No.1 Beauty in quadruple sky.

Haoyue has been called this name for hundreds of years.

These years, even if there are several amazing women, but no one can replace Haoyue's ranking.

In fact, the reason why Haoyue's ranking has not been replaced is that Haoyue always maintains a sense of mystery.

And today it's all about to be revealed.

Ye Hao looks at the bright moon near at hand. He looks at the bright moon with incomparable tenderness. Then he raises his hand and takes off her veil.

Even though Ye Hao has seen it once, he is still astonished.

can't be described with pen and ink, and can't be decorated with words.

The friars in the field are speechless when they look at Haoyue.

They can't imagine why there are such beautiful people.


It's a great country.

You don't see a single flaw in her.

Zhong Tiandi's spirit and beauty.

Haoyue's long eyelashes trembled gently, raised her beautiful cheek and looked at Ye Hao in a soft voice, "is it good-looking?"

Her eyes were full of hope.

She urgently needs Ye Hao's approval.

Haoyue is arrogant.

She can not care about other people's opinions, but can't ignore Ye Hao's.

"No Ye Hao shakes his head.

The bright moon's eyes suddenly appeared a dark color.

During this period, Haoyue got to know Ye Hao's life in detail.

She naturally knew that Ye Hao had many confidants around him.

The most beautiful one among those confidants is Huang huang'er, who has the body of enchantment.

It seems that she is not as beautiful as Huang huanger.

Seeing the dark color in Haoyue's eyes, Ye Hao reached out and stroked Haoyue's cheek, "I feel that you can't describe your beauty with any words, and any modification is blasphemy to you."

In the beautiful eyes of the bright moon, there is an incredible look.

The monks in the field can't speak even more when they listen to Ye Hao.

They did not expect that Ye Hao, a mature and steady man, would say such a thing in public?

Lei's eyes were full of bitterness.

He knew that he had completely lost the bright moon at this moment.

Haoyue couldn't allow him to stay by her side.

Chen closed the moon staring at this scene.

I feel very uncomfortable.

The pageantry originally belonged to her.

But he was abandoned by himself.

Hua self pity looked at Chen closed month, the corner of his mouth can not help but show a touch of arc.

Chen closed moon knew Ye Hao was not a waste.

At that time, Ye Hao's cultivation was not reduced to the real fairyland, but to the lowest level of the lower realm.

It's ridiculous that Chen closed the moon before everything was clear.

Then the master of Yunxiao palace came forward to announce the banquet.

The guests who came here toasted Ye Hao one after another.

These guests include some forces previously targeted at Ye Hao.

Ye Hao is the one who comes.

There was always a smile on his face.

"You don't have to hurt yourself for me." Haoyue comes to Ye Hao and whispers.

"It's a big day for you and me to get engaged." Ye Hao looked at Haoyue and said, "I don't want to have any disharmony."

"I don't care."

"But I care."

Haoyue didn't say anything more, but his eyes became softer.

At this time, Hua self pity stood up, "Ye Gongzi, Haoyue fairy, congratulations."

Ye Hao took Su Yifei's cup and looked up and down at Hua's self pity. "She's more like a queen."

"Thank you for that." Hua felt sorry for himself.

Hua self pity knows very well that her position as crown prince is largely due to the recommendation of Ye Hao. Otherwise, it is still uncertain whether she can become the crown prince.

"Say goodbye to the emperor for me." Ye Hao and Hua self pity chat for a while and then go to the road.

"Are you going Hua felt pity for himself and his mind trembled.

"Well." Ye Hao nodded.

There is nothing to be nostalgic about.

It's time for Ye Hao to leave.

"When will I see you again?" Hua self pity leisurely said.

Ye Hao is so excellent that she can't feel self pity, but she knows deeply that she is not qualified to love Ye Hao.

Ye Hao is excellent.

The excellent made her feel ashamed.

"Maybe I won't see you again in four days." Ye Hao pondered for a moment.

"If I have any defect, may I go to you?"

"Yes."While Ye Hao is chatting with Hua about self pity, Chen Xiuyue pretends not to see her, but her mind is all over Ye Hao's body, and she doesn't even look at her until Ye Hao leaves.

"Ye Hao, I hate you." Chen closed month bit the lips of purplish red, heart roar way.

Chen closed the moon hate ah.

Whether Ye Hao scolds her for being ungrateful or short-sighted, Chen can accept it. The only thing she can't accept is that Ye Hao ignores her like this.

After saying goodbye to Hua self pity, Ye Hao follows Haoyue to her boudoir.

At a glance, it gives people a very warm feeling.

Generous and simple, not out of tune.

"Tea?" Haoyue brings a pot of tea to Ye Hao.

Ye Hao took a sip.

Just a taste, green and mellow.

After entering the throat, the whole body is comfortable.

The exhaustion of his whole body was swept away, and Ye Hao's spirit and spirit recovered to the peak.

"Good tea." Ye Hao was surprised.

"The tea is picked from tiger tea tree, the spring water is taken from the far north, and the tea is cooked in the purple clay pot of ten thousand years." Haoyue said softly.

"How many years has the tiger fierce tea tree been?" Ye Hao asked.

"Three thousand."

"Bring me some tea later." Three thousand years of tiger tea can be called a treasure.

The biggest characteristic of this kind of tea is that it can relieve the double fatigue of monk's body and spirit.

"Well." Haoyue nodded.

"Here you are." Ye Hao said that his mind moved and called out a chubby little bear from a small world.

"What is this?" Haoyue asked curiously.

"In ancient times, wild bears can step on the top of fairy king if there is no accident in the future." Ye Hao whispered, "in the future, wuchongtian's telepathy will be spread all over jiuchongtian, so it's necessary for you to master the telepathy in advance."

"We also master some of the psychic skills in Yunxiao palace. I'll see if there's a psychic match for the ancient wild bear?" Haoyue thought for a moment.

As the top force of the Terran, Yunxiao Palace also masters some of the psychic skills, and the level of this part of the psychic skills they master is still very high.

"What level do you have?" Ye Hao asked.

"Prefecture level eight."

"So high? Ye Hao was surprised.

Only some top powerful forces can have this level of martial arts. However, Ye Hao was relieved to think that there were semi gods in Yunxiao palace.

"I preach your vast psychic skills." Ye Hao said and detained a wisp of mind, point in the center of Haoyue's eyebrows. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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