When Liang Lushi asked about this sentence, her small face was full of expectation.

To Liang Lushi's surprise, Ye Hao gave her a purple sword.

"This is my sword made of purple flame gold." Ye Hao said calmly, "some of the runes on the sword are engraved with purple gold."

Liang Lushi was surprised to look at the sword in her hand. After a moment, Liang Lushi threw out questions one by one.

Ye Hao patiently explained one by one.

After Liang Lu Shi left, the friars came to beg for magic weapons and elixirs.

Of course, they are all for the reason of watching.

"They won't pay it back." Xia Yuwei walks to Ye Hao and asks softly.

"I can't use them anymore." Ye Hao looked at Xia Yuwei and said, "you can't leave it on your body, or it's a talisman."

"Have you accepted your life?" Xia Yuwei stares at Ye Hao every word.

"What if you don't recognize your life?" Ye Hao said faintly.

"You are not a man of life."

Ye Hao smiles and doesn't respond.

"The chief cabinet master asked us to take away the magic power and the nature from you." Xia Yuwei was silent for a while and said, "while you still have time to contact the person behind you."

"Why do you tell me that?" Ye Hao said calmly.

"Because I don't want to see the hero die." Xia Yuwei said calmly with Ye Hao's eyes.

Ye Hao slowly closed his eyes.

Xia Yuwei finds Ye Hao indifferent and covers him with a blanket. After that, she squats down and pinches his legs for him.

A day has passed!

Two days have passed!

Three days have passed!

In this way, ten days later, a young man with a lofty head proposed that he wanted to see Ye Hao's magic weapon of space.

Ye Hao refused.

Ye Hao's refusal stunned the young man.

Because these days Ye Hao is almost responsive.

But now Ye Hao's refusal makes Liao Chengen realize that there must be many treasures hidden in Ye Hao's magic weapon of space.

"Mr. Ye, I'm just looking. I don't mean anything else." Liao Chengen said with a smile.

Ye Hao shook his head slightly.

"Mr. Ye, don't you give me that face?" Liao Chengen's face sank.

Liao Chengen is the magnate of the general cabinet of Qidao.

Xia Yuwei is not inferior in status or status.

"What's your face?" At this time, Xia Yuwei came from a distance.

"Xia Yuwei, it's not your turn to ask about my business?" Liao Chengen glanced at Xia Yuwei and then said.

"I'm not interested in asking you, but you can't threaten Mr. Ye."

"Xia Yuwei, you seem to have forgotten your mission here?"

"My mission here is to protect Mr. Ye's safety."

"Xia Yuwei, are you sure you want to hide it?" Liao Chengen's face was gloomy and was about to drip.

"Please." Xia Yuwei said lightly.

"OK, I'll go." However, Liao Chengen left in a crisp manner.

After the disciples of the main Pavilion of the instrument road left one after another, Xia Yuwei said softly, "Mr. Ye, are you ok?"

Ye Hao looked at Xia Yuwei, "it's OK."

Ye Hao is just closing his eyes to rest, but the loneliness in the small world says, "the one in Yunxiao palace asked me how are you?"

"You told the wedding at Yunxiao palace to be postponed for half a year." Ye Hao replied.

"Don't you worry about getting married?" Lonely deep voice.

"No worries."

Hearing Ye Hao say so, loneliness no longer hesitates to reply to the old woman with white hair.

The old woman with white hair was silent for a while. She checked Ye Hao's body and left here with a heavy heart.

Yunxiao palace!

"Ye Hao's accomplishments have not been improved at all." The old woman with white hair said to Haoyue in a dignified tone.

"What does that mean?" Haoyue said here, pointing to the clothes on the body, "ancestor, how do you like this body?"

"Haoyue, what do you mean by my words The white haired old woman said in a deep voice, "Ye Hao's warship has been transformed into a paradise for a long time. If the monks of the fairyland stay there, even if they don't consciously practice, their accomplishments will rise. But after all these days, Ye Hao has not improved at all. What does this mean? You can't be confused. "

"No promotion, no promotion." Bright moon Ying Ying ground a smile way, "this has what big deal."

"You." The old woman with white hair looks at Haoyue, and her eyes are full of anger.

However, Haoyue did not see the look of the old woman with white hair.

"Laozu, how did Ye Hao reply? Do you want to inform the major forces of quadruple sky today? "

"Ye Hao said it would be postponed for half a year."

"Half a year later." Haoyue thought for a moment and then said, "that's to postpone half a year.""Don't you want to know why Ye Hao delayed half a year?" Asked the white haired woman with a calm face.

"I don't need to know that." Haoyue whispered, "I only know that he will be engaged to me in half a year."

"You are hopeless." Said the old woman with white hair.

Haoyue's attitude makes her realize that persuasion is useless.

"People are always going crazy all their lives." Haoyue looked at the old woman with white hair and said, "no matter right or wrong, I recognize it."


A month has passed!

Two months have passed!

Three months have passed!

Xia Yuwei keeps company with Ye Hao.

This makes Liao Chengen and others unable to force Ye Hao.

On this day, a woman rushed to Xia Yuwei and said, "sister Yuwei, Lianxiu is possessed."

"What?" Xia Yuwei's face changed wildly and left with the woman.

Pushing open the gate of Lianxiu, Xia Yuwei suddenly thinks of a thing in her heart.

That is why the door of Lianxiu's room is closed?

The next moment, Xia Yuwei felt the space around her was confined, and at the same time, the array patterns covered her whole body.

"Formation." Xia Yuwei's face changed.

"Xia Yuwei, this is a space trap." At this time, Liao Chengen's figure appeared in the room, "I spent three days before and after refining successfully."

"You are mean." Xia Yuwei exclaimed angrily.

"Elder martial sister Xia, don't struggle." A girl with a somewhat unnatural face came out of the dark, "the array in the room is not only a space trapped array, but also a bundle of spirit array. The more you struggle, the faster the immortal power in your body will be consumed."

"Lianxiu, are you in collusion with Liao Chengen?" Xia Yuwei's eyes are full of anger.

Lianxiu some dare not look up at Xia Yuwei's eyes, but she still whispered, "Xia Shijie, this matter is decided by everyone."

"Together?" Xia Yuwei looks into the dark.

This just noticed that all the disciples of the general Pavilion of Dan Dao were here.

"Good, good, good." Xia Yuwei points to those disciples, her face full of disappointment.

Betrayed by the same family!

It's a bad taste.

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