Yin Jiarui looks suspiciously at the old man.

This old man is no one else.

It is Hua Pengcheng.

"Hua Pengcheng, are you sure you want to participate in this matter?" A moment later, Yin Jiarui said coldly.

"You haven't explained to me why you're taking pity on yourself?" Hua Pengcheng is asking Yin Jiarui.

Yin Jiarui noticed that Ye Hao was surrounded by Hua self pity.

"I didn't notice."

"Do you think I might believe your lies?" When Hua Pengcheng said this, he slapped Yin Quan in the golden light protection into pieces.

"Hua Pengcheng, what do you do?" Yin Jiarui roared angrily.

"I didn't notice." Hua Pengcheng said lightly.

"Are you my three-year-old?" Yin Jiarui points to Hua Pengcheng.

"Then you were just three years old." Hua Pengcheng's eyes showed a ferocious killing, "self pity, what identity you can't not be clear, but you still start to self pity? Even if the strength of my family is not as good as mine

Seeing things going out of control, the owner of the Yan family had to show up.

"I will give you a satisfactory answer to the matter just now."

Hua Pengcheng pondered for a moment and then said, "I'll wait."

After the Yin family leader left, Hua Pengcheng looked at Ye Hao and left.

"Is Hua Pengcheng showing up to protect Ye Hao?"

"I don't think it has much to do with Ye Hao, otherwise Hua Pengcheng could not have said a word to Ye Hao when he left."

"I also feel that Hua Pengcheng's appearance is purely due to Hua's self pity."

"Ye Hao should be really abandoned, otherwise it is impossible for the maid to show up."

"Yes, Ye Hao didn't show up from the beginning to the end, which is not consistent with Ye Hao's consistent style."

"Ye Hao should be alone now, or the group behind Ye Hao would have stood up just now when Yin Jiarui took action."

"I think I can do it."

"Ye Hao must have a lot of Scripture supernatural powers. If he can get one or two, he will benefit a lot in his life."

Hua Pengcheng's departure makes Donghua City undercurrent surging.

In the eyes of the wanton.

But Ye Hao ate and drank as if he were nothing.

After he was full of wine and food, Ye Hao got up and stood up.

Hua self pity stood up and said to Shi Yuan, "are things ready?"

"It's all packed up just now." Ishihara went back.

In fact, there is nothing to clean up at all.

It turns out that the restaurant here is just killing time.

With his status and position, many restaurants can not be opened.

"Let's go." Hua said with self pity.

When Ye Hao and his party of four just walked out of the restaurant, a young man in brocade stopped him.

"Do you remember me?"

Ye Hao glanced at the young man in brocade robe and said, "have you recovered from your injury?"

Wen Yanyue Qingtian's eyes showed a deep hatred, "you seem to be immersed in the glory of the past."

"And then?" Ye Hao said lightly.

"Today I want a shame." Yue Qingtian said that there was a long gun in his hand. On the spear, a golden dragon revolved around the body of the gun.

Luo Fu sneered, "you also have to have this opportunity."

"Your opponent is me." At this time, Yue Qingtian's side of a weak girl stood out.

Yue Zhixuan!

Luo Fu glanced at Yue Zhixuan and said, "if you dare, I will kill you."

"Do you think I'm scared?" Yue Zhixuan snorted coldly.

Luo Fu's body moved.

It disappeared in a flash.

When she appeared again, she had already appeared beside Yue Zhixuan. Her white hands were full of jade like luster.

Yue Zhixuan's pupil shrinks.

She can feel the power of Yue Zhixuan's attack.

The problem is that the rover is too fast.

Yue Zhixuan can't avoid her in a hurry!

Seeing that she was about to shoot on Yue Zhixuan, a terrifying mental force suddenly came.

Even though Luo Fu's body retreated rapidly, he was still bombarded.

Seeing Luo Fu's mouth flowing out a wisp of blood, Ye Hao's eyes showed a cold look.

"Who did it?" Ye Hao asked.

No one answered!

"I'll ask for the last time." The look in Ye Hao's eyes became more and more cold, "who gave the hand?"

"Ye Hao, do you think you are the same as you were then?" Yue Qingtian said with a cold smile.


Yue Qingtian's voice just fell, a sword light fell, and then an old figure fell powerlessly. People looked at it in horror and found that the figure had fallen."Isn't this a fairy king of the Tang family?"

"Who did it?"

"Ye Hao is really not everyone can test."

While the monks were talking, the three figures appeared in the air.

And these three figures all gush out the earth shaking waves.

Lonely Dan!

Jiang guanxuan!

Mu Tianye!

Ninety nine percent of the monks in triple heaven did not know these three.

But they know that the three came to support Ye Hao.

"The Yues are very brave." Lonely Dan coldly looked at Yue Qing Tian Dao, "really treat our Dandao Pavilion as a decoration."

"I'd like to see if your wife's family can block our three main pavilions?" Mu Tianye's eyes reveal a ferocious killing opportunity.

"We are not rivals of your three generals, but you dare not fight against us?" Yue Xinyan, hidden in the dark, appeared.

Yue Xinyan is very angry.

A fairy king of the Yue family fell down so easily.

"Because of the region, it is not convenient for us to start with your wife's family." Jiang guanxuan said faintly, "but your wife's family always comes to the triple heaven, right? Can you believe that we'll leave your wife's family nowhere

There is an unwritten rule among the major forces that they will share a common hatred for outsiders.

It is not convenient to send troops to the Yuejia family now.

But the Yues always come to the triple heaven, right?

Can the three general pavilions still give good fruit to the Yue family?

Yue Xinyan's face changed.

He ignored that.

The power of the three generals is very strong after they join hands.

Can't a Tang family resist it?

"Are you sure you want a waste to be your little cabinet master?" At this time, a gloomy voice sounded in the dark.

"It's up to us to decide." Jiang guanxuan's mind glanced around, but he did not find the one who spoke.

Jiang guanxuan suddenly realized that the other side's accomplishments were not under his own.

"Before we announced the removal of Ye Hao's status as a young cabinet leader, who is against Ye Hao is against our three general pavilions." Lonely Dan looked around and said in a deep voice.

Lonely Dan's words fell, and Ye Hao's look changed.

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