"I'm sure." Jiang Hanyu nodded.

"Shao Pavilion master, just now he said that he would buy all the nobles and pets of Baoyu Pavilion." Then the maid whispered.

"Ha ha ha, what do you say?" In the Qin and Han Dynasties, he couldn't help laughing and said, "do you want to buy all of Baoyu pavilion's nobles and pets? The whole southern region, even taixuan college, can't do it well? "

"Taixuan college can't do that because it doesn't want to use the Treasury." Ye Hao said lightly, "you can be ignorant, but you can't be ignorant to this extent."

Damn it!

In the Qin and Han Dynasties, he became angry.

Use the Treasury?

Who is free to use the Treasury?

Moreover, the funds used are astronomical. Even taixuan college may not have these immortal stones.

"What do you say?" In the Qin and Han Dynasties, he pointed to Ye Hao.

"In the Qin and Han Dynasties, you can go." Jiang Hanyu has a cold face.

"Cold jade." In the Qin and Han Dynasties, he shrank his neck.

"Didn't you hear me?" Jiang Hanyu is graceful and charming, and she is very charming. However, her eyes are sharp at this time, and she has some dignity.

In Qin and Han Dynasties, seeing Jiang Hanyu's appearance like this, he said, "don't be angry. I'll go. Can't I?"

However, before he left in the Qin and Han Dynasties, he gave Ye Hao a glimpse, which was full of cold light.

"Follow me, please." Jiang Hanyu pointed to the front and whispered.

"Miss Jiang, my tutor just joked with you." Qi Ling said uneasily.

"I'm sure your tutor won't make fun of me." Jiang Hanyu said with an unchanging look.

Hearing this, Qi Ling couldn't help but hold Ye Hao's arm.

However, Ye Hao gives Qi Ling a reassuring look, and then Ye Hao pulls Qi Ling's arm away with Jiang Hanyu.

When they left, Meng Ping's eyes were full of teasing, "your tutor will be unlucky."

"Even if it is our taixuan college heaven class's favored son, also may not dare to tease Baoyu pavilion's young cabinet master." Di Xin said lightly, "Qi Ling, I have to say that your tutor is really bold."

Hearing this, Qi Ling's face was even more frightened.


After Ye Hao came to the VIP room with Jiang Hanyu, a pretty maid immediately offered a pot of tea.

"It's just picked

Ye haopin put down the cup after a sip.


"Not good." Ye Hao said as he calmly looked at Jiang Hanyu and said, "don't you have some good tea in Baoyu pavilion?"

"Do you know how much a bird tongue costs?" The pretty maid couldn't help saying that the tea was not good when he saw Ye Hao.

"I don't know how much it costs, but it tastes really bad." Ye Hao said here, the hand appeared a brocade box, "go bubble bar."

The pretty maid came forward to take the brocade box and opened it.

And in the moment of opening, a flash of light will burst out in an instant.

Colorful, magnificent.

Looking at the pieces of tea in the brocade box, the maid was shocked.

"Baihua tea." Jiang Hanyu's eyes showed a trace of surprise, "how can you have Baihua tea in your hand?"

"Shaoge Lord, is Baihua tea precious?" The maid looked at Jiang Hanyu road.

"Baihua tea is more than 100 kinds of precious flower tea in a unique way Jiang Hanyu said in a deep voice, "after taking it, hundreds of kinds of flower fragrance will bloom in your mouth, so that your taste buds can be fully satisfied." After a pause, Jiang Hanyu said, "the one or two hundred flower tea in your hand is worth millions."


Hearing the number, the maid's face changed.

If so, is not a kilogram of tea as high as ten million?

"Go and make tea." Jiang Hanyu took a look at the maid.

The maid left in a hurry and respectful manner.

At this time, Ye Hao calmly looked at Jiang Hanyu and said, "you have already tried it out. Can we talk about business now?"

"Do you want to buy a pet?" Can casually take out a million hundred flowers of tea, Ye Hao's identity is certainly not a simple generation?

"How many nobles do you have in Baoyu pavilion?"

"How much do you want?"

"How much do I buy?"

"Are you sure it's not a joke?" Jiang Hanyu asked with great solemnity this time.

As soon as Ye Hao waved his hand, a bag of heaven and earth fell steadily into Jiang Hanyu's hands.

Jiang Hanyu's mind swept and her face changed.

10 billion!

Jiang Hanyu saw 10 billion high-grade immortal stones in the bag of heaven and earth.

"Who are you?"

"Do you need to know the identity of the guests when you do business in Baoyu pavilion?"

"I don't need it."

"Now can you prepare me a high level pet?""Do you want to see race?"

"No need." Ye Hao said lightly.

Looking at the dark place, Jiang Hanyu said, "elder Xu, go and prepare."

A shadow flashed in the dark.

After a short while, the pretty maid came in with the tea.

This time she looked at Ye Hao's eyes, there was no slightest slightest contempt.

After pouring two cups of Baihua tea respectfully, he left silently.

Ye Hao raised his glass and took a sip and put it down again.

"Are you the tutor of taixuan college?"


"Is there a jade fairyland tutor in taixuan college?"

"Do you really think I am a monk of jade fairyland?"

"But you really don't have the fluctuation of golden fairyland. Even if your cultivation is higher than me, it can't be hidden so that I can't see it." Jiang Hanyu looks at Ye Hao in disbelief.

"You're right. I'm Yuxian." What makes Jiang Hanyu speechless is that Ye Hao said this sentence.

"A jade fairy has so much money?" Jiang Hanyu tried again.

"Why can't Yu Xian have so much money?"

There's nothing wrong with that.

Jiang Hanyu did not know how to answer for a moment.

Fortunately, before long, a middle-aged Taoist nun came in.

"Miss, there are only 30 of them here in Baoyu Pavilion." The middle-aged Taoist nun whispered, "the price of these 30 high-level war pets is 18.643 million."

"Is that all?" Ye Hao some discontented ground says, "you treasure jade Pavilion so little strength?"

"What are you talking about?" The middle-aged Taoist nun looked at Ye Hao with sharp eyes.

"Elder Xu, don't be unreasonable." Jiang Hanyu said quickly.

Immediately, Jiang Hanyu looked at Ye Hao and said softly, "this is just a branch of our Baoyu Pavilion. After I go back, I will transfer it to you immediately from the headquarters."

"All right." Ye Hao nods.

"How much do you want?"

"Didn't I tell you? How much do you have? How much do I want? "

Jiang Hanyu was silent. After a short period of time, she said, "I know it's impolite to ask, but I still want to know, what do you want so many war pets to do?"

"It's for the disciples of the sect."

"Are you sure?"

"There's no need to lie to you about this."

"I'm sure you won't do anything wrong with these pets." Jiang Hanyu looked at Ye Hao and said earnestly, "you can settle the rest of the money now, and I will take you to get the war pet."

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