

Jiang Guan Xuan and lonely Dan face changed when they saw this figure.

"I am Ye Hao's protector." Lonely cold looking at two people, "limit you three breathing, disappear in my sight, otherwise, you don't want to go."

"Ye Hao is already a waste." Jiang guanxuan said calmly.

"One breath." Loneliness stretched out a finger.

"Ye Hao, today we are bound to win." Lonely Dan responded strongly.

"Two breaths." Loneliness stretched out another finger.

Jiang Guan Xuan and lonely Dan can't help but look at each other.

"Three breaths." The three feet green front in the lonely hand was filled with surging waves, and the sword meaning that the edge must be exposed suddenly filled the sky. When the loneliness was cutting towards Jiangguan Xuanhe and lonely Dan, the void was all blown up. When he saw that they were about to be severely damaged, a big dry hand appeared, which collided with the sword cut by loneliness in the middle of the sky.

The two collided thousands of times in a flash.

When the lonely sword idea is all gone, the big hands will be full of holes.

"Loneliness, your origin has not been hit hard?" As soon as the voice fell, a figure wrapped in white robes appeared in the air, and a kind of uncomfortable feeling came out of him.

"Corpse clan." Lonely and surprised to see the figure.

The corpse clan was once a very powerful race.

However, with the passage of time, this group has gradually disappeared into the trend of history.

The figure looked at loneliness suspiciously. After a moment, he said, "you haven't answered my question."

"How to recover? Do you think I might tell you?" Lonely said here and stood up with a sword, "fight."

"I've heard of loneliness for a long time. You've always been attacking but not defending. Today I'm going to see how your attack power is?" The figure rose from the sky and flew away into the deep sky.

The game of demigods is terrible.

They can only be in the depths of the sky to be unscrupulous.

Otherwise, it will cause large-scale death and injury, which is likely to irritate other demigods.

Lonely but did not look at Ye Hao, body flash disappeared in place.

When he left alone, Jiang guanxuan stared at Ye Hao and said, "Ye Hao, what cards do you have to play now?"

"At one time, I simply thought that the three general chambers could compete with the central imperial court by their apparent power, but I realized how naive this idea was after I came to the fourth heaven?" Ye Hao calmly looks at Jiangguan xuandao.

"What do you mean?" Jiang guanxuan frowned.

"The central imperial dynasty is the most powerful force of the triple heaven people. How can there be no semi God powerful in the family?" Ye Hao immediately replied, "but even if this is the case, the central imperial court has not been able to annex the three general pavilions. It can only be said that there are semi gods behind the three general pavilions."

"What do you want to say?" Lonely Dan has a bad feeling.

"What Ye Hao wants to say is that no matter how many masters you send out, you can't do anything about him?" Lonely Dan's voice fell, a woman dressed in colorful clothes tore the space out.

Who is not caiqilin?

"Colorful Unicorn!" Lonely Dan a surprised way, "you didn't give up Ye Hao long ago?"

"Ye Hao is my dry brother. Do you think I might give up?" Caiqilin looked at the lonely Dan coldly in his eyes, "and do you think my demon clan is too powerful?"

"It's a good thing we've taken that into consideration." What caiqilin didn't expect was that an old voice suddenly cut through the sky. At the next moment, an old man in yellow robe drove a Canglong to come here.

The old man's breath is very majestic and vast.

When Cai Qilin looks at the old man, his eyes squint.

"Dragon maniac." Caiqilin said slowly.

When Ye Hao heard the name, he seemed to think of something, "are you from the central dynasty?"

"Long Xuan is my great grandson." Long gives Ye Hao a wild glance.

"I didn't expect that the central government would join hands with the three generals to arrest me." Ye Hao still feels incredible in his eyes.

"Ye Hao, you are still too young." "There are no forever friends or enemies in this world. When the demands of the two are the same, even with the demon clan and with the demon clan, it is possible to cooperate. "

"I understand what you say." Ye Hao's eyes were full of sadness and said, "I just don't understand what hatred I have with the three generals. Let the three general pavilions take me even if they cooperate with their old rivals."

"Because you have the inheritance of the medicine king, the array devil and the tool king, and these three great heritages are all needed by the three forces." The dragon's voice was soft.

"Inheritance also depends on the qualification, even if I give them inheritance, they will not learn."

"But it's a waste on you."Ye Hao was silent.

At this time, there were not ten thousand but eight thousand strong men.

They are very uncomfortable when they see Ye Hao's sad appearance.

"Who would have thought that even if Ye Hao was in decline, there would still be two and a half gods to protect him?"

"The hero is late."

"Who said it was not? If Ye Hao still has his accomplishments, who dares to force him so much? "

"Ye Hao, however, has the title of a demon among the demons, which means that Ye Hao will be able to set foot in the third realm in the future."

"Sadly, it was the forces behind Ye Hao that dealt with Ye Hao."

"Can't the human race ever change the bad nature of cannibalism?"

The Dragon crazily looked at Cai Qilin and said, "caiqilin, you should know that you are not my opponent. In addition, you are forced to come from the high heaven to the low heavy heaven, and your cultivation is forced to suppress a realm, so you are not my opponent."

Cai Qilin said coldly, "I admit that I'm not your opponent in the current state, but I don't believe that I'm not your opponent after using forbidden technique."

"Do you want to use forbidden technique?" "For this waste, is it worth it?" said the dragon

"I think it's worth it." Caiqilin said coldly.

Seeing that the two sides were about to fight, a figure from Yuegui holy land said, "the colorful Qilin is on the God. Even if you can stop the dragon from going crazy, you can't stop the lonely Dan and Jiang guanxuan

Ye Hao saw this figure, and a little sadness appeared in his eyes. "Chen closed moon, do you want me to die?"

"I'm just stating a fact." Chen closed the moon slightly shook his head and said, "Ye Hao, if you want to live now, you have to take refuge in my laurel holy land."

"Ye Hao, as long as you promise to take refuge in my laurel holy land, I can protect your safety." Standing in Chen closed moon, a figure flowing with fluorescence all over his body said slowly. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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