resume, you will understand how amazing he is."

"The martial arts are unparalleled, the way of elixir is unparalleled, the way of utensils is extremely high, and the way of array is invincible."

"I wonder how this one did it?"

"If you want to know how this man did it, ask him?"

"I dare not. Even if Ye Hao's cultivation is abolished, it's not something that we can touch? "

"I have a premonition that there will be friars attacking Ye Hao."

"That's for sure."

When all the monks of the four times heaven were discussing Ye Hao, a young girl in the residence of the third princess angrily said, "who on earth disclosed the identity of the childe?"

"Only those who know the identity of Mr. Ye." Hua self pity deep voice said.

It was not long ago that Hua self pity knew Ye Hao's identity.

When she knew the identity of Ye Hao, she understood why Ye Hao didn't care about the identity of her three princesses.

Need to care?

No need!

"Yin family, Tang family, laurel holy land, Yunxiao palace, Donghua imperial court and Zuixian tower." Luo Fu said slowly, "Donghua imperial court can't be disclosed, and Yunxiao palace will not leak. Zuixian building is not so brave, so only Yin family, Tang family and laurel holy land will be leaked."

"I don't think the possibility of leakage of laurel shrine is very low." Hua self pity thought for a moment and then said, "laurel Holy Land proposed to terminate the engagement, and its reputation has been damaged. At this time, what they have to do is to hibernate, rather than make an article on Mr. Ye's body. And childe ye had conflicts with the Tang family and the Yin family. At this time, it is not impossible for these two families to fall into trouble. "

"Does it not rule out that the senior officials of laurel Holy Land covet the magic power and unique skills of the young master?" Luo Fu said this is pure evil feeling to laurel holy land.

"It doesn't matter who comes out." Then a figure came from a distance.

Seeing this figure, Luo Fu rushed to meet him.

"How are you, young master?"

"What can I do for you?" Ye Hao stretched out a stretch and said, "how many hours did I sleep?"

"Four hours." Luo Fu returned.

"Four hours?" Ye Hao touched his stomach and said, "go, go out and have a look."

"To where?"

"Zuixian tower." When Ye Hao just said this, he thought of something, "the food in the number one restaurant is too high. I can't consume it now. It's better to go to the champion building! It seems that the grade of the number one scholar building is also high. " After thinking for a while, Ye Hao looked at Hua and said, "three princesses, would you recommend a place?"

"I really know a place." The third princess said with a smile.

Others despise Ye Hao.

But the third princess will not.

Because she knew that Ye Hao's cultivation in an instant recovered from the first level of body cultivation to the early stage of Zhenxian.

She knew how far away it was from the fairyland.

But Ye Hao didn't recover immediately. Maybe he didn't want to upgrade too much at one time. Of course, it may be that Ye Hao has no time crystal.

There is no time for the crystal to recover quickly.

But Ye Hao's appearance doesn't look like a crystal stone without time?

Pretending to be mysterious?

Hua self pity did not see a trace of feigned mystery in Ye Hao's body.

At this time, the space split and a figure appeared beside Ye Hao.

Who is not Hua Pengcheng?

"Grandfather." Hua self pity hastily saluted.

"I took it out of the Treasury." Hua Pengcheng opened his hand as he spoke.

Ye Hao took a look, and his eyes were full of surprise.

"Time crystal."

"This is all the treasures in the Treasury." Hua Pengcheng said in a deep voice, "I hope I can help you one or two."

Thank you very much When Ye Hao said this, he pushed it back.

Ye Hao can see at a glance that each of the three time crystals contains half a year's time.

That is to say, Ye Hao can get a year and a half by taking these three time crystals.

I have to say that this is a great gift.

"You don't need it?" Hua Pengcheng was astonished.

Of course, it can not be all the treasures of Donghua Dynasty.

But there are only five time crystals in the Treasury."Time crystal I have." Ye Hao said that his mind moved, and ten time crystals appeared in front of him. The difference is that the fluctuation of the ten crystal stones blooming by Ye Hao is more terrible than that of Hua Pengcheng.

Hua Pengcheng couldn't help but stare at his eyes and said, "is the time contained in these ten crystals all one year?"

Ye Hao nods.

"Then why don't you use it?"

"I want to feel it and then improve." Ye Hao calmly said, "there is no need to anxiously promote ah."

"All right." Hua Pengcheng said and put away the three time crystals.

Ye Hao casually took out ten time crystals.

Who can guarantee that there is no other crystal in this man's hand?

No one can guarantee it!

But even these ten will add ten years to Ye Hao's life!

"I won't disturb you." Hua Pengcheng also simply said to go.

In the study of emperor Donghua.

After Hua Pengcheng appeared here, the emperor of Donghua asked, "what do you want to say?"

"Ye Hao casually took out ten time crystals. Do you think it's really Ye Hao's accumulation over the years?" Hua Pengcheng looks at the main road of Donghua emperor.

"What do you mean?" Emperor Donghua's face changed.

"Maybe you didn't notice that the appearance of the statue of time was not very clear." Hua Pengcheng said in a deep voice, "this is a sign of the intense consumption of the origin of the statue of time."

"You mean it has something to do with Ye Hao?"

"Ye Hao said that what he did was against the heaven." Hua Pengcheng pondered for a while and said, "this thing against the sky may be related to the statue of time. I have a guess in my heart, and if it turns out to be true, it will be amazing

"What guess?" The heart of the emperor Donghua trembled.

"The statue of time is related to time, so Ye Hao said that it is against the heaven."

"It's impossible." The emperor of Donghua denied it even if he didn't want to.

"Evil cannot be described by common sense." Hua Pengcheng said leisurely, "in short, it is necessary to make friends with Ye Hao."


Hua self pity takes Ye Hao and Luo Fu to a dirty restaurant.

To Ye Hao's surprise, there are many customers in this small restaurant.

"Boss, is my box still there?" Hua self pity asked.

Smell speech a lame middle-aged grin way, "as long as my shop is still open, your box will always be in."

"Lame, didn't you say there was no box?" At this time, a bearded man in the hall stood up angrily with a slap on the table.

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