Whether it is three years or five years or ten years and eight years, it is nothing to Ye Hao's existence.

What's more, Ye Hao's small world is a treasure of time. He had twice as much time as other monks. In fact, even if Ye Hao could not recover in three or five years, it would not have much impact.

It's just that Ye Hao didn't get a chance.

"It will take ten years for jiuchongtian to be broken. It's better for my sister to practice here during the ten years." Ye Hao said softly.

"It's only 30 years to practice here. How much can I improve in 30 years?" Caiqilin shook his head gently.

Caiqilin has come to the end of the first scene.

Even if you give her a hundred years of growth is very limited.

"With these 30 years, you may be able to improve a lot." Ye Hao said and summoned the tablet to him.

Cai Qilin looks at it and changes her look.

"Is this the legendary tablet of Tao?"


"No, it doesn't seem to work at my level."

"Sister, you may as well feel it."

Caiqilin pondered for a moment, and a wisp of God's thought was placed on the tablet.

With the passage of time, the color of Qilin gradually changed.

When she took back her mind, she looked at Ye Hao in surprise. "This tablet contains all kinds of mysteries between heaven and earth. All my powers can find corresponding mysteries, and I should vaguely feel that I can continue to receive the way forward."

"It's because there are four steles in this Taoist tablet." Ye Hao said with a smile.

"Into the four steles?" Caiqilin was surprised.


"Can it be integrated into other Taoist tablets?"


"I once saw a monument in jiuchongtian." Caiqilin deep voice.

Ye Hao's eyes lit up and said, "sister, do you know where to go now?"

"I don't know." Caiqilin pondered for a moment, then shook his head and said, "but ten years later, when jiuchongtian was broken, I believe that if the Taoist tablet had not fallen into other people's hands, it would surely have existed."

"In this way, I will definitely go to jiuchongtian in ten years." Ye Hao said after a little meditation.

"When jiuchongtian collapses, I don't know how many creatures will exist in this world. At that time, maybe my strength can be raised." The eyes of caiqilin are burning.

No one doesn't care about the feast of jiuchongtian.

If you can't get the theory of nature against heaven, you can't improve it.

Even if the cultivation level is not improved, the combat power can also be improved.

Ye Hao was silent for a while and said, "before this, I have to go to wuchongtian to print Bingji's tablet into my hand."

"Bingji?" Cai Qilin frowned, "this one has a strange character. It's hard to impress her."

"I'm going to take part in the pet contest." Ye Hao said softly.

"Do you know psychics?" Cai Qilin looks at Ye Hao in surprise.

"Understand some." Ye Hao said shyly.

Seeing Ye Hao's expression, caiqilin knows that Ye Hao can't understand something so simple.

"Is there anything else you won't?"

"A lot."

"You are becoming more and more mysterious."

Cai Qilin did not continue this topic, but said slowly, "I will practice here in the next time."

"Well." Ye Hao nods.

Later, the tablet was mainly used for the cultivation of caiqilin and loneliness.

Loneliness knows its own situation.

Therefore, loneliness will not communicate with caiqilin too much unless he or she needs a Taoist tablet.

The four words "Tiansha solitary star" are not so simple.

Ye Hao doesn't care.

Because he has the nature against heaven.

But caiqilin did not have such a nature.

Let's talk about Ye Hao here.

After Ye Hao came to xiaotiandi's medicine garden, Xiaonan ran over in surprise.

"Brother, the laurel tree you gave me has sprouted."

"Sprout?" Ye Hao was stunned.

Ye Hao then remembered that before the laurel holy land gave him a laurel Ganoderma.

Lauroderma lucidum can be cultivated into laurel tree.

But it can only be called the second generation of laurel.

The fruit effect of the second generation of laurel is only half of that of the first generation.

After Ye Hao got it, he used the hand of God to try to raise the level of yueguizhi.

Later, Ye Hao felt that yueguizhi's level had been improved, but it was not known whether it had been promoted to a generation. Therefore, Ye Hao used a divine light to blend into it.

After integrating into the divine light, yueguizhi has obviously changed. Ye Hao vaguely feels that yueguizhi's potential is much stronger. Ye Hao thinks that his yueguizhi may surpass a generation in the future.

But how long is it now?How did lauroderma lucidum sprout?

In the distance, Ye Hao saw yueguizhi swaying, blooming with glittering and translucent luster, and green shoots hanging on the branches.

Ye Hao took a look and said, "according to the current situation, we can grow up in more than 100 years."

"If you want to blossom and bear fruit for more than 500 years, and you want to have the strength of a demigod, it is impossible without more than 10000 years." Xiaonan said, looking at Ye Hao, "so if you want her to help you, you have to run the power of time."

"How precious is the power of time?" Ye Hao gently shook his head and said, "what's more, I don't have the power of ten thousand years of time."

"That's a pity." Little girl whispered.

"Don't spend all your time on these flowers and plants all day." Ye Hao looked at Xiaonan and said, "you should spare some time to practice your magic power."

"I want the king of medicine? It's not good at fighting. " Xiao Nan said with a smile.

"But those who should practice must also practice."

"Well, I know."

Seeing Xiaonan's appearance, Ye Hao knows that Xiaonan doesn't take her words to heart.

In fact, Xiaonan's strength is not weak.

After taking the elixir refined by yaowangding, Xiaonan's strength was further promoted to the fifth level of Xianwang.

But it won't be so easy for her to continue to improve.

But the present state is enough to crush most of the monks.

Ye Hao did not persuade him again.

After all, Xiaonan is such a temperament.

And Ye Hao doesn't need a little girl.

Then Ye Hao returned to the center of the array and practiced silently.

Time passed slowly.

One day!

Two days!

Three days!


Yunxiao palace!

Yunxiao palace began to decorate the engagement scene with great fanfare a month ago.

It was at that time that the friars of quadruple heaven had prepared before they found Yunxiao palace.

"Did you get any inside information before Yunxiao palace?"

"If there is no inside story, how can it be arranged in advance?"

"Laurel holy land is in great loss this time."

"In fact, it is still a little early to say that the laurel holy land is in great deficit, because no one knows whether Ye Hao will be able to practice in the future?"

"You can definitely practice."

"You think too much. If Ye Hao could practice, how could he not have a trace of immortal power in his body

"I think the reason why Haoyue of Yunxiao palace married Ye Hao is because there are two demigods standing behind Ye Hao."

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