"Happy cooperation." After handing over 30 high-level war pets, Jiang Hanyu held out his jade like hand.

Ye Hao shook Jiang Hanyu and let go.

"Happy cooperation." Ye Hao said here for a moment, "I have a request."

"What request?"

"Please keep my purchase confidential."


"I don't want to be noticed."

"It's our duty to keep the guests secret."

"You can go to taixuan college to find me when you are ready to fight."



"I'll see you off."

"Hold on."

Ye Hao walked out of the VIP room and walked to the gold level favorite area.

Soon Ye Hao saw Qi Ling with a worried face.

Qi Ling saw Ye Hao and ran over.

"Are you all right?"

"What can I do for you?"

"Miss Jiang is not difficult for you?"


"No, it's good." Qi Ling's heart was finally put down.

Meng Ping and di Xin look at each other, the eyes are full of incredible.

What's the situation?

Is Jiang Hanyu not hard for Ye Hao?

Even if they want to break their heads, they can't imagine that Ye Hao has just spent tens of billions of money to buy 30 high-level war pets.

"Tutor ye, it's great that you're OK." Meng Ping came up and said with a smile.

Ye Hao shrugged and did not speak.

Mengping now come together, can there be good things?

Mengping saw Ye Hao not answer his own words and said, "I want to buy a good war pet for Qi Ling, but I don't have so much money in my hand. I wonder if you can support one or two?"

"Cousin." Qi Ling cried.

"You can't refuse to believe in teacher Yip's ability, can you?" Meng Ping interrupted Qi Ling's words.

Qi Ling would like to say that Ye Hao, however, said, "I am also your teacher. It is reasonable to send you a war pet. I don't know which one you like?"

"This snow fox." Mengping pointed to a snow fox not far away, which was as white as snow. She said, "this snow fox is now seven layers of jade fairy, which is similar to my cousin's cultivation. I believe my cousin has this snow fox, and her combat power can be improved to a higher level."

Ye Hao shook his head slightly.

"Why are you so mean?" Seeing Ye Hao shaking his head, Meng Ping said coldly, "is it too expensive to buy something for your students?"

"I shake my head because the limit of this snow fox is the eighth floor of golden immortal. If there is no accident, I will never be able to step on the immortal master in this life." Ye Hao said faintly, "I either do not send, or send good."

"Are you going to give it to you?" Meng Ping was stunned.

"Let's go and have a look at the main battle pet area." Ye Hao said and walked forward.

"Tutor Ye." After catching up with Ye Hao, Qi Ling said, "I don't want it."

"Take what your tutor gives you." Ye Hao said with a straight face.

Seeing Ye Hao's expression, Qi Ling didn't dare to say anything more.

After arriving at the main level area, Ye Hao glanced around, pointed to a Golden Fox and said, "does this lightning fox like it?"

"This is too expensive." Qi Ling took a look at the price marked on the lightning Fox and changed its color.

"Then lightning fox." Ye Hao said and looked at the maid who followed him and said, "I want this lightning fox."

"The lightning Fox's blood is so noble that it costs 8.4 million."

"I didn't ask you the price." Ye Hao said lightly.

The maid looked at Ye Hao and said, "the rule of Baoyu Pavilion is to give money first."

Ye Hao threw her a bag of heaven and earth.

The maid's face changed after her mind was swept away.

She looked at Ye Hao with a different look.

"Can I have the lightning fox now?"

"Yes, yes, yes." The maid ran to the lightning fox as she spoke. She took the seal off the fox and brought it.

"You can contract it now." Ye Hao looks at Qi Ling.

"Ah." Qi Ling is still in a dream.

"If you don't sign the contract, I guess you'll be robbed." Ye Hao said with a smile.

"Tutor ye, it's really expensive!" Qi Ling said with a bitter smile.

"Do you think war pet is only for you?" Ye Hao said faintly.

"What do you mean?"

"Excellent students will be rewarded with war pets." Ye Hao can be said to be unspeakable, "if you are good enough, you will have a chance to get a second, a third master level pet."

"What?" Qi Ling couldn't help but stare at her eyes."When you go back, you tell the class the news." Ye Hao said here and urged, "don't you sign a contract?"

Qi Ling pondered for a while and then signed the psychic contract with lightning fox.

Looking at this scene, Meng Ping and di Xin don't know what to say.

"What's the situation?" Meng Ping asked.

"I don't know." Di Xin smiles bitterly.

Dixin really didn't know.

As the young master of Tianlong mountain villa, di Xin doesn't have so many immortal stones, OK?

"The boy either pretended to be a pig and ate a tiger, or he made a fortune by accident." After thinking for a while, Dixin thought that there were only two possibilities.

"What now?"

"Another chance."

In front of the women's dormitory.

Ye Hao said to Qi Ling, "what you have to do for half a month is to communicate with lightning fox."

"You're not asking me to study --"

"That can slow down."


"Do as I say."


At this time, a few girls back to the dormitory building.

One of the girls was surprised when she saw Ye Hao.

"Mr. Ye."

Ye Hao looked at the girl in front of her face and said, "you live here too."

"Yes, would you like to go up and sit down?"

"Isn't this convenient?"

"What's the inconvenience?" Zhang Aoxue said with a smile, "there's nothing wrong with seeing people in our dormitory."

"I haven't seen a girl's dormitory yet. What's it like?" Ye Hao said with some interest, "lead the way."

"OK." Zhang Aoxue only noticed Qi Ling around Ye Hao when he said this.

"This is --"

"Qi Ling." Ye Hao said.

"Oh, would you like to come with me?" Zhang Aoxue invited actively.

"No more." Qi Ling refused.

Zhang Aoxue doesn't know Qi Ling, but Qi Ling knows Zhang Aoxue.

This is an excellent student of Xuan class, almost entered the prefecture level class, and this one's background is also very deep, surrounded by a group of followers.

"Ao Xue, who is this?" A girl in blue asked curiously.

The girl in blue is Zhang Aoxue's roommate.

"Ye RI, the tutor of yellow class 4, is also my Savior." Zhang Aoxue introduced in a solemn tone.

"Wow, the legendary teacher Ye RI?"

"Master Ye RI has always been a legend."

"Tutor Ye RI, do you know that your name has already resounded through the whole taixuan college?"

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