After arriving at the box, di Xin took the chair.

Mengping naturally sat next to di Xin, and at the same time she took Qiling to sit beside her.

As a result, Ye Hao was ignored.

Qi Ling looks at Ye Hao apologetically.

Ye Hao smiles at her and says it's OK.

But Ye Hao's heart is very helpless.

Is this how you are hated?

Can you have this kind of thing with a meal?

Di Xin looked at the menu and said, "you ask the back chef to prepare twelve special dishes. Let's look at the menu first."

"All of them?" The student hesitated.

Six of the twelve specials are expensive.

"But are you afraid I can't afford it?" Di Xin was displeased.

"I'm going to get ready for you." The student realized that he was talkative, so he turned around and walked out of the box.

Di Xin looked at the menu and handed it to Meng Ping.

Meng Ping read two pages and then said, "master Di, I want to eat Cloud Lake vinegar fish."


"I'd like to have a fog drink, too."


Mengping said six dishes in a row, and then said, "that's it."

Qi Ling hesitated and asked, "cousin, are we ordering too much?"

"Where is that?" Di Xin said with a smile, "it's my treat today. It's open."

Although Di Xin said so, Qi Ling ordered only two dishes, and then Qi Ling handed the menu to Ye Hao.

Ye Hao looked at it at will and then closed it. "There's nothing delicious. I won't order it."

"Oh, it seems that your tutor must have eaten a lot of delicious food." Dream Ping some Yin Yang strange spirit ground says, "do not know where you have eaten?"

"You're not willing to go where I've been." Ye Hao said faintly.

"What do you say?" Meng Ping's eyes show a trace of anger.

Di Xin pressed Meng Ping and looked at Ye Hao with a smile, "you may as well talk about it."

Ye Hao laughed but said nothing.

"Can't you tell me?" Meng Ping sneered at Ye Hao's refusal to answer.

"Cousin, what do you mean to my tutor over and over again?" Qi Ling stood up for a moment and said with displeasure.

"I'm not afraid you'll be cheated."

"Cheat? You think too much. "

Seeing what Meng Ping still wants to say, di Xin interrupts, "Qi Ling, Meng Ping is also for you. And mengping, it's not like I said you. I had a hard time meeting your cousin. What can't I say well? What's the noise? "

Meng Ping can't help but look at di Xin.

Dixin gave her a wink.

Mengping this just in the heart of anger pressure down.

I have to say that Dixin's communicative ability is very good, even if the scene is relatively cold, he can also get active, and soon one dish after another is served.

Looking at a table of more than 60 dishes, Qi Ling even said luxury.

Is it possible not to be extravagant?

More than half of the 60 dishes are hard.

Normally speaking, a table of five or six is enough.

Qi Ling noticed that Ye Hao didn't eat much. Even if Qi Ling repeatedly mixed vegetables with Ye Hao, Ye Hao showed a lack of interest.

What Qi Ling doesn't know is that Ye Hao really thinks the food here is bad.

Ye Hao often ate in zuixianlou when he was in quadrupliantian.

But Qi Ling didn't eat much.

These meals contain a lot of essence. Qi Ling can't eat them at a certain stage, otherwise Qi Ling's body may collapse. Comparatively speaking, Meng Ping ate more, but Qi Ling didn't eat, and Meng Ping was not good to eat any more.

Dixin is just a pure match.

As a result of his cultivation, even if these meals are eaten up, there is no problem.

The problem is that Dixin is a man of face.

When eating almost, Dixin asked Meng Ping, "are you full?"

"I'm full." Meng Ping nodded.

"Check out, then." Dixin said and called out.

The boy at the door came in.

"How many fairy stones?"

"Hello, you have consumed 34232 pieces of medium grade fairy stones." The boy whispered.

Hearing this number, Qi Ling's face changed.

Thirty four thousand two hundred and thirty-two pieces of medium grade immortal stones!

You know, Qi Ling has only 8000 yuan on her body!

That is to say, it is not enough to sell Qi Ling.

Di Xin nodded and went to touch the bag of heaven and earth in the waist. This touch Di Xin's face could not help changing, "was."

"What's the matter?" Dream Ping a surprised way.

"My heaven and earth bag was given to white rhinoceros." "What can we do?" Dixin said ruefully"White rhinoceros?" Meng Ping also remembered that Bai Xi practiced in the place where Di Xin lived. "This is a problem. I don't have enough on me."

"I have thousands of fairy stones on me." Qi Ling said and untied her bag of heaven and earth.

"How can I make you pay?" Dixin did not want to say, then Dixin stood up, "I go to see if there are acquaintances."

"You're not going to borrow money, are you?" Meng Ping was busy pulling Di Xin and said, "how humiliating this is. Otherwise, let Qi Ling's tutor please. Let's invite you next time."

When Meng Ping said this, she looked at Ye Hao with hope.

"How can my tutor pay for this meal?" Qi Ling is in a hurry.

"Qi Ling, do you have so many fairy stones?"


"What are you talking about?" Meng Ping glared at Qi Ling and said, "do you think your tutor doesn't have money or you don't think your tutor has this strength?"

What else should Qi Ling say? Ye Hao said with a smile, "it's just a meal." Then he handed the boy a bag of heaven and earth.

The boy swept his mind and said, "there are 68 more immortal stones."

"These sixty-eight fairy stones are tips for you." Ye Hao said lightly.

Meng Ping is stunned.

Dickinson was stunned.

What's the situation?

Ye Hao not only took out so many fairy stones, but also gave the boy some tips?

"If I guess right, he's probably ruined." Di Xin's eyes turned.

"It makes sense." Mengping is also aware of it.

"Let's take him shopping later. I don't believe he can take out the fairy stone?" Dixin preached.

"What if he had one?"

"No way." Di Xin said with a chisel.

"Tutor ye, this time it costs you a lot." Di Xin looks at Ye Hao with embarrassment.

"No harm." Ye Hao really doesn't care about the more than 30000 high-grade immortal stones.

If Ye Hao wants to, he can make tens of billions in a day.

"Tutor ye, we've just had dinner. Would you like to go shopping at the foot of the mountain?"

Ye Hao can't help but look at Qi Ling.

"I heard that there are many treasures from Baoyu Pavilion. Maybe you can use them?" Mengping said softly at this time, "and my cousin has always wanted to give you something. You have to give me a chance, don't you?"

"Tutor ye, do you have time?" Qi Ling moved in her heart and asked expectantly, "I can't say I need your help then." Qi Ling wants to go down the mountain to buy some materials for the array, but she says that she can't and needs Ye Hao's guidance. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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