Liu Yaxin's look changed slightly. He looked at Ye Hao suspiciously. "Who are you?"

"It doesn't matter who I am." Ye Hao said faintly, "this space node is actually a combination of 81 runes arranged in an inverse five element array. If you want to know where this space node is, you have to find the right combination."

As Ye Hao spoke, there appeared one Rune in his hand. These runes were constantly arranged and combined in Ye Hao's hands.

"Normally, you need to find the right sequence among 36000 combinations, but because of the inverse five element array, the combination does not change all the time, which makes it extremely difficult for you to find the right combination." With the fall of Ye Hao's voice, Ye Hao's movements become faster and faster.

Liu Yaxin looked at the look on his face and changed.

Liu Yaxin also saw that this spatial node was arranged in a reverse five element array only a month ago.

But what he didn't expect was that Ye Hao could see through at a glance.

It's enough to see through.

Ye Hao started to analyze it the next moment.

His strength is too high, right?

After about a dozen breaths, Liu Yaxin noticed that the space node on the treasure map had opened a lot of fog and a landmark appeared.

"Langya Mountain."

"Langya Mountain?" Ye Hao was stunned.

Liu Yaxin subconsciously wanted to put the treasure map away, but when he thought that there were two difficulties in the treasure map, Liu Yaxin gave up the action.

"I can't see through these two points."

"I can't see through it either." Ye Hao said with a smile.

Where does Liu Yaxin believe?

"What do you want?"

"Arrange for me to enter the hospital."

"There is no problem in arranging you to enter the hospital, provided you help me solve these two points." Liu Yaxin looked at Ye Hao and said earnestly.

"You're not interested."

"I can put you in the day class."

"No interest."

"Do you know what day class means?"

"Maybe you think the inheritance of taixuan college is very strong, but in my eyes, it's just like that. You should know that I gave Han Mengqi a volume of eight grade animal training decision just now."

"Who are you?" Hearing Ye Hao say this, Liu Yaxin is more and more curious about Ye Hao's identity.

"My identity is inconvenient to tell you, I came to taixuan college to have an identity, that's all." Ye Hao said calmly, "I have no interest in the inheritance of your taixuan college, and I have no interest in your taixuan college. If you don't worry, give me a casual identity."

Liu Yaxin was silent.

After a moment, he said, "I can imagine that the inheritance behind you is not weaker than that of our taixuan college, but what I want to tell you is that every force has its own inheritance, and each inheritance has its own merits. You help me to solve these two difficulties, and I will give you 20000 points. "

"20000 points?" Ye Hao hesitated and asked, "is 20000 points valuable?"

"Freshmen have broken their heads for one point. Do you think 20000 points is worth money?"

"Well, 100000." Ye Hao, the lion opens his mouth.

"Forty thousand."


"50000, that's my limit."


"Fifty thousand."

"I don't want it." Ye Hao turned around and left.

Liu Yaxin stopped Ye Hao, "60000, 60000, 60000."

Ye Hao's face couldn't help smiling. He raised his foot to the treasure map, pointed to two space nodes and said, "if I guess right, you can't understand these two points?"

"Well." Liu Yaxin looks at Ye Hao. His eyes are full of surprise.

There are hundreds of important spatial nodes in this treasure map.

How can Ye Hao see through himself at a glance, which one can't understand?

This shows that Ye Hao has a very strong array of cultivation.

Langya Mountain!


Black water lake!

After seeing the words "black water lake", Liu Yaxin's whole body trembled.

He knew the treasure was in the black water lake.

Thank you very much

Ye Hao said faintly, "there is one thing I think it is necessary to tell you in advance. I don't have much interest in the treasure map in your hand."

"I know, even if you are interested, it's useless, because the whole Langya Mountain is covered with a terrible evil spirit, and you can't go there without the cultivation of the fairyland."

"Aren't you afraid I'll let it out?"

"Not afraid."


"Because you can't send any message in the college." Liu Yaxin said with a smile, "and I will go to the black water lake soon."

"All right.""This is your waistband." Liu Yaxin said that he threw a waist token to Ye Hao.

Ye Hao took a look and widened his eyes.

"What do you mean?" Ye Hao wants to be a student quietly, OK? But now give yourself a mentor's waist card to do?

"Isn't it a pity that you are not a tutor for your high level of cultivation?" Liu Yaxin said with a smile.

Looking at Liu Yaxin's appearance at this time, he looks like a fox.

"I only have the cultivation of jade fairyland, OK?"

"The academy can send you to Jinxian at any time."

"It seems that Jinxian can't be a tutor either?"

"I'm sure you can make a living."

"Do you believe I'm a loser?"

"I'll tell you a few benefits." Liu Yaxin said softly, "first, the tutor can get 100 points every month; second, the tutor can freely enter and leave the Gongfa hall; third, the tutor can give priority to entering the demon king mountain."

"All mentors can?" Ye Hao is very suspicious of Liu Yaxin's words.

"All the students are of three or six grades. How can there be no tutor?" Liu Yaxin glanced at Ye Hao.

"I want to know what level I am now?"

"The tutor is divided into four levels: Heaven and earth, dark and yellow." Liu Yaxin said in a deep voice, "the heaven level tutor refers to the existence of the Immortal King level, the prefecture level tutor refers to the strong one at the xianzun level, the Xuan level tutor refers to the master level master level, and the Yellow level tutor refers to the golden immortal level monk." Speaking of this, Liu Yaxin stopped for a moment and said, "you are the Yellow tutor now."

"I want to know if I am the only jade immortal tutor in the college?" After hearing this, Ye Hao asked.

"Yes, honored?"

Ye Hao would like to say that you are honored.

However, considering that the other side is a fairy king, the strong one resisted.

"I don't want the pleasure."

"Work hard. I'll take care of you." Liu Yaxin patted Ye Hao on the shoulder and then called out to the outside, "Mengqi, come in."

Han Mengqi quickly pushed the door and entered.

When she saw the helpless color on Ye Hao's face, a big stone in her heart fell to the ground.

It seems that the vice president is not hard for Ye Hao.

Otherwise, Ye Hao's face will not be embarrassed.

"Mengqi, you take it - by the way, what's your name?" Liu Yaxin suddenly thought that he did not know Ye Hao's name? , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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