"Ye Hao, I know who is behind you?" Yue Qingtian looked at Ye Hao's eyes full of hate, "we have the ability to single to single."

"Don't you just bully me for not doing well now?" Ye Hao's eyes are full of scorn.

"Yes, I just bullied you and didn't practice."

I have to say that Yue Qingtian is totally shameless.

The problem is that Yue Qingtian had no face after being humiliated in Zuixian building that day.

Yue Qingtian is so bold.

"Yue Qingtian, who told you that I didn't practice?" Ye Hao asked with a smile.

Yue Qingtian's face did not change.

Bright moon's eyes can not help but light.

All the monks in the hall looked at Ye Hao's expression and became different.

Why did the four heaven forces dare to bully Ye Hao?

In the final analysis, he felt that Ye Hao could not practice.

If you can't practice, there will be no future.

Who is afraid of you?

If Ye Hao can practice, which force dares to attack Ye Hao? With Ye Hao's qualification, it is possible to set foot in the third place in the future.

The next moment, the friars in the field noticed the flash of Ye Hao's figure.

After this flash, Ye Hao's cultivation was strangely promoted to the fairyland.

"To fairyland."

"Ye Hao was promoted to fairyland in an instant."

"Look at Ye Hao's blooming waves, the real price."

"It's a slap in the face."

"Ye Hao is trying to test people's hearts."

The monks in the field were all in an uproar.

At this time, Ye Hao's figure flashed again.

After this flash, Ye Hao's accomplishments soared to heaven.

"Time crystal."

"Ye Hao must have relied on the power of time crystal, otherwise Ye Hao would not have been able to promote so rapidly?"

"Ye Hao said that he couldn't polish his own state before, but now he doesn't need to polish any more."

"This event has broken the rumor that Ye Hao can't practice. I guess many forces can't sleep now."

"Who made them jump out in such a hurry?"

These friars have a good guess.

Ye Hao did use the time crystal.

When Ye Hao's figure flickered, he actually used time crystal to cultivate his skill of cutting me.

Ye Hao didn't promote at one time, but took steps to improve, so as not to leave any flaws.

When Ye Hao's figure twinkles again, Ye Hao's cultivation has been promoted to 33 turns in jade fairyland.

However, Ye Hao did not break through again at this time.

"Jade fairy three thirteen turn."

"The acme of jade fairyland."

"Ye Hao's jade fairy three thirteen turns is much more powerful than the one I reached then."

"Is Ye Hao no longer promoted?"

"Maybe the time crystal is running out."

"It's possible."

"It is also possible that Ye Hao wants to stabilize his own realm."

"Not bad."

While the friars were talking about it, Haoyue whispered, "do you need time crystal?"

"Time crystal I have." Ye Hao said with a wave of his hand, there were ten time crystals filled with the power of time, "I just want to consolidate my own realm."

"Time crystal."

"Still ten."

"All of these ten time crystals are perfect."

"Ten years."

"Ha ha, I'm right. Mr. Ye wants to consolidate his own realm. After three or five years, Mr. Ye will be able to resume his cultivation. At that time, his fighting power will be more powerful, because it is equivalent to that he has repaired it again."

Ye Hao took out ten time crystal stones to show those forces who didn't think highly of themselves.

Ye Haodi told them that he could recover at any time.

It has to be said that with Ye Hao taking out ten time crystal stones, all the monks, including Yue Qingtian, became frightened.

Yes, panic.

Ye Hao is different from Haoyue.

Haoyue has no record of defeating demons, but Ye Hao has successively defeated demons.

What does that mean?

They know it.

"Yue Qingtian." Ye Hao took a deep look at Yue Qingtian and said, "is the Yue family? I remember. "

Yue Qingtian no longer calm before, "Ye childe - I."

"I'm not going to attack your wife's family, but you don't want to come to another day." Ye Hao said coldly, "otherwise, how many people will you come to, how many people will I kill?"

Lei Yichen and others are silent.

The atmosphere is afraid to come out.

Ye Hao doesn't have the strength.Who didn't know that Ye Hao established the Yanhuang sect in Xianyu.

When the triple heaven is broken, yanhuangzong will surely become a decisive force.

Moreover, even if there is no Yan Huang Zong, can Ye Hao not limit the arrival of the Yue family?

The answer is No.

Don't forget that there are two gods behind Ye Hao.

What is the Yue family?

Words will do, deeds will bear fruit.

Ye Hao is not such a simple evil.

He said he would certainly do it.

"Mr. Ye." Yue Qingtian is scared.

"Go away." Haoyue a wave of Robe sleeve, Yue Qingtian Zhen retreated to hundreds of meters away, "we Yunxiao palace do not welcome your family in law."

"Haoyue fairy." Yue Qingtian's face turned pale.

"Go away." Haoyue said mercilessly.

Yue Qingtian looks at the killing intention in Haoyue's eyes, where he dares to stay here and turns to leave in a hurry.

"Let's go." Ye Hao leads Haoyue as soft as a boneless hand.

"Well." Haoyue bird nodded.

Then the master of Yunxiao palace appeared.

She looked at Ye Hao with a smile as they came towards her.

"Ye Hao, I'll give you Haoyue today, and you can treat her well in the future."

"Please rest assured." Ye Hao said with a smile, "I will do my best to protect the moon."

Hearing Ye Hao say this, the master of Yunxiao palace is more and more satisfied.

Can you not be satisfied?

Just give Ye Hao some time and he will be able to recover to his peak.

What's more, after getting on the line with Ye Hao, it means to form an alliance with the two demigods of loneliness and caiqilin.

The palace master of Yunxiao palace comes to Ye Hao and takes their hands together.

"I now officially announce that the young master of Yunxiao palace is engaged to Ye Hao of yichongtian, and will hold a wedding ceremony when the time is right." The master of Yunxiao Palace said with a smile.

It is at this moment that Haoyue and Ye Hao are entitled to fame.

And this kind of status has been recognized by the four major forces of the sky.

Ye Hao took a look at the bright moon.

Haoyue bowed her head in shame.

Ye Hao's heart is burning.

Haoyue's gesture is too pitiful.

"Ye Hao, now you can take off the veil of Haoyue." The master of Yunxiao palace immediately said, "I believe you are also looking forward to seeing the appearance of your wife?"

The words of the leader of Yunxiao palace surprised all the monks.

Immediately they craned their necks and looked at the bright moon one by one.

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