The average sword spirit's strength is only one level of fairy king.

But in front of the sword, there are four layers of Immortal King.

This greatly exceeded FengChen's expectation.

With a wave of his hand, Ye Hao's sword spirit turned into a wisp of smoke and returned to the small world.

"I believe you already know what happened." Ye Hao said softly.

"Guqin can retaliate, but hurt the innocent." FengChen said slowly.

Guqin thinks it's well hidden.

But I don't know that there is no escape under the Immortal King's strong mind.

"How do you want to punish?"

"Give the dead an account!"

"Why didn't you point it out just now?"

"Because it involves you."

"It has nothing to do with me."

"But you protected her."

"And then?"

"As long as you give me a proper reason, I can take it as if it didn't happen."

"Are you sure this is appropriate?"

"Where is absolute justice in this world? If Guqin is not a quasi Tianjiao, do you think I might give her a chance? "

Ye Hao slightly pondered and then said, "I have some sun shining stones."

"Let me see."

Ye Hao handed FengChen a piece of riyao stone.

Riyaoshi is a kind of energy crystal.

It can be used as the material of array channel and utensil channel in addition to making fire friars practice quickly.

"The main level of sun shining stone." Feng Chen's eyes revealed a trace of gold light, "give me ten thousand sun Yao stones."

"A thousand." Ye Hao said and threw a bag of heaven and earth to FengChen.

A thousand days of Yaoshi is more than one billion yuan.

Feng Chen's mind swept his mouth and said, "tell Guqin that if you hurt the innocent again, you can't protect her even if you take out ten thousand days."

FengChen left.

Ye Hao shook his head slightly.

The meaning of the last sentence of FengChen is very simple.

It's not impossible to hurt innocent people.

Just take out more fairy stones.

Of course, the price is 10000 days. Yaoshi started.

Ye Hao has just returned to his residence, and Lian Yan pushes the door open. She looks at Ye Hao up and down and says, "are you ok?"

"What can I do for you?" Ye Hao shrugged.

Lianyan makes sure that Ye Hao has nothing to do, and then she puts down her heart.


Ye Hao follows the voice to see the snow animal hiding behind Lian Yan.

The snow Trooper looks at Ye Hao with his head outstretched.

Ye Hao smiles, the green light in his hand flashes, and a fruit appears in his hand at the next moment, "here you are."

The moment Ye Hao threw out the fruit, a light appeared in the snow animal's eyes, and then jumped into the air and swallowed the fruit.

"Xiaobai." Lianyan exclaimed.

Lianyan exclaimed that Xiaobai didn't listen to his call and ate other people's food casually.

"Don't worry. What I give Xiaobai is only good for him."

"Miss, what he gave me has fatal doubts about me. I think it can change my blood." The snow Trooper whispers.

Lian Yan's face changed.

Lianyan, the fruit that can promote blood, is not unheard of, but none of such fruits is not precious.

"What did you give Xiaobai to eat?"

"You'll find out later." Ye Hao said here, stretched out a stretch, turned back to his room.

Lianyan, full of doubts, takes Xiaobai back to his room.

Just after arriving at the room, Xiaobai shakes.

"Miss, I'm going to sleep." Then he fell to the ground.

Lianyan was frightened and went to check Xiaobai's body.

This inspection Lianyan is shocked to find that Xiaobai's blood is in the process of transformation.

Lianyan quickly knocks on Ye Hao's door.

"Xiaobai is asleep."

"I know."

"What did you give Xiaobai to eat?"

"Kylin fruit."

"Kylin fruit?" When Lianyan heard these three words, her heart suddenly slowed down half a beat.

What is kylin fruit?

How can Lianyan not know?

Kylin fruit is one of the medicinal materials that can change the blood of monsters.

The value of a kylin fruit is tens of millions.

"This is the second generation of kylin fruit."

Kylin fruit can also be planted.

However, the effect of the second generation of kylin fruit is far less than that of the first generation, but even in this case, the price of the second generation of kylin fruit is as high as millions.

"I don't have much to show you?"

"We are all colleagues. What kind of human feelings are we talking about?" Ye Hao waved his hand, "is there nothing wrong now?""No - no more." Lian Yan said in a hurry.


Yellow class four!

This is Ye Hao's class!

When Ye Hao came to class 4, he found that there were more than a hundred students and more than a dozen tutors.

"This is our master of battle path?"

"So young?"

"Is he reliable?"

"I don't think so."

"We'll fix him later."

"Tutor Ma has hinted that he can be demoralized later."

"It's very necessary to be demoralized. I don't have the strength to be a teacher?"

As soon as Ye Hao got to the platform, he heard the whispers of hundreds of students.

"I'm not very good tempered." Ye Hao looked around and said slowly, "so if you have another chat later, get out of here."

"Tutor ye, don't you teach like that?" Ma Huai said in a strange way.

"You can come to my class, but if you tell me what to do, you can go out now." Ye Hao glanced at Ma Huai and said faintly.

"Tutor ye, isn't it appropriate for you to say that about tutor ma?" A boy stood up.

"Yes, master ye, you are just a new comer. Shouldn't you respect your predecessors?" Another boy stood up.

"If we don't know the rules like you, then the college is in a mess."

"Tutor ye, you can't rely on yourself to come in through the back door and show off your power?" It wasn't long before eight students stood up.

There is no doubt that the eight students are ma Huai's focus.

"You eight can go out now." Ye Hao said lightly.

"By what?" The first student to stand out said coldly.

"I'm your mentor." With the fall of Ye Hao's voice, the space around the boy suddenly cracked, and then the student was engulfed by the space, and the next moment he fell heavily outside the classroom.

"Space is broken."

"It's the power of space."

"Isn't it just jade fairyland, master ye?"

"Master Ye's body is really only the fluctuation of jade fairyland."

"I see."

"I also know, jade fairy three thirteen turn."

"My God, tutor Ye is actually a Tianjiao."

"I finally know why the college has made an exception in recruiting tutor Ye."

With Ye Hao using the power of space, all the teachers and students were in an uproar.

Ma Huai is scared.

He finally knew why Ye Hao dared to humiliate him. He also knew why Ye Hao ignored Zhuang song?

Zhuang song is just a quasi Tianjiao, while Ye Hao is a Tianjiao.

Will Tianjiao care about a potential Tianjiao?

The answer is No. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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