As the voice fell, taixuan college freshmen rushed to the playground.

Lian Yan's eyes a congealed way, "it seems that the college will thoroughly investigate the freshmen."

"Yes." Ye Hao nods.

Taixuan college has an array that keeps running.

This kind of array, even if it is xianzun, don't want to go out quietly.

Not to mention the killer who just stabbed him.

"Shall we go and have a look?" Lian Yan thought for a moment and then said.


Just as they were heading for the playground, there were also many tutors and seniors heading for the playground.

It's a bad thing to assassinate the tutor.

Almost at the first time, all the teachers and students of taixuan college knew it.

When Ye Hao and Lianyan arrive at the playground, they find that it is already overcrowded.

Ye Hao and Lian Yan had a lot of effort to squeeze in.

Ye Hao's mind swept, and soon his eyes fell on a girl in black.

A girl in black, slightly thin and tall.

She stood in the crowd like a proud swan.

And the boys around her looked at her from time to time.

Lianyan follows Ye Hao's eyes and falls on the girl in black.

"Do you know her?" Lianyan asked.

"See you once." Ye Hao said with a faint smile.

"This is the quasi Tianjiao of this new generation." Lian Yan whispered, "a very amazing girl."

"It's bad luck to be amazing." Ye Hao said with a smile.

"What do you say?"

"What do you say?"

"Did you say that you had just met at the party?"


"Is this Zhuang song who attacked and killed?"

"Not bad."

"Why did she kill Zhuang song?"

"Why don't you ask?"

"What can I ask about this occasion?"

Ye Hao is walking towards the crowd.

"Don't go." Lianyan exclaimed.

Before long, Ye Hao went to the woman in black.

The woman in black also recognized Ye Hao.

"Why kill Zhuang song?"

The woman in black changed her face.

She realized that Ye Hao had just seen through his disguise.

Aware of the faint killing idea of the woman in black, Ye Hao said with a smile, "I don't have any malice towards you, just simply curious."

"Ten years ago, my sister refused to obey and was brutally killed by Zhuang song." The woman in black pursed her lips and said.

"Then why do you hurt the innocent?"

"Innocent? Are there any innocent followers of Zhuang song? His followers were also stained with my sister's blood The woman in black sneered.

"Do you have to kill Zhuang song?"

Facing Ye Hao's eye light, the woman in black heavily nodded her head and said, "yes."

Ye Hao stretched out his hand and put it on her shoulder in the tense look of the woman in black.

"Are you going to expose me?"

"Do you know you're reckless?" Ye Hao said calmly.

"Zhuang song won't take his stalker with him at the party tonight." The woman in Black said in a deep voice.

Tracking beast!

A monster with an extremely sensitive sense of smell.

If Zhuang song takes his tracking beast with him tonight, the woman in black will not succeed at all.

"But you put yourself in danger."

"I waited ten years to avenge my sister."

"Plan well next time." Ye Hao said that his big hand loosened the shoulder of the woman in black.

When Ye Hao goes to the front, the tight body of the woman in black is slightly relaxed.

At this time, the woman in black was shocked to find that her weak spirit filled up.

It's better than the peak.

"Did he put it on his shoulder just now to help him recover his spirit?" Murmured the woman in black.

Ye Hao walked all the way to the front until he came to a woman.

"If you don't study your psychic properly, what are you doing here?"

"Such a big thing happened to the college, of course I will come as a tutor." Han Mengqi asked in surprise, "it's you, how come here?"

"I want to find the killer, too."

"Did you find it?"


"I don't believe it."

"Believe it or not."

Han Mengqi looked at Ye Hao suspiciously, then looked at Ye Hao solemnly and said, "I said you won't participate in this matter?"

"What do you think?"

"Zhuang song's small role has no chance to offend you. Even if he offends you, you can't take such a way.""Know you still ask?"

Han Mengqi waved his hand and said, "you're resting here, I'm going around."

Ye Hao knows that Han Mengqi and other tutors want to find the murderer among these students.

But now they are doomed to do useless work.

Ye Hao breaks down and walks to Lianyan.

Lianyan said uneasily, "do you know there are many monks staring at you just now?"

"What's the matter?"

"You only go to guqin's side, do you think others may not doubt it?"

"What about suspicion? Have the ability to check it out? "

"What did you do?"

"It's nothing. It's just a supplement to the spirit of Guqin."

"Are you still Dan Shi?"


"Aren't you a battle Master?"

"Who stipulates that the master of array can't be the master of Dan?"

"All right."

The tutors of the college and many masters of the law enforcement team were sent out.

And after a few hours, it was amazing to them that all the new spirits had no problem.

The spirit will definitely suffer from trauma.

That's for sure.

The present situation can only show that the killer is not a new born.

Under the circumstances of necessity, the white crane only let the newborn leave.

When Ye Hao and Lianyan walk towards the accommodation place, Ye Hao suddenly seems to think of something.

"You go first. I have something to do."

"What's the matter?"

"Don't ask about that."

Lianyan looked at Ye Hao in surprise and left.

And in Lianyan left for a while, a figure came out of the dark.

Who is not Guqin?

Guqin went to Ye Hao and said, "why do you help me?"

"No reason."

"No reason?"

"I don't understand!"

"If you say the reason, it's not without it." Ye Hao thought for a moment and then said, "compared with Zhuang song, you are more comfortable."

This reason makes Guqin not know what to say.

"I owe you my life anyway." Guqin deep voice.

With these words, guqin turned and left.

Clean and tidy.

Ye Hao looked at Guqin's back and said leisurely, "you owe more than a life!"

"What do you mean?" At this time, a voice came into Ye Hao's ears.

"Don't you come here to ask for debts?" Ye Hao looked at some void and said calmly.

"I wonder how you see through me?"

"No it." Ye Hao said that an old figure appeared around him, "sword spirit, just."

At this time, a figure came out of the void.

This figure is the vice president of FengChen who just appeared at the banquet.

Feng Chen looked at the sword and said, "what a powerful sword spirit." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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