"Normally speaking, it is impossible for King level war pets to appear on a large scale." The one in the dark said slowly, "but don't forget that I have Zen fragrance in my hands."

"Can Zen incense make your majesty and pet step on the king level?"

"If you only let one person absorb Zen incense, there is no problem from the giant to the monster."

"What?" Ye Hao was shocked.

"This is the incense of the gods." The one in the dark stressed, "don't use common sense to describe it." Speaking of this, the one in the dark said, "don't let Chan Xiang out, or you will be killed."

Ye Hao knows this even if he doesn't emphasize it.

It's just that Zen incense is so against the sky.

There is no common sense in upgrading qualifications.

It's incredible.

"Well, it's time for you to leave."

"Master, I want to know what is that ancient scripture at the gate of the temple?" Ye Hao said in a low voice, "why can the ancient scriptures improve their qualifications?"

"I heard that ancient Scripture in that temple." There were 33 sentences in that ancient Scripture, which can be described as a gem. Even if you master one or two sentences, you can benefit a lot. If you think about it carefully, that ancient Scripture should belong to the divine text, and long-term study can strengthen itself. "

"Did you deprive the monks at the door of the memory of this divine text?"


"Is it --" Ye Hao seems to think of something.

"The origin of the divine text should be extremely powerful. If you can't remember it, it will be forcibly deprived. This should be the law in the dark

"It's terrible. A divine text has such power." Ye Hao sighed.

"It's impossible for me to go to Shenyu in my life. I hope you can go there later." After finishing this sentence, Ye Hao and murongjing were sent to the outside of the temple.

"What's the situation?"

"I also want to know." Ye Hao pretends to know nothing.

"Did you understand something just now?"

"As soon as I had some understanding, it sent me out." Ye Hao said angrily.

Looking at Ye Hao's appearance, murongjing doesn't know how to comfort him.

Mu Rongjing really did not doubt Ye Hao's words.

Because just now Ye Hao led the mystery of Wukong and used the power of time to talk with the man in the dark.

Murongjing doesn't think Ye Hao can understand anything in such a short time?

Liu Yaxin and others quickly surrounded.

"What is in the temple?"

Smell speech Murong crystal a face of bitterness.

"What's the matter?" Liu Yaxin exclaimed.

"Ye RI and I went in and found that there was nothing in the temple, but the elder in the dark asked us to understand." When murongjing said this, don't mention more depressed in his heart, "but we didn't understand anything until we were sent out."

Mu Rongjing's words shocked many friars, but some of them didn't believe it.

"Nothing?" Han Mengqi speaks to Ye Hao.

Ye Hao shook his head gently.

"No?" Han Mengqi gaped.

"Murongjing, aren't you the second one to go in?" Xue Renyi asked softly.

As soon as Xue Renyi's voice fell, the eyes of all the teachers and students fell on Ye Hao.

Ye Hao looks calm.

Murong Jing said lightly, "Ye RI is indeed the first one to go in, but the elder in the dark clearly tells us that the things in the temple need to be searched carefully."

Xue Renyi's expression was stagnant.

He didn't expect murongjing would stand up to speak for Ye Hao.

"Xue Renyi, you don't have to stir up trouble there." Ye Hao looked at Xue Renyi and said, "don't say I didn't get anything. Even if I got it, how about it? Do you dare to rob

"Just now I have found out that Xue Renyi is the Xue family of Dongyu." Xiao Qi squinted at Xue Renyi and said, "there is no semi God strong in their family. Go back to us and call No. 1 man and destroy his Xue family." After a pause, Xiao Qi then said, "if you don't want to call someone, I'll call someone for you?"

"Don't you have a lot of people in your family?" Ye Hao said in surprise.

"There are not many people in my family, but I have several vassal forces." Xiao Qi said, holding his head high, "I think they still sell me face."

Xue Renyi's face changed.

"Do you want to start the war between Terrans and demons?"

"Can a scum like you represent a human race?" Seven disdain ground says, "you are too take oneself seriously."

"I'm a giant anyway." Xue Renyi said with red eyes.

"Magnate? Ha ha. " Smell speech small seven ha ha ha to laugh up, "do you think tycoon is flaunt capital? I'm not afraid to tell you, my son. ""Seven." Ye Hao glanced at Xiao Qi.

Xiao Qi said with a smile, "don't say, don't say, don't say."

Even though Xiao Qi stopped in time, some of the teachers and students in the field still heard something.

"I'm afraid that ye RI's identity is not simple."

"Before, I thought Ye RI was lucky enough to be followed by a nine turn exquisite beast, but now I realize that Xiao Qi is valuing Ye RI."

"Xiao Qi had something to say just now. I think it wants to say that ye RI has giants under his command."

"I think it's the same thing."

"What I can't understand is that ye RI hasn't grown up yet. There's no need to condescend to follow Ye RI as a nine turn Linglong beast."

"Is Ye ri a demon?"

"If the growth of the evil spirit Xiao Qi can be understood, the problem is that ye RI does not know how long from growing up?"

"Who knows?"

Liu Yaxin looked at the conflict and said, "let's go, I'll take you to the demon mountain."

Ye Hao and his party followed Liu Yaxin for a period of time, and then they saw a towering mountain in the distance.

And on this mountain, people saw one horror after another.

"Lei Yuan lion."

"Moon beast."

"Shaking the sky monkey."

"Golden eyed falcon."

When people saw the demon clan on the mountain, their faces showed a surprise look.

Because most of these demon clans have grown up.

"When you walk toward the mountain, you use psychics or animal training. If a demon clan voluntarily goes with you, it's your pet." Liu Yaxin glanced at the audience and said slowly.

Liu Yaxin's voice dropped, and the monks in the field walked towards the mountain.

"Tutor Ye." Guqin looks at Ye Hao.

"Follow me." Ye Hao looks at guqin, Zhang Aoxue and Gu qinger.

The three girls nodded.

Ye Hao's speed is not slow or urgent.

When he arrived at the foot of the mountain, Ye Hao found that some demon clans on the mountain had moved, but most of them were running for murongjing, Xue Renyi and Han Mengqi.

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