Smell speech lame middle-aged grin way, "this box is not open to the public."

"Not open to the outside world?" The bearded man drew out his machete and gently sent him into the table. He looked at the lame middle-aged man with a ferocious face and said, "I didn't hear you clearly."

The lame middle-aged man walked to the table of the big man. A pair of palm full of cocoons rubbed the machete, "is this machete made of quicksand gold?"

"My machete is made of fine quicksand gold." Qiu Xu said haughtily, "this machete cost 3000 pieces of immortal stone."

"Three thousand pieces of fairy stone?" Smell speech lame middle-aged slightly shook his head a way, "you this machete uses ordinary quicksand gold, on the value of a thousand immortal stones are some more."

When Qiu Xu was about to scold, he heard a click.

It's like something's broken.

Along with the sound, Qiuxu saw a frightening scene.

He spent a lot of money to buy the body of the machete appeared cracks, and when the cracks to a certain extent, it suddenly broke.

Looking at the scraps of the machete on a table, the hands and feet of the big man with curly beard are cold, and his whole body is shaking like chaff when he is lame.

"It was broken by accident." Lame middle-aged smile said, "do you want me to compensate?"

"No - no need." Where does Qiu Xu dare to make compensation?

He knew that it was impossible for him to break his machete without Jinxian's five turn cultivation, and he could not break his machete without Jinxian's seven or eight turns.

And the golden immortal with nine turns is qualified to step into the immortal master's realm.

Qiu Xu middle-aged did not think that the boss of a small wine shop would be such a master in any case.

"How can you compensate me?" The lame middle-aged pointed to the broken table and said, "this table I want a hundred grade immortal stone is not too much?"

Isn't that too much?

That's too much, OK?

This table is just a common table in the secular world. Can you buy thousands of them for a lower grade immortal stone?

However, Qiu Xu Han nodded, "not too much."

"You are here yelling and affecting my guests. I want you to have three hundred pieces of fairy stone, right?"

"Not too much." Qiu Xu's middle-aged heart is dripping blood, but he has to cooperate to say too much.

"You have run into this distinguished guest. Can't I ask you to have 500 medium grade immortal stones?" Qiu Xu middle-aged pointed to China and felt sorry for himself.

"Not too much." Qiu Xu middle-aged said this sentence, his eyes showed the color of pleading.

He has saved more than 1000 pieces of high-grade immortal stones these years.

That's it.

Most of them.

"Take out nine hundred fairy stones, pay for the meal, and get out." Limp middle-aged light way.

Qiu Xu middle-aged, if granted amnesty, took out nine hundred fairy stones, and then put down twelve fairy stones, which left the wine shop in a hurry.

"Miss." The lame middle-aged came to China's self pity and saluted respectfully.

Hua self pity looked at the lame middle-aged appearance and sighed, "follow me back to the house."

The lame middle-aged shook his head and said, "I think this kind of life is very good."

Looking at the limp middle-aged firm look, Hua self pity want to say what, finally or shake his head.

"Go to the box."

The middle-aged lame limped in front of the road.

Pushing open the door of the box, Ye Hao was stunned.

It is because the decoration of this box is too luxurious, which is incompatible with the shabby restaurant.

"Bring all the best dishes in your restaurant." Hua felt sorry for himself.

"Just a moment." The lame middle-aged said and bowed away.

When the lame middle-aged left, Hua self pity said, "he is Shiyuan, my bodyguard commander."

"Why is it like this?" Ye Hao asked.

"Once, when I was out for a visit, I was sniped by hundreds of killers." Hua self pity said that there was a trace of pain in his eyes. "In order to protect me, all of my 11 bodyguards fell down. Commander Ishihara used forbidden techniques to protect me. But after the war, Ishihara's spiritual cultivation regressed, and his body suffered irreversible damage. Over the years, I have found many Dan masters for commander Shiyuan, but none of them can solve his problems. "

"A hundred years ago, commander Ishihara left the princess's house, came to this street and opened a wine shop."

Hearing this, Ye Hao understood the cause and effect.

Nine or six points are forbidden.

Like caiqilin, the sequelae of the ban is not as obvious as Ishihara.

What's more, Shiyuan was forbidden to use the technique in succession.

"I have a patchwork pill here." Ye Hao just said here, Ishihara pushed the door and came in with a tray in his hand. There were three dishes of cold dishes on the tray.

"Tonic pill?" Hua self pity face can not help but change, "I heard that fill the lack of Dan only ten grade Zun Dan division can refine.""Well."

"And if you want to be effective, you can only have a tonic pill!" When Hua self pity said this sentence, his breath became short.

"The tonic pill in my hand is the best." Ye Hao said faintly.

After Hua self pity took over, Shen Nian swept and said, "Shiyuan, can you recover from your injury?"

"What?" Shiyuan a Zheng, immediately wry smile, "Miss, these years I have recognized life."

"Ishihara, do you know who this is in front of you?" Hua self pity heard Shi Yuan say this and realized that Shiyuan didn't believe what he had in his hand was the best remedy.

Shi Yuan looked at Ye Hao carefully.

Looking at Ishihara's face changed.

"Is this Ye Hao, the evil spirit of jiuchongtian?" Ishihara startled.

"Since you know that this is Ye Hao, the son of jiuchongtian, then you should know that ye is the twelve grade noble Dan master." Hua self pity said with a smile.

Shiyuan's eyes immediately moved to the jade bottle in Hua's self pity hands.

He realized that the elixir in the jade bottle could make him recover.

"Take it." Hua self pity stood up and handed the jade bottle to Shiyuan.

Ishihara took the jade vase with shaking hands.

After pouring out the elixir, I immediately saw the mysterious pattern on the elixir.

The best elixir!

This is the symbol of the best elixir.

Shiyuan with the heart of fear under this elixir.

As soon as the elixir entered Shiyuan's body, it turned into a rolling spiritual power, which ran wildly in his body like a runaway wild horse. At the same time, Shiyuan felt that his original power was rapidly recovering.

After a quarter of an hour later, Ishihara noticed that the elixir in his body no longer released its power. At this time, Ishihara found that the elixir was three quarters the size of the previous one.

"The source should be supplemented step by step." Ye Hao looked at Shiyuan and said faintly, "within a month, this elixir will make up for your origin."

"Thank you, Mr. Ye." Shi Yuan made a big ceremony to Ye Hao. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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