"When I came to taixuan college, I haven't had a good visit yet?" Ye Hao said with a smile.

Qi Ling's eyes could not help but show a surprise look.

"I'll go back to the dormitory first." Di Xin said softly.

Of course, di Xin's heaven and earth bag is not in Zhan Chong's body, but he can't go to the market without money?

After Di Xin took the bag of heaven and earth, Ye Hao and his party headed for the market at the foot of the mountain.

After arriving at the market, Ye Hao found that almost all the goods sold on both sides of the market were war pets.

"The king of egrets will be sold for 800 yuan."

"Three color variation civet cat, give money to sell ah."

"Look at my green Wolf, the newly born cub. It is expected to become the golden immortal in the future."

Listening to the shouting of these vendors, Ye Hao's eyes showed a look of interest.

Ye Hao looks at this and that, which makes Di Xin and Meng Ping's eyes full of contempt.

"It's all on the road." Mengping looked at Ye Hao with a sarcastic face and said, "Why are you interested?"

"Well, I'm interested." Ye Hao said and came to an old man's side, "how can I sell this civet cat?"

"You look at it?" The old man said with a smile.

"You give me a price." Ye Hao didn't answer.

The old man held out three fingers.

"Three." Ye Hao said that three immortal stones appeared in his hand.

Hearing this, the old man's face turned black.

"Are you teasing me?"

"Then what are you pretending to be?" Ye Hao glanced at the old man.

"Three thousand."

Qi Ling couldn't help but stare at the price, "did you make a mistake? Three color civet cats are not worth three hundred. "

"I'm a mutant." The old man said with a smile.

"The variation is up to 500." Qi Ling is not Xiaobai who doesn't know anything.

Ye Hao, however, threw the old man a bag of heaven and earth.

The old man's mind swept and pointed to the civet cat in front of him and said, "now it's yours."

"Tutor Ye." When Qi Ling saw Ye Hao buy this chameleon cat, she was in a hurry, "he lied to you."

"How do you talk, little girl?" The old man said with a straight face.

What else does Qi Ling have to say? Ye Hao is holding Qi Ling.

"Tutor Ye." Qi Ling said anxiously.

"Three thousand immortal stones can buy a mutant civet cat." Ye Hao said with a smile, "I think it's worth it."

"It's not worth it." Qi Ling didn't understand why Ye Hao didn't listen to her advice?

"You don't understand." Ye Hao said and picked up the three color variation civet cat, "follow me."

The three color mutant civet purred.

Ye Hao stroked his hair gently.

The luster is like silk and satin.

The three color mutant civet cat finds a suitable place in Ye Hao's arms and sleeps.

"Do you think a deep sleep will cure your wound?" Ye Hao whispered.

The eyes of the three color mutant civet suddenly opened.

There was a flash of lightning.

"It's not good to fall from the fairyland to the jade fairyland, isn't it?" Ye Hao continued.

The eyes of the three color mutant civet cat looking at Ye Hao suddenly become shocked.

"You are not the so-called civet cat at all. You just use the identity of civet cat as a cover." Ye Hao said faintly, "what I said is right, spotted cat."

With Ye Hao saying the two words "spotted cat", the body of the three color variation civet cat shakes for a moment.

After a pause, the spotted cat said, "what do you want to do?"

"To tell you the truth, you are not qualified to be my pet." Ye Hao said faintly, "but who let me meet? In this way, will you be my pet for the time being? "

"Who do you think you are?"

"I have four pets besides you." Ye Hao said with a smile.

"Who are they?"

"Would you like to meet?"

"Where is it?"

When Ye Hao's mind moved, he used the power of time.

The next moment, the time and space around Ye Hao will be stagnant.

In the small world, the spotted cat looked around and her face changed.

"Is this your magic weapon of space?"

Ye Hao called to the distance, "jade rabbit, come here."

With the white plump rabbit running over when the cat's fur can not help but burst open.

The jade rabbit looks harmless to people and animals.

But the pressure from his blood made him shiver.

"Do you know who she is?" Ye Hao said lightly, "jade rabbit, it should be no problem to reach the peak of fairy king in the future."

When the spotted cat was about to say something, he suddenly felt that he was staring at with a terrible eye light.

The next moment the spotted cat saw a figure coming slowly towards him.

The spotted cat swished to the back of Ye Hao."Who is it?" Asked the spotted cat in terror.

"Tiangou." Ye Hao said with a smile.

"Tiangou?" When the cat heard these words, he was frightened.

"I won't show you two more pets." Ye Hao patted the head of the spotted cat and said, "do you still think you're invincible now?"

"No - I dare not." The spotted cat swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

Ye Hao took the spotted cat out of the small world.

At this time, the outside world just passed a moment.

"Should I call you master or master?" The cat's eyes changed when he looked at Ye Hao again.

Not everyone is qualified to have that level of war pet.

Without the corresponding strength, we can't control it at all.

Spotted cat doesn't think Ye Hao is a monk of jade fairyland.

There is also a reason why the spotted cat gives Ye Hao such a voice.

At that time, when the demons were at their peak, the Terrans and demon clans were defeated. Later, the Terran appeared a genius in the sky. He developed the art of channeling, which made the Terrans and demon clans unite and defeat the demons.

But there is one thing that can't be bypassed.

The channeling skills of the Terrans play a leading role.

This makes a lot of Terrans on the demon clan to maintain a high attitude.

Therefore, some Terrans will force the demons to call their masters.

"Young master." Ye Hao said faintly.

Hearing Ye Hao say so, spotted cat can't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

In fact, this sentence of spotted cat is just trying. It wants to know what attitude Ye Hao has towards demon clan?

And from this sentence, we can see something.

Baoyu Pavilion!

Ye Hao and his party had just entered the Baoyu Pavilion, and a pretty maid welcomed them.

"Two gentlemen and two ladies, I don't know what you want to buy?"

"Take us to see Zhan Chong." Meng Ping whispered.

"All right, follow me." Said the maid as she walked forward.

The space of Baoyu pavilion has been widened many times.

So even if there are thousands of people shopping here, it doesn't look crowded.

After a long time, the maid with Ye Hao and others came to a gate, "this is the place to sell war pets."

After a few people went in, they saw tens of thousands of war pets.

There are all kinds of war pets.

"These war pets are all jade level war pets." The maid said, pointing to a gate several kilometers away, "all the gold grade war pets are sold after that gate."

"Do you have King level pet?" Ye Hao asked softly.

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