"When does it leave?" Ye Hao said with some interest.

After all, that piece of heaven and earth is in ancient times.

Maybe there are some wonderful things in the world!

"A month later."

"Why wait a month?"

"Not everyone is eligible to go. There are 100 places for tutors and students in the college." Han Mengqi said softly, "and half a month later, the college will be selected."

"Is there a place for me?" Ye Hao asked.

"What do you think?" Han Mengqi's smile is like a flower.

"Even if there is no one for you, there must be a place for me." Ye Hao said with a smile.

"Because this small world is provided by President Liu, President Liu has 30 places in his hands." Han Mengqi said softly, "President Liu asked me to tell you that in addition to being set internally, he also gave you three places."

"Three places?" Ye Hao was stunned.


"Lao Liu is very good at doing things." Ye Hao couldn't help laughing.

"Who do you want to give it to?"

"Here you are." Ye Hao blinked.

"Do I need a quota?" Han Mengqi said so, but Ye Hao can be the first to think of her, her heart is still very happy.

Does Han Mengqi need it?

No need!

With Han Mengqi's qualification, if she can't get it, then who is still qualified?

"Thank President Liu for me." Ye Hao restrained his smile and whispered.

"I will."

After more than half an hour, Qi Ling and others came out of the enlightenment array.

"Tutor ye, I have made a breakthrough."

"Tutor ye, I think we can achieve continuous breakthroughs as long as we close our doors."

"Mr. Ye, thank you."

Ye Hao took a look at Qi Ling and others and said, "what you need to do in the next half month is to improve your cultivation of array Taoism."




Then Ye Hao put the array into the array disk.

Just out of the classroom, Qi Ling caught up.

"Tutor ye, may I invite you to dinner?"

"Are you bribing me?" Ye Hao said with a smile.

"Can tutor Ye bribe him with a meal?" Qi Ling giggled.


"I'll have to invite tutor ye to have a good meal."

"Be careful to eat you poor."

"If I'm poor, I'll go to your place to eat."

As they chatted, they walked toward the college canteen.

There are four canteens in taixuan college.

Among them, the first canteen is the public canteen, which has the lowest standard. All the monks below the gold level come here.

The second canteen is relatively high. Almost all the people who come here are Jinxian. Of course, there will also be Yuxian to improve life.

The third canteen is called high-end canteen. Don't come here if you don't have a certain price. A dish here is as high as thousands of immortal stones.

The fourth canteen is known as the cloud canteen, because it is not for the common people to enjoy. In fact, even the nobles can't afford it. A meal often costs millions.

"This is the second canteen." Ye Hao looked up at the endless stream of friars and was surprised.

"Master ye, you have not been here before, have you?" Qi Ling asked in surprise.

Although Ye Hao is a jade fairy.

But he was proud of himself.

Tianjiao will definitely not come to the first canteen.

Third, the grade of the canteen is a little higher, so Qi Ling subconsciously thinks Ye Hao should come here.


"Tutor ye, have you been to the third canteen all the time?"

"I haven't been to any of the four canteens." Ye Hao shook his head gently.

"What have you been doing for half a month?"


"Are you forgetting to eat and sleep?"

"Used to it."

Ye Hao, this is not pretending.

When Ye Hao practiced the array and utensils for several years!

"Let's have a good meal today." Qi Ling said with a narrow smile.

As soon as Qi Ling's voice dropped, a voice rang out in Qi Ling's ear.

"Qi Ling."

When Qi Ling turned to look around, a woman in green walked quickly to her.

"Meng Ping." Qi Ling was surprised to meet the past.

When the two women hugged each other, a man with a sword eyebrow came to the woman in green and said with a smile, "Meng Ping, is this your cousin Qi Ling that you told me?"

"Yes." The woman who called Meng Ping calmed down for a while and then introduced her to the man, "this is my cousin Qi Ling. How do you look beautiful?""It's beautiful." There was a light in the man's eyes.

"Qi Ling, this is di Xin, the young master of Tianlong mountain villa. At the same time, he is also a student of our taixuan college."

"Tianlong villa." Hearing these four words, Qi Ling's face changed.

Tianlong villa is one of the great forces in the southern region.

There are also powerful Fairies in the clan.

"Qi Ling met Mr. di." Qi Ling was busy.

Di Xin Xu helped a way, "don't be polite." At this point, Dickinson said again, "let's go. It's my treat today."

"Forget about this one." Qi Ling said with some embarrassment, "today I'm going to invite my tutor to dinner."

"Your mentor?" Mengping looked at Ye Hao, and was surprised when she noticed the fluctuation on Ye Hao. "Are you sure he is your mentor?"


"Why didn't I notice the fluctuation of golden Wonderland in him?" Mengping is a monk of golden fairyland, so she can see whether Ye Hao is a golden fairyland at a glance.

"Master Ye is not a Jinxian."

"Can you be a mentor if you are not a Jinxian?" Meng Ping seemed to see something incredible. He looked at Ye Hao and said, "I said you shouldn't come in through the back door, right?"

Ye Hao said with a smile, "really."

There is nothing wrong with Ye Hao's words.

Ye Hao did come in through the back door.

The difference is that Ye Hao is powerful.

Hearing this, Meng Ping looked at Qi Ling and said, "do you hear me? This one admitted it all. My silly cousin, don't let him cheat you

"Cousin, you are not allowed to say that about tutor Ye." Qi Ling interrupted Qi Ling's words.

"You - I do it for you." Meng Ping is still waiting to say what she is about to be pulled by Di Xin.

"What are you pulling me for?" Meng Ping doesn't understand Dixin's behavior.

"What do you think I can do to get him out of trouble?" Di Xin said with a smile.

"Do you have a way?"


"Talk about it."

"It doesn't make sense." Dixin made a riddle.

"Then I'll see." Meng Ping gives Di Xin a wink.

Di Xin's abdomen is hot and dry. If it is not for this, Dixin must fight with Meng Ping for 300 rounds.

"Let's go." After entering the gate of the second canteen, Dixin asked for a box.

"This student, the box has the lowest consumption." A student working in the canteen whispered.

"I know." Di Xin light way, "do you have any new dishes recently?"

"We've had 12 new dishes recently." The student took them to the box and whispered, "there's a menu in the box. You can watch it."

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