"Go away." As Ye Hao's voice dropped, two law enforcement team members, such as being struck by lightning, vomited blood and fell backward.

Without waiting for mu Anbang to say anything, Ye Hao looked at him coldly and said, "do you want to die

Muanbang shivered.

Being watched by Ye Hao is like being watched by an ancient fierce beast.

At this time, a figure appeared at the door, "this matter has nothing to do with Ye RI."

Mu Anbang looked at the figure at the door and said, "how do you know?"

"Muanbang, are you stupid?" Smell speech, the other side broke a big curse, "I want to know how you become the captain of the law enforcement team? Shouldn't you check the image stone in such a case? The image stone clearly shows that it is a woman who hands the hand. "

What do you say, baihebang

"Am I not clear?" The white crane was called a young man in white, who looked contemptuously at mu'anbang.

"That doesn't rule out that he's not suspected of committing a crime." Mu Anbang looked at Ye Hao in a cruel way.

"Paralyzed by you." Ye Hao thinks mu'anbang is a mad dog.

"What do you say?" Roared muanbang.

"Do you have a brain problem or a hearing problem?" Ye Hao speechless way, "what I said is not clear enough?"

"You." Muanbang couldn't help it, but just when mu'anbang wanted to make a move, a burst of drink was heard in the audience, "muanbang, what are you going to do?"

After seeing the visitor, Mu Anbang said, "Dean, this boy attacked the law enforcement team?"

"Attack law enforcement?" Feng Chen looks at Ye Hao in disbelief.

"It's not like that." Lianyan hurriedly went forward to narrate what had just happened.

"So you're abusing the power of law enforcement?" FengChen is staring at muanbang road.

"No - No Muanbang was startled.

"Even if you don't abuse the law enforcement power, you're not qualified to be in the law enforcement team." Feng Chen said lightly, "from today on, your position is held by white crane."

"What?" Muanbang's face went wild.

"Didn't you hear me clearly?" FengChen glanced at Muan bang.

Muanbang was silent.

The white crane walked to mu'an bang with a smile, "how about your family? The position is not mine at the end of the day. "

Mu'an Bang looks at the white crane.

"I can't stare at me in the eyes, or don't try hard." The white crane laughs.

"White crane, I'll leave the case to you." At this time, Feng Chen said with a straight face, "I want to see the result in three days."

The smile on the white crane's face suddenly converged.


Feng Chen looked at Ye Hao and turned away.

The white crane looked around and said, "you can leave now

The tutors and friars around left one after another.

When Ye Hao also left, the white crane said, "you stay to cooperate with the investigation."

Lianyan looks at Ye Hao anxiously.

Ye Hao gives Lian Yan a reassuring look.

After Lianyan left, there were only three people left.

Bai He, Zhuang song and Ye Hao.

Ye Hao poured himself a glass of water wine and found a sofa to drink.

"You are at ease." The white crane looks at Ye Hao.

"Do your business well." Ye Hao said lightly, "don't disturb my rest."

"You're crazy."

"Mania needs strength."

"So you think you have a lot of strength?" The white crane said and stood up.

"Don't try to test me with your golden immortal's strength of three thirteen turns?" Ye Hao glanced at the white crane and took back his eyes.

Hearing this, the white crane's face changed wildly.

Zhuang song also changed color.

Golden fairy three thirteen turns?

How could it be?

What does the golden fairy mean?

Zhuang song is very clear!

This means that the white crane is qualified to step into the realm of Immortal King in the future.

Such existence in the college belongs to the people of the times.

But why does the white crane hide his accomplishments?

"How do you see through my accomplishments?" The white crane looks at Ye Hao suspiciously.

"Do you think your method of hiding breath is very advanced?" Ye Hao disdained to look at the white crane and said, "if I guess well, the inheritance you get is just the inheritance of an ordinary fairy king."

"Who are you?"

Ye Hao said faintly, "why do you want to hide your accomplishments and what kind of inheritance have you got? I have no interest in knowing. As for who I am, don't you know? "

"I have a hunch that your information is false."

"If you are not willing to delve into the matter, you still have to do your business honestly." Ye Hao said and stood up, "go."Ye Hao swaggered away.

Looking at Ye Hao's back, the white crane is lost in thought.

"Are you really a golden fairy After a short period of time, a sound sounded in the white crane's ear.

The white crane's eyes fell on Zhuang song.

Zhuang song could not help but shiver.

Because he saw in the white crane's eyes an undisguised killing opportunity.

"I can make an oath that I will never reveal your secret." Said Zhuang song.

"Stand up." The white crane pondered for a while and then said.

Zhuang song made the oath of heaven without hesitation.

"May I ask you a question?" Zhuang song asked cautiously after he took the oath of heaven.

"You want to ask why I made the vow of heaven, right?" The white crane said here for a while and then said, "because there is a force staring at me in the dark. If I show too strong talent, that force will not hesitate to hand it down."

"If you show the strength of your Tianjiao, will taixuan college not pay attention to you?"

The white crane did not answer, but shook his head gently.

"What's the name of Ye RI?" Seeing that the white crane didn't answer, Zhuang song asked another question.

"Ye RI can see through my accomplishments at a glance. The origin of this one must be extremely terrible." The white crane said in a deep voice, "don't inquire about his origin or offend him, or even I can't keep you."

Ye Hao was too calm to face him.

This calmness is a sign of great self-confidence.

"Did not expect that there are still such masters hidden in the college?" Zhuang Song said leisurely.

"You are wrong." The white crane looked at him.


"The hidden masters in the academy are beyond your imagination, and the pride of heaven in the dark is no less than that on the surface." The white crane said word by word.

"How could it be?" Zhuang song exclaimed.

"If you don't believe it, you can wait for the college trials to start in six years." The white crane looked at the distance with a dignified expression and said, "when the day comes, the arrogant and powerful will be far beyond your imagination."

As soon as Ye Hao walked out of the gate, he saw Lian Yan waiting at the gate.

"Are you all right?" Lian Yan asked in a hurry.

"What can I do for you?" Ye Hao said with a smile.

"Let's go back."


They had not gone far away when a majestic voice sounded in the air.

"All the freshmen of taixuan college go to the playground immediately."

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