Lonely Dan's words seem to protect Ye Hao, but they also convey a deep meaning.

That is, the three general pavilions had such thoughts.

"Lonely Dan." Mu Tianye glanced at lonely Dan, and his eyebrows showed a trace of anger.

Lonely Dan did not look at Mu Tianye.

He looked at Ye Hao with a soft look on his face. "Since the fourth heaven can't hold you, let's go to triple heaven."

"Four days, I still have some things to deal with." Ye Hao spoke calmly.

"Stay in the quadruple sky and you may fall." Lonely Dan shook his head slightly.

"No harm."

"Do you know how many forces in quadruple heaven covet your supernatural powers and creation?"

"I don't know."

Lonely Dan took a deep look at Ye Hao and said, "four days, what do you have to deal with it, during this period, the three general cabinet will ensure your safety."


"You are the young leader of our three general cabinet. We can't be too careful about it." Lonely Dan interrupts Ye Hao.

Ye Hao looks up at lonely Dan.

On his face, Ye Hao only saw the expression of concern.

But Ye Hao knows that there are more emotions hidden.

"Three princesses, say goodbye." Ye Hao looked at Hua and pitied himself.

"You're not going to my house?" Hua self pity was surprised.

The chief cabinet owners of the three general pavilions are about to tear their faces.

Ye Hao is now leaving with them, but he is looking for death.

"I want to try." Ye Hao said with deep meaning.

Try what?

Try your heart!

Hua self pity recognized the deep meaning of Ye Hao's words.

But she said with a worried face, "are you sure? This is the top three fairies. "


After hearing Ye Hao's response, Hua self pity no longer hesitates to take Ishihara away.

Ye Hao took Luofu to the honorable warships outside the city.

Ye Hao's grand warship has the array set by Ye Hao before, so there is no need to worry about being robbed by others. However, the array set by Ye Hao does not include the strong Immortal King. Therefore, there is a branch of Ye Hao's in secret protection on this noble warship.

However, with Ye Hao's cultivation being cut off, Ye Hao's separate cultivation was also cut off.

Therefore, it is a sub body of Luofu guarding the warship.

Ye Hao's Avatar has the fighting power of xianzun level.

After Ye Hao and Luo Fu arrived at the grand warship, Londan, Jiang guanxuan and Mu Tianye also arrived.

When they arrived, they took a look around.

"Ye Hao, do you live here?" Jiang guanxuan frowned.


"Well. Jiang guanxuan said here, a wave of more than a dozen young men and women appeared on the deck, "you remember to serve the young cabinet master these days, you know?"




Lonely Dan saw this scene and summoned a dozen young men and women.

"Your duty is to protect the young cabinet master, you know?" Lonely Dan glanced at the more than ten monks.

Mu Tianye was about to say something lonely Dan said, "we three old guys, don't disturb their young people's communication."

"Yes, let's go." Jiang guanxuan nodded.

Mu Tianye pondered for a while and finally chose to leave.

After the three people left, more than 20 young men and women gathered around Ye Hao to show their love to him.

Some of these 20 young men and women, Ye Hao, knew some of them.

They are all the genius of the general Pavilion of Dan Dao and the general Pavilion of Qi Dao.

What surprised Ye Hao was that some of the monks he didn't know were extremely strong, whether they were martial arts or both.

Even though Ye Hao has lost his cultivation, he still has his eyesight.

"Young master, I'm tired. I'm going to have a rest." Luo Fu saw the monks chattering and said.

A girl in a white Dan robe said softly, "Mr. Ye, do you want to go back to your room to sleep or rest on the deck?"

"Rest here." Ye Hao takes a look at the girl.

This girl Ye Hao has never seen before.

But Ye Hao knows that this girl has the power of a giant.

Xia Yuwei takes out a cane chair from the bag of heaven and earth, and then Xia Yuwei holds Ye Hao to lie down.

Ye Hao calmly accepted Xia Yuwei's service.

Lying in the cane chair, Xia Yuwei took out a blanket and covered Ye Hao.

"I'm not that weak." Ye Hao said with a light smile.

"That's better than no cover." Xia Yuwei said with a soft smile on her face. Immediately, Xia Yuwei looked at the friars around him and said, "you go around, don't disturb Mr. Ye's rest."Ye Hao then said, "Luo Fu, you go to arrange accommodation for them."

"Well." Said Luo Fu reluctantly.

Luo Fu doesn't like these guys.

Not at all.

But she couldn't listen to Ye Hao's words.

After Xia Haowei and ye Haoshi go back to the cabin, they are waiting for Luofu.

Liang Lushi is a master of the general Pavilion of the instrument road.

But it's not a giant yet.

Xia Yuwei relaxes Ye Hao's muscles and bones, while Liang Lushi peels green fruits for Ye Hao.

Ye Hao is not comfortable lying on the cane chair.

"Luo Fu, do you want to practice in the small world?" At this time, the voice of Ye Hao rang in Luo Fu's ear.

"I'm not." Luo Fu refused.

"Be obedient." Ye Hao said with a smile.

"I'm afraid they'll do you a disservice." Luo Fu expressed his worries.

"Do you think the medicine King tripod and the demon sword are decorations?" Ye Hao said with a smile, "these two are on wheels to protect my safety."


"Go ahead."

Luo Fu hesitated for a moment or obediently entered the small world.

Seeing Ye Hao turning into a streamer and entering Ye Hao's body, Liang Lushi asked suspiciously, "Mr. Ye, do you have a magic weapon of space?"


"Can you show me?"

Ye Hao laughed but said nothing.

Seeing that Ye Hao should not answer Liang Lu's poem, he did not continue to ask.

From this point of view, Liang Lu's poetry is a very intelligent person.

The next time Ye Hao either went back to his room to sleep or lay on the deck with his eyes closed.

Of course, Ye Hao is also enjoying the service of Liang Lushi and Xia Yuwei.

In this way, five days later, a young man implicitly expressed his intention to learn Qi Dao from Ye Hao.

"I'm no longer able to teach you." Ye Hao declined.

Ye Hao's refusal changed the color of the young man. However, the young man immediately said that he could study by himself. Ye Hao lent him some ancient books on utensils and Taoism.

Ye Hao generously borrowed three ancient books of Qidao to him.

of course, these three ancient Chinese classics are not the essence.

, even if it is not the essence, is not available to anyone.

After this young man, these young men and women have expressed their desire for classics.

Ye Hao is also generous.

How many copies are given to each.

In this way, three days later, Liang Lu expressed his desire to see Ye Hao's twelve grade magic weapon.

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