Ye Hao was silent for a moment.

Obviously, the name Ye Hao can't be used, and the name Ye Tian can't be used casually.

It's all over the place.

If you use the name Ye Tian again, you won't be known.

Therefore, after a little meditation, Ye Hao said, "Ye RI."

"Mengqi, I have hired Ye RI to be my Daoist instructor of taixuan college." Liu Yaxin looks at Han Mengqi and whispers.

Han Mengqi could not help but startled, "what? Tutor? "

"Any questions?"

"He's just a fairyland."

"But he cracked the array that I couldn't even crack." Liu Yaxin said in a deep voice.

"The treasure map?"

"He could see the three spatial nodes at a glance, and all of them were resolved in a quarter of an hour." Liu Yaxin's words surprised Han Mengqi.

Liu Yaxin is a master of Jiupin.

With the strength of his array, Ye Hao could not solve the array map for hundreds of years, and he could analyze it in a quarter of an hour.

What does that mean?

Han Mengqi is very clear!

The problem is that Ye Hao only has the cultivation of jade fairyland. How high can he be?

What Han Mengqi doesn't know is that Ye Hao does have the cultivation of jade fairyland. The problem is that Ye Hao's vision of the 12th grade array master is still there. What Liu Yaxin can't see through doesn't mean Ye Hao can't see through it.

"Let me go." Han Mengqi whispered.

After leaving the dean's office, Han Mengqi couldn't wait to ask, "how did you do it?"

"If you want to do it, do it."

Han Mengqi couldn't help but turn over Ye Hao.

How she didn't know Ye Hao didn't want to tell herself.

"Forget it." Han Mengqi looked at Ye Hao and said, "there is something I have to tell you in advance. There are several thorns in learning the array way. I think they will make difficulties for you."

"Let them be." Ye Hao doesn't care about Tao.

"Those thorns are not low in the cultivation of jade immortal level."

"No matter how tall I am."

"So confident?"


"Tomorrow I'll see how you deal with those thorns?"

"You don't teach?"

"I can ask for leave."

"You are not responsible as a tutor."

"You mind me?"

"I think too much."

Han Mengqi took Ye Hao to the Academic Affairs Office of the college.

After arriving at the academic affairs office, I gave the Deputy Dean's note to the dean of academic affairs.

Xu Junjie, the dean of academic affairs, looked at Ye Hao in surprise.

"Are you sure the dean is not mistaken?"


"Ye RI, how far away are you from the golden level realm?"

"It's not very far."

"I suggest you break through before you teach."

"Good." What Han Mengqi didn't think of was that Ye Hao promised.

"This is your stuff." After a short period of time, Xu Junjie handed Ye Hao a space ring. "There are all the things you need in the space ring. If you don't understand, please ask Han Mengqi."

"OK." Ye Hao said politely.

On the way to his residence, Ye Hao takes a look at the things in the space ring.

Then he asked Han Mengqi some questions.

"Is this where I live?" Ye Hao points to a courtyard in front of him in dismay.

"Yes." Han Mengqi nodded.

"Why is there no single courtyard?" Ye Hao looked at Han Mengqi and said, "how can I say that I am also a tutor?"

"Only the tutors of the immortal master's realm are entitled to their own courtyards." Han Mengqi jokingly looked at Ye Hao, "you can only live in the teacher's apartment before the strength has reached this level."

"And you?"

"I have a separate courtyard."


"You think too much." How can Han Mengqi change with Ye Hao? There are many of her secrets in her yard.

"Forget it. Stay here." Ye Hao immediately waved his hand.

The room is only 45 square meters.

Standard one room, one hall and one bathroom.

"Isn't this a bachelor's apartment?" Ye Hao muttered.

"Couples can also stay."

"Why don't you move in too?"

"Dare you tease me?" Han Mengqi pinched her waist and said angrily.

"Little girl, I really have no interest in teasing you like this." Ye Hao said, eyes toward her not too full chest take a look.

Han Mengqi was furious.

She reached out and grabbed Ye Hao.

As he was about to grasp Ye Hao, a wave of space spread around him. The next moment, Ye Hao disappeared in Han Mengqi's shocked look.Han Mengqi's mind swept around.

Sweep sweep, look dignified.

Because she found that she could not find any trace of Ye Hao.

"Where have you been?" After Han Mengqi asked this sentence, Ye Hao's figure appeared in front of her in a strange way.

Han Mengqi will do it again.

Ye Hao disappeared again.

As before, there was no trace left in the air.

"You show up. I won't do it anymore." Han Mengqi said in a deep voice.

Ye Hao appears in front of her with a smile.

"How did you do it?"

"What do you say?"

"Even if you are a jade fairy, you can't have such spatial attainments." Han Mengqi looks at Ye Hao suspiciously.

"I think if you have the time to study me, it's better to study your training." Ye Hao said faintly, "as the third person of the younger generation of taixuan college, is the cultivation of xianzun on the fourth floor somewhat low?"

"How do you know I'm the third of the younger generation?" Han Mengqi a surprised way.

"There were a lot of students talking about you on the way." Ye Hao looked at Han Mengqi and said, "don't you know that you are the topic queen?"

"The topic queen is not me." Han Mengqi shook her head.

"Murongjing?" Ye Hao jokingly looked at Han Mengqi.

"So what?" Han Mengqi stamped her feet and said angrily.

Mu Rongjing is the first person in taixuan college and the first beauty in taixuan college.

So it's normal for her to be the talk queen.

"It's OK." Ye Hao lies on the bed with a smile, cocks his legs and says, "you can go."

"You --" Han Mengqi did not expect that Ye Hao would drive himself away, "I said you are not a man?"

"Am I a man? Can you try it?" Ye Hao pretended to take off his clothes and scared Han Mengqi to run away.

After scaring Han Mengqi away, Ye Hao lies on the bed and sleeps.

By the time I woke up, it was almost evening.

Ye Hao stretched out a stretch and then got up and pushed open the door. At the next moment, a strong figure rushed at him.

"Xiaobai, stop it." There was an anxious voice not far away.

Ye Hao fixed his eyes.

Snow Trooper!

Ye Hao avoided the snow Trooper by making a mistake,

but the snow Trooper turned its direction and rushed at him.

"Presumptuous." Ye Hao burst into a drink.

The terrifying sound wave turns into the essence in an instant and penetrates the snow animal's knowledge of the sea.

The snow trotters howled bitterly with their heads in their arms as if struck by lightning.

"Xiaobai, Xiaobai, Xiaobai, are you ok?" A woman dressed in a teacher's robe ran to the snow trooper in a hurry. After checking, she got up and looked at Ye Hao and said, "did Xiaobai scare you just now?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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