Smell speech Han Mengqi and other three women's faces all changed.

"No restrictions?" Jin Xuan's expression is congealed.

"The only restriction is that only three names can be engraved." Ye Hao said calmly.

"It's OK." Jinxuan patted her chest involuntarily.

"The list of life and death is only the ultimate means of this one, and the conventional means of this one can fight against his peers." Ye Hao looks at Jinxuan with a smile.

"I don't know what you mean by conventional means?"

"Sword soul." Ye Hao said slowly, "this one is carrying the spirit of sword. No matter what kind of swordsmanship, you can master it in the shortest time. Over the years, he has constantly integrated various sword techniques, and now he has integrated thousands of Kendo essence. "

Jin Xuan's face froze.

Sword cultivation is known as the most powerful attack.

But this one took the road of breaking ten thousand methods with one sword.

It can be imagined that the future is almost invincible.

"What is murongjing's method?" Han Mengqi looks at Ye Hao and asks.

"Don't you know that yourself?" Ye Hao said with a smile.

"Think carefully, it seems that murongjing has never been pushed to the limit by me." Han Mengqi seemed embarrassed when she said this.

"I'm not familiar with murongjing."

"I don't know how you know Murong Jing is a monster."


Han Mengqi looked at Ye Hao and said, "you are just a jade fairy. Why do you know these secrets?" Han Mengqi thinks it's incredible that murongjing is a monster. He doesn't know about it these years. But how long did Ye Hao come to the college? How could he know?

No way!

That's right.

Han Mengqi suddenly thought of a point.

Liu Yaxin, his mentor, did not know.

Liu Yaxin is the peak of the Immortal King.

Why can Ye Hao see through what his tutors can't see through?

"Mengqi, did you find that we totally ignored the fact that he was just a jade fairy when we chatted with him?" You Lan said softly.

You Lan's voice falls, Han Mengqi, this just frightens and startles.

On second thought, is that really the case?

Han Mengqi didn't treat Ye Hao as a jade fairy when he chatted with him.

You LAN has to say that you see the problem very thoroughly.

"Ye RI, do you want to give me an explanation?" Han Mengqi stares at Ye Hao and whispers.

"Girl, are you going to interrogate me?" Ye Hao said with a smile.

Hearing Ye Hao say so, Han Mengqi shook his head gently, "I'm afraid you'll cheat me."

"I told you what to say." Ye Hao said lightly, "I don't want to say it again."

"Well, I don't ask." Han Mengqi immediately changed the topic, "can you direct me to practice the art of animal training?"

I have to say Han Mengqi is very smart.

She knew what Ye Hao was afraid of, so she resolutely stopped going on the previous topic.


"Ye RI guides you?" Jin Xuan's eyes widened.

"Look down on people?" Ye Hao glances at Jin Xuan.

"Can you guide me as well?" Jin Xuan is not satisfied with defeat and asks.

"Not at all." Ye Hao doesn't care.

"I can't break through level 7 of Tianshu telepathy." Jin Xuan looks at Ye Hao and says, "can you tell me why?"

"You can use the divination of Tianshu." Ye Hao said calmly.

Jin Xuan looks at Ye Hao suspiciously.

Can he really point it out?

With such doubts, Jinxuan starts to use the Tianshu psychic skill, and when Jinxuan is in operation, a wisp of mind of Ye Hao moves with her skill.

After Jinxuan has been working for a week, Ye Hao says, "are you sure that the Tianshu psychic skill you are running is correct?"

"What's the matter?"

"The divination of Tianshu is flawed." Ye Hao waved his hand. In the air, Jin Xuan's meridian running route appeared. "Is this the direction you just moved?" Ye Hao's fingers followed the direction of the meridians for a circle.

"Not bad."

"You can try this again now." Ye Hao pointed out a new route as he spoke.

Jin Xuan holds the idea of having a try.

Gradually, Jin Xuan's face was shocked.

Because she found that according to Ye Hao's route, she could also operate Tianshu's psychic skills, and Jinxuan also found that it worked more smoothly and freely than before.

"What's going on?" Jin Xuan looks at Ye Hao in astonishment.

"The seventh level of Tianshu channeling requires you to have a strong physical strength, and your current physical ability can't bear it at all. This is the real reason why you can't break through." Ye Hao said blandly, "the route I pointed out to you can reduce your physical dependence by half. If you follow this route, you can break through within ten days.""Are you sure?" said Jin Xuan

"I'm sure."

"You don't really know how to telepathize

"Do you think I can learn the seven level psychics?" Ye Hao said scornfully, "to tell you the truth, this kind of psychic is rubbish."

"Do you have better psychics?" Jin Xuan couldn't help asking.

"I have better channeling, but you don't need it if you give it to you." Ye Hao said with a light smile, "this has to match your favorite."

"But it can enhance my strength."

"There's nothing wrong with that." Ye Hao thought about it and took out a scroll of ancient scrolls and said, "this is the four seas psychic skill of eight grades of prefecture level."

"Prefecture level eight grades?" Jin Xuan's eyes lit up.

While she was waiting to look at it, Ye Hao put the four seas psychics away.

"I'm just showing you." Ye Hao said with a smile.

"Ye RI, how can you be like that?" Jinxuan cried.

"Girl, this is a prefecture level eight grade, even taixuan college only has three volumes, OK?" Ye Hao said with a smile, "do you think I can give it to you casually?"

"Then how can you give it to me?" Jin Xuan said, suddenly thought of what, "or I let you touch it?"

When Jin Xuan said this, she could not help but straighten out her chest.

Ye Hao felt that his stomach was hot and dry.

"You can't touch it unless you sleep." Ye Hao refused.

"I can't sleep. Touch some." Jin Xuan bargain.

Han Mengqi covered her face.

She found it embarrassing.

How can Jin Xuan bargain with such a thing?

"Jin Xuan." Youlan can't see it anymore. She pulls Jin Xuan.

Jin Xuan glared at Ye Hao and said, "it's not impossible for me to sleep, unless you can defeat me."

"If I can beat you, I'll sleep in Mengqi, OK?" Ye Hao blurted out and said, "Mengqi's chest is smaller than you, but the rest all crush you."

"What do you say?" Jinxuan's hair is blown up.

Is Ye Hao insulting her?

Han Mengqi also looked at Ye Hao angrily, "what do you say?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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