Ye Hao calmly accepted Shiyuan's salute.

Then he threw a jade bottle towards Ishihara.

"The jade bottle is a perfect healing pill." Ye Hao said faintly, "enough to cure the injury on your body."

Hearing this, Shiyuan's eyes showed the color of ecstasy.

"Thank you, Mr. Ye." The recovery of Shiyuan's origin does not mean that Ishihara has recovered his peak combat power, because he still has irreversible injuries.

Ye Hao nodded lightly.

After Shi Yuan took the healing pill, he felt his injury recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In this way, a quarter of an hour later, Ishihara found that his limp slightly had some feelings.

Shiyuan expressed his thanks to Ye Hao again and then left.

It's not something you can do in a while and a half.

When Ishihara was cooking in the kitchen, he heard a loud noise.

"Ye Hao, that trash is eating here?"

"I saw Ye Hao in a detailed work today."

"You shouldn't be here as Ye Hao, are you?"

"Ye Hao's accomplishments have been cut off. If you don't come here, where can you come? Does he dare to enter high-end places? Any glass of water in it can burst him


"Who would have thought that the once brilliant evil spirits would fall into this field?"

Ishihara heard this and came out.

The next moment his face changed.

Because there are dozens of figures in the restaurant, and the leading figures are all famous Tianjiao.

"Hegang of Yifeng villa."

"Master Tang Ming of the Tang family."

"Master Yin Quan of the Yin family."

"Do these three families have a grudge against Ye Hao?"

"Is this a trial?"


Hegang glanced at Shiyuan and said coldly, "which box is Ye Hao in?"

"What do you want to do with Mr. Ye?"

"Mr. Ye?" Hegang's eyebrows a pick way, "it seems that you are very respectful to that waste?"

Hegang has a reason to hate Ye Hao.

Ye Hao refused to rescue him after he was poisoned.

Indirectly led to the complete fall.

At that time, Yifeng villa had been investigating Ye Hao's identity after knowing about it. As time went on, they felt that Ye Hao's identity was terrible, and they gave up revenge after learning that Ye Hao had the identity of a demon. But who could have thought that Ye Hao had not been punished by heaven for a long time.

Yifeng villa felt the opportunity to revenge.

Therefore, Yifeng villa sent Hegang to explore.

If Ye Hao is hidden, he can put all the responsibility on Hegang.

"Mr. Ye is only temporarily out of power." Ishihara's cold voice.

"Temporary loss of power?" Hegang laughed and said, "do you know Ye Hao has been punished by heaven, and he can't practice in his life."

"It's just the grapevine." Ishihara didn't believe it.

Ye Hao is too confident.

This confidence comes from Ye Hao's heart.

How can a man with a strong heart be unable to practice in his whole life?

"If it's on the grapevine, why do you think Chen Xiuyue of Yuegui Holy Land quit marriage?" Tang Ming sneered, "you know, there are semi gods in Yuegui holy land. The semi gods must have checked Ye Hao's body. Now the laurel holy land has to divorce Ye Hao. The reason behind this is obvious.

Ishihara was silent.

"Get out of the way." Tang Ming continued.

"Mr. Ye is having dinner." Shiyuan stops Tang Ming.

"I think you're looking for death?" Tang Ming hits Shi Yuan with a fist.

Tang Ming has five levels of cultivation of xianzun.

What kind of power does his fist possess?

Even if this blow did not use all of its strength, it would have to be severely damaged if Ishihara did not die.

And Tang Ming really wanted to kill Shiyuan.

In order to test Ye Hao in the box.

Tang Ming doesn't believe Ye Hao in the box. He doesn't know what happened to the outside world.

Ishihara's pupil shrank.

Shiyuan's accomplishments at that time were the three levels of xianzun.

And now the fighting power is not even xianzunjing.

How can I resist Tang Ming's blow?

He wanted to move but couldn't move.

The only thing he can do now is to watch the blow in his heart.

At the critical moment, a flash of light passed away, the next moment Tang Ming issued a shrill cry of sound.

He staggered back a few steps, trembling all over, blood dripping down his fist and chest.

"What happened?"

"Tang Ming's fist and chest are penetrated.""It was run through by a chopstick."

"Who did it?"

When the monks around looked at each other, a woman in green came out.

"Luo Fu."

"Luofu in Xiaoyao Pavilion."

"Ye Hao's maid."

"Is Luo Fu's cultivation too strong?"

Tang Ming looked at Luo Fu and said, "Luo Fu, do you know what you are doing?"

"Insult childe, you die." As soon as Luo Fu's voice fell and waved his hand, Tang Ming's head was cut off and his neck was splashed with blood.

Seeing Tang Ming cut, Hegang and Yin Quan changed their faces.

Nobody thought that Luo Fu would kill Tang Ming in public.

Isn't Luo Fu worried about the Revenge of the Tang family?

"Now it's up to you two." Luo Fu looked at Yin Quan and Hegang in a cold voice.

"Luo Fu, I just want to see Mr. Ye." Hegang is in a hurry.

"What you said just now is still there?" As soon as Luo Fu's voice fell, the green front of three feet in his hand flashed, and a big good head of Hegang flew up in the sky, and the yuan God in his head was shattered just as he was about to escape.

Yan Quan's face became ugly, "Luo Fu, do you know that you have offended Yifeng villa and the Tang family now?"

"Then add another Yin family?" Luo Fu said and waved the three foot green front.

Luofu's accomplishments have reached the sixth floor of xianzun.

In addition, the combat power of Luofu has reached the giant.

You can kill them in seconds if you are not as good as yourself.

Seeing that Luo Fu was about to kill Yan Quan, a piece of jade on Yan Quan's neck burst out with a golden light, which turned into an indestructible barrier to block Luo Fu's attack. At the next moment, an old figure appeared in front of Luo Fu.

"You are brave enough to attack our Yan Family's Tianjiao?"

"Your Yin family is not timid." Luo Fu sneered, "is your Yin family qualified to test the truth and falsehood of the young master? Fourth heaven first family? Believe it or not, my son asked you to be removed from the four heaven? "

The old man frowned at Luo Fu's words.

He looked at Ye Hao in the box suspiciously. After a moment, he said slowly, "we Yan family never accept anyone's threat."

Speaking of this, the old man slapped down at Ye Hao.

Luo Fu's eyes narrowed.

The Yin family will not give up and try!

Ye Hao's expression did not change.

Just sitting quietly.

Seeing that the old man's palm was about to smash Ye Hao's box, a sword light cut through the sky and chopped the palms. At the same time, a figure in a gold robe came across the space and said, "Yin Jiarui, do you dare to attack my Xuan granddaughter? Are you going to start a war between the two forces? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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