"I think the reason why Haoyue of Yunxiao palace married Ye Hao is because there are two demigods standing behind Ye Hao."

"You seem to have forgotten Ye Hao's semi divine fighting power."

"It's just a means, and more importantly, it can't last. Otherwise, when the Dragon ran away, why didn't Ye Hao stop him? Ye Hao doesn't want to intercept, but he can't intercept. "

"Yes, that level of energy can't continue. I guess Ye Hao may not have the power to fight again now."

"I think that even if Ye Hao loses all his accomplishments, he is worth marrying down. Don't forget that Ye Hao has been inherited by the demon king, the array demon and the weapon king."

"What is Haoyue? The existence of demons, such existence in the future, not to mention the oppressive jiuchongtian, do you think a waste without cultivation can match it? I don't know how far the bright moon can go in the future, but I can be sure it's demigod. What's more, this is an unprecedented world, and the bright moon will definitely go further in the future. "

"Who can guarantee that the moon will appear

"This engagement has to be stopped."

"We can't let the No.1 Beauty of quadruple heaven marry Ye Hao, a waste."

"Then we will go to Yunxiao palace together, and we will force Ye Hao to give up."

"Go with me."

At first, we just discussed the engagement briefly, but after a while, with the help of those who had a heart, it gradually became a trick to attack Ye Hao.

It was a sunny day.

Almost all the major forces of the four heavens came to Yunxiao palace.

"The representatives of Yin family, laurel holy land, Yue family, Donghua imperial dynasty, Yifeng mountain villa, Western polar alliance and other big forces are all here."

"Who dares not come to the engagement of the young master of Yunxiao palace? If you don't come, you won't give the cloud palace face? Is there any good fruit to eat when you are concerned by such top forces

"I noticed that some forces of the demon clan were also represented."

"The territory of these demon clans borders on the Yunxiao palace, so it is reasonable to come to celebrate."

Su Yifei is here, too.

She came with China's self pity.

"Miss, do you think Mr. Ye will come?"

Hua self pity pondered a way, "don't know."

"I don't know?" Su Yifei said in surprise.

"Mr. Ye is not satisfied with the behavior of Yunxiao palace. It's hard to say that he is jealous of evil." During this period of time with Ye Hao, Hua self pity clearly knows Ye Hao's personality.

Whether the ancestor of Yunxiao palace did help or not is in everyone's eyes.

Therefore, Ye Hao may not come.

"If Mr. Ye doesn't come, will miss Haoyue be embarrassed?"

"Embarrassed?" As soon as Su Yifei's voice falls, a cold voice rings in her ear, "Ye Hao, it's not embarrassing that he's here."

Su Yifei frowned and looked at the youth around him and said, "how can I say this?"

"The bright Moon Fairy is the first beauty in the four heaven. If Ye Hao's cultivation is still there, no one will say anything. But now that his cultivation has been abandoned, what is his qualification to marry Haoyue fairy?" The young man sneered, "Prince Lei of the West pole alliance, master Xuanyun of the half life clan, master Yue Qingtian of the Yue family, and master Yin Jingyun of the Yin family are preparing to attack Ye Hao."

"You dare to jump now? Why didn't you jump before? " Su Yifei's eyes are full of contempt.

"Be careful." Hua felt sorry for himself.

Su Yifei opened her mouth and said nothing more.

"Who are you? How dare you humiliate them like this? " The young man pointed to Su Yifei in a loud voice.

"Put your fingers away, or I don't mind folding them for you." Hua self pity glanced at the young man and said, "it's not impossible to win fame in this way, if you make sure that you can provoke us."

"Do you know who I am?" The young man gave a sneer.

But the next moment he couldn't laugh.

Because two of his were really broken.

And it was su Yifei who started it.

Su Yifei has been accompanying Hua's self pity for some time. Naturally, she knows when to start.

"Ah! How dare you? " The young man pointed to Su Yifei angrily.

"You don't want to live, pointing to my people?" Hua felt sorry for himself and said haughtily.

What else the young man wanted to say was stopped by a disciple of Yunxiao palace.

"This is the third princess, Hua self pity."

"Three princesses?" The young man's face changed, but he said in a cold voice, "three princesses, right? I remember you. "

The young man knew the reason why he should not suffer the immediate loss.

So let it go and turn around and go.

"Who is he?" Hua self pity asked.

"Yue Qingtian's younger brother Yue is named Han." The disciple of Yunxiao palace replied.

"No wonder you're so arrogant?" Hua felt relieved in her eyes.But Hua didn't care much about self pity?

She is not Yue Qingtian's opponent.

But Yue Qingtian did not dare to fight her.

Because Hua self pity is the crown prince of the imperial court.

Then they went to the seat arranged in advance under the leadership of the disciples of Yunxiao palace.

Coincidentally, Chen's seat is beside China's self pity.

Chen closed the month to see China self pity one eye way, "you East China imperial dynasty got a lot of benefits?"

"I don't understand you."

"Didn't Ye Hao give you any benefit from the reign of Donghua?"

"You've got this kind of benefit, too."

"You know what I mean."

"I don't understand."

Chen closed the moon pondered for a while, looked at her solemnly in the eyes and said, "what do you know?"

"You know what I know."

Chen closed the month did not say any more, but threw her a bag of heaven and earth.

As soon as Hua's self pity was swept away, his eyes showed a color of surprise, and he immediately threw it to Chen Xiuyue.

"No reward for no work."

What Chen Xiuyue felt sorry for was a piece of purple gold with a big fist.

"As long as you tell me something valuable."

"As I said, you know what I know."

"Chen closed moon, you can't be interesting like this."

"Is it interesting for you to pay attention to Mr. Ye's news now?" Hua self pity light said, "you should know that you have gone to opposition between ah."

"Mr. Ye?" "It seems that Ye Hao is very likely to recover."

Hua's self pity did not change.

But the heart set off a storm.

His name betrayed Ye Hao's status.

A small detail was captured by Chen closed moon.

"Whatever you want?" Hua self pity did not show any color of panic, but said calmly.

Hua self pity did not explain rashly.

The more you explain this kind of thing, the more likely it is to go wrong.

"Even if Ye Hao can recover, it will be hundreds of years later." Chen closed the Moon said lightly, "and whether he can live so long is an unknown."

"It's like there's no road guard around you, is it?" Hua self pity sneered.

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