Looking at the furious Han Mengqi, Ye Hao throws Han Mengqi a fruit with the light of glass.

Han Mengqi took over after a startled way, "glass fruit."

"After taking it, you can have the glass Xuan body." Ye Hao said with a smile.

Don't think the fruit is worth nothing.

A glazed fruit is equivalent to a Xuanti.

Han Mengqi's identity and qualification must have Xuanti, but who cares more about his Xuanti?

One more kind of metaphysics is stronger in itself.

"And mine?" Jin Xuan asked with burning eyes.

"Here you are." Ye Hao said that a glazed fruit appeared in front of Jinxuan and Youlan.

"Me too?" You orchid a Zheng way.

You LAN is the same as her name.

It was quiet most of the time.


"Thank you." You Lan said politely.

After Ye Hao nodded, "you can ask me if you have any doubts in practice."

"No more." Youlan shook her head gently.

"Ye RI, do you know deformation Dan?" Jinxuan takes a look at Youlan and suddenly thinks of something. Then she looks at Ye Hao and asks.

"Deformable pill is a kind of elixir in ancient times." Ye Hao asked suspiciously, "what do you want to do with this?"

"Because Youlan is studying this recently." Jin Xuan looked at Ye Hao in a narrow way, "if you have the ability, you can answer it."

"Are you deducing Dan Fang or don't know how to refine?" Let Jinxuan did not expect that Ye Hao asked this sentence.

Can Ye Hao understand it?

"I'm still playing Dan Fang." Youlan looks at Ye Hao in surprise.

"Show me."

The blue light in Youlan's hand flashed and a piece of silk appeared.

Ye Hao glanced and then said, "your Dan formula is wrong."


"You shouldn't have used it." Ye Hao pointed to a herbal medicine and said, "it's OK to use jiaoxie grass."


"because the medicine contained in dragongrass is too overbearing, it will destroy the essence of other medicinal materials." Ye Hao said lightly.

"True or false?" Jin Xuan looks at Ye Hao suspiciously.

Ye Hao took out a pen and wrote on it.

After Ye Hao added eight herbs, he handed it to Youlan.

"You try to deduce."

Youlan takes over Dan Fang and deduces it silently.

The expression of Youlan changed.

She doesn't know how Ye Hao deduced it, but she still knows whether the result is right.

"How did you do it?" Youlan looks shocked at Ye Hao.

Jin Xuan and Han Mengqi are all shocked to hear you LAN say so.

Did Ye Hao really deduce it?

Ye Hao is good at channeling, which they understand.

After all, there are not many monks who don't know the art of channeling.

It is not incomprehensible that Ye Hao is proficient in the art of array Dao.

It's understandable that Ye Hao is good at array Dao. Youlan is good at channeling and Dan Dao. But why is Ye Hao still proficient in Dan Dao?

It's too much to be good at.

"If you want to do it, do it." Ye Hao said with a smile.

"Will you delay your martial arts if you study so much?" You LAN asked the question in the heart.

"No delay." Ye Hao shakes his head.

"But I don't think it should be jade fairyland now if you don't delay!"

Ye Hao, however, smiles and doesn't explain anything.

"Ye RI, why can't I give full play to my power when I practice xuanyue Jue?" Han Mengqi then asked.

"You run it."

After Han Mengqi's operation, Ye Hao said, "if it's convenient for you, tell me the resolution of xuanyue decision."


Ye Hao carefully tasted a time and said, "under the moon, flying mirror, cloud life knot hailou, how do you understand this sentence?"

Han Mengqi said her understanding.

"You don't understand this sentence." After Ye Hao told Han Mengqi about his understanding, "you can taste it again now."

Han Mengqi tasted this time for a long time.

And with Han Mengqi again running xuanyuejue, the power of her body rose a lot than before.

"Ye RI, you are so amazing." Han Mengqi looks at Ye Hao in shock.

Can we not be shocked?

This matter has troubled Han Mengqi for a long time.

But Ye Hao easily found out the crux of the problem.

Ye Hao said with a smile, "low key, low key, low key."

"I want to taste the mystery of the moon again."

Ye Hao pondered for a while and then looked at Han Mengqi and said, "Mengqi, I have something to tell you.""What's the matter?"

"I brought the students from class 4, yellow."

"Well, bring it when you bring it." Han Mengqi doesn't care.

"Well, I'll go and see them." Ye Hao said and turned into a streamer into a magic weapon of the space that Ruyi gave himself.

Youlan stares at Ye Hao's figure and says slowly after a short while, "he turned into a streamer just now."

"What?" Jin Xuan is surprised.

"His magic weapon of space just opened a crack, and he really turned into a streamer into it." "In other words, he mastered the changeable body method."

"How many secrets are there in him?" Jin Xuan said in a deep voice.

"A lot, a lot." Han Mengqi said leisurely.


After Ye Hao arrived at the magic weapon of space, Qi Ling and other students all looked over.

"You will have two months to practice here." Ye Hao looked around and said, "what you need to do in these two months is to improve your accomplishments."

Ye Hao said that there was an array plate in his hand.

The next moment, the array in the array disk is pulled out and turned into a huge space barrier.

"You will triple the speed of your practice here." Ye Hao said here for a moment and said, "in addition, I will provide you with elixir to ensure that you can upgrade more than three realms when you go out."

The whole class cried out.


Ye Hao said two months because he was confident that with his help, Han Mengqi could master the vast art of animal training in two months.

Ye Hao's estimate is correct.

Because two months later, Han Mengqi completely mastered the vast art of animal training.

Now that you have mastered Han Mengqi, you can't waste any more time.

Han Mengqi is not unaware of the precious time crystal?

So this practice is over.

When the students of yellow class 4 came back to the classroom, they had a dreamy feeling.

"It's just been a while, it's hard to imagine."

"It gives me a sense of a dream."

"Yes, who would have thought that my accomplishments have been leaping after such a short period of time."

"Before, I always thought ten turns of jade immortals was my limit, but now my cultivation has been promoted to eleven turns of jade immortals."

"I believe now that I may set foot on the immortal Lord in the future."

"With tutor ye, everything is possible."

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