Ye Hao faintly looked at the figure with the whole body filled with fluorescence and said, "you don't have the qualification of laurel holy land."

"Ye Hao, do you know what it means to you to refuse our good intentions of laurel holy land?" Chen closed the moon cold voice.

"I also want to know what it means to Ye Hao to refuse your good intentions of laurel holy land?" At this time, a veiled woman appeared beside Ye Hao and asked calmly.

"Bright moon." Chen closed the moon a Zheng way, "what do you mean?"

All the monks around were in a state of uproar.

They think it's normal for the moon to appear.

The problem is that at this moment, the state of Haoyue seems to be protecting Ye Hao.

And then Haoyue's words verified their conjecture.

"I can understand when others stand up." Haoyue looked at Chen closed moon and said calmly, "but only you stand up, I don't understand."

"Marriage is about the right family. You don't understand that?" Chen closed the month sneer way, "Ye Hao is already a waste now, do you still let me commit to him?"

"To put it bluntly, you have to cross the river and tear down the bridge."

"Don't be so righteous." Chen closed moon eyes burning at the Moon said, "have the ability to marry Ye Hao ah."

Haoyue is silent.

"Dare not?" Chen closed month sees bright moon does not speak then cold hum a way.

"Can we advance the time?" Haoyue looks at Ye Hao and asks.

"You order it." Ye Hao opens his mouth.

After Haoyue nodded, she glanced at the audience and said, "a month later, the engagement ceremony between Ye Hao and me will be held in Yunxiao palace. You are welcome to join us at that time."

Haoyue's voice fell, and the whole audience was in uproar.

"What's the situation?"

"Haoyue is engaged to Ye Hao? Doesn't Haoyue know Ye Hao is already a waste? "

"Things may not be what we think they are."

"Things have changed."

Chen closed month's face could not help but change, "you are crazy."

Haoyue showed a sarcastic look in her eyes, "Chen Xiuyue, I still have to thank you. If you don't quit in time, I don't have a chance to get engaged to Ye Hao. "

"What do you know?" Chen has a bad feeling in her heart.

"I don't know anything." Haoyue shook her head slightly.

Chen closed the month to see Ye Hao busily, "what are you hiding?"

Ye Hao did not look at Chen closed moon, but staring at the Dragon maniac and said, "I don't know what the three general cabinet promised you, but you will pay a heavy price for today's behavior."

"Is it up to you?" The Dragon said with disdain.

Dragon maniac is really disdainful.

Ye Hao lost his cultivation.

What are you crazy about?

What's more, even if Ye Hao has accomplishments, can he threaten the Dragon maniac?

The Dragon maniac, even if he is old, is a second level existence.

"Yes." Ye Hao nods.

"Ha ha." The Dragon sneered wildly.

But the next moment, the smile on the dragon's face froze.

Because Ye Hao's fluctuations are raging wildly.

What a Wonderland!



Jade fairyland!

Golden fairyland!

The fairyland!



Within an instant, Ye Hao's fluctuation was so strong that more than 99% of the monks in the hall were frightened.


"Isn't Ye Hao abandoned?"

"Is this a fucker?"

"Ye Hao's accomplishments are still in the wind?"

"Ye Hao, is he rushing to the realm of demigods?"

"There's a lot of fun."

All the monks in the hall were in uproar when they saw this scene.

Chen closed the moon is shocked to stare big eyes.

The Dragon maniac realized that he had to do it.

Otherwise, if Ye Hao is allowed to grow, he is afraid that he will grow into a demigod state.

"You two stop Cai Qilin." Dragon crazy to look a little flustered lonely Dan and Jiang guanxuan shout.

Lonely Dan and Jiang guanxuan regret it.

Now how can they not realize that Ye Hao is mostly testing people's hearts.

Unfortunately, they jumped out.

They are very clear that after today, Ye Hao has no friendship with the general Pavilion of Dandao and the general Pavilion of refining utensils.

And if they do it again, it will be an inextricable feud.

"What are you two hesitating about?" The Dragon roared angrily, "with Ye Haojie's personality, do you think he can let you go at that time?"

Jiang guanxuan hesitated for a moment and rushed to caiqilin.

Lonely Dan turned around and left.

"Lonely Dan." Jiang guanxuan's face changed greatly."I've been wrong once, and I don't want to be wrong again." Lonely Dan said this sentence and left the space.

"Stay." Caiqilin's plain hand crossed the boundary of time and space and shot down towards lonely Dan.

Jiang guanxuan had a sword in his hand.

When the Battle Sword breaks through the sky, a red gem inlaid on the sword will bloom with blood color light. The blood color light interweaves in the air and turns into an ancient array.

A slap from caiqilin failed to break the array.

But this delay, the Dragon maniac has already rushed to Ye Hao's side.

"Ye Hao, since you have chosen to test people's hearts, you should bear the corresponding bitter fruit." As he spoke, long Kuang punched Ye Hao's heart hard and flashed in the past.

The terrifying waves blow up the space and time around Ye Hao.

At the same time, the space and time around Ye Hao suddenly stopped.

There is only one moment of stillness.

But this moment is enough for Ye Hao.

Ye Hao's eyes are full of pure golden light, and the momentum of his whole body is improved to the extreme in an instant.

In the face of the blow of the Dragon maniac, Ye Hao also blows out a blow.

The moment the two fists collided together, the Dragon maniac's eyes showed an incredible look.

The opponent's fists are vast and terrifying.

It's like there's no end.

The Dragon maniac did not even hold on to a breathing time, like a powerless paper kite falling towards the rear, and before falling to the ground, the three porches on his body popped open.

It's bloody.

There was an uproar.

Even the old woman with white hair and laurel tree were shocked.

"How could it be?" Laurel tree exclaimed.

"Long Kuang's fighting power is not inferior to me, but he was defeated by Ye Hao." The old woman with white hair laughed and said, "laurel, laurel, you can't surpass our cloud palace in this life."

In fact, it was possible before the laurel holy land.

Because Ye Hao's potential is too great.

If Chen Xiuyue married Ye Hao, would Ye Hao not take care of laurel holy land?

Then there is a great possibility that laurel holy land will surpass Yunxiao palace.

But now the laurel holy land is the place of birth, giving this possibility to Yunxiao palace.

In the long run, then, the gap between the two sides will only grow larger and larger.

After Ye Hao hit the Dragon maniac with a fist, his majestic mind outlined a mysterious mark in the air.

Forbid fairies!

It's a real no fairyland.

Because Ye Hao's cultivation at this time is beyond the previous forbidden fairy king. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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