But on the whole, every friar follows the demon clan.

It's just a matter of quantity.

But these friars with the demon clan can not be compared with Han Mengqi such a giant, and Han Mengqi such a giant can not be compared with murongjing such a monster.

Because one third of the demon clan that started was running to murongjing.

When Ye Hao came to the foot of the mountain, he began to use Taibai's telepathy.

When Ye Hao operated Taibai's psychic skill, his whole body was full of Taibai light.

Supreme majesty!


Top notch!

The whole demon mountain demon clan all looked to Ye Hao.

The next moment, in the shock of the monks, they rushed to Ye Hao. Even the demon clan who followed Han Mengqi and others changed their original intention and rushed to Ye Hao.

"What's the situation?"

"It's all rushing towards Ye RI."

"Did you see the white light blooming on Ye Hao?"

"I'd like to know what kind of skill Ye Hao used?"

"Nonsense, only heaven level skill can make such a sensation, OK?"

"Heaven level skill!"

"Ye RI's hand actually has the heaven level skill?"

"Is it hard to understand that there are heavenly level skills in the hands of demons?"

"Ye RI has Tian level skill in his hand, which can be understood. But have you noticed that murongjing is suppressed, and the skill murongjing just used is also heaven level, OK?"

"That is to say, ye RI's level of Gongfa theory is even stronger than that of murongjing."

"Yes, all the demon families around Murong Jing have run to Ye Hao."

During the discussion between the teachers and students, Ye Hao, Zhang Aoxue, Gu Qing'er and Guqin were surrounded by demons.

Liu Yaxin opened his mouth in amazement and didn't know what to say.

This scene was so shocking.

No matter what level the demon clan is on the demon mountain, they all run to Ye Hao's side.

"President Liu, can I take all of them?" Ye Hao howled at Liu Yaxin.

"According to the rules, you can take three of them." At this time, a slow voice sounded in Ye Hao's ears. Ye Hao's mind swept around and saw a mysterious turtle at the top of the mountain.

"Three, but isn't it a little less?"

"Less?" Xuangui light way.

Ye Hao smiles bitterly.

It seems that xuangui knew that he had been favored by war.

"The green winged beast, the Canglong beast, and the sky patrolling beast." Ye Hao glanced at them and chose three of them.

Seeing that Ye Hao has chosen these three spoils, the rest of the teachers and students are full of jealousy.

"These three will be able to reach the level of giants in the future."

"What's more important is that these three war pets have now reached the level of honor."

"With these three treasures, ye RI is even more powerful."

"If you want to deal with Ye Hao, unless you have the Immortal King level, will you?"

There are not a lot of big players!

But now Ye Hao got three.

"Yes, sir."

"Yes, sir."

"Yes, sir."

The three warriors, such as the patrol beast, saluted Ye Hao respectfully.

Ye Hao nodded and then looked at the rest of the demon clan, "these three are my friends, who is willing to be their war pet?"

No one answered!

Guqin and Zhang Aoxue only mastered the art of channeling at the gold level, while Gu qinger only mastered the art of jade level channeling.

Who can look up to the fluctuation of this level of skill blooming?

"You don't see the answer from Ye Hao

"Tigger, come out," he said

Tigger came out reluctantly, "boss, how can you pit me?"

"Who let you get on well with me?" When the beast said this, he looked at the Dragon beast and the green winged beast and said, "let's have one quota."

Canglong beast pondered for a while and then looked at a dodgy gibbon and said, "gibbon, you come out."

Hearing this, the gibbon's whole body was shocked, and immediately his face was full of bitterness.

Green winged beast is to see a big blue bird way, "Nanming bird, you come out."

When Nanming bird also fell, Ye Hao said, "you three choices."

"I choose her." The big blue bird points to the Guqin road.

Because compared with Zhang Aoxue and Gu Qing'er, guqing'er's Guqin has stronger fluctuation.

"I choose her." Tigger is busy pointing to Zhang Aoxue road.

And the gibbons didn't respond.

Then there's no need for Gibbons to choose again.

After Ye Hao's four men came down the mountain with six battle pets, the monks of the whole demon mountain looked at Ye Hao with a very complicated look. At this time, the demon families on the demon mountain returned to their previous positions one by one.After a while, these demon clans began to go to these friars.

But there was no more sensation.

Han Mengqi and Xue Renyi were favored by two giants, while Murong Jing chose an ugly little bird.

Ye Hao looked dignified when he saw the little bird.

"Skylark." Xiao Qi's expression is congealed.

"The skylark is still in its metamorphosis." Ye Hao doubted and said, "it's a pity."

In the future, the burning skylark is qualified to set foot in the demigod realm.

"It can be imagined that the power of murongjing to get the burning Skylark will be extremely terrifying." Xiao Qi said that he looked at Ye Hao and said, "are you very sorry?"

"There is no regret." Ye Hao gently shook his head and said, "I can't get all the benefits, can't I?"

"But why did I hear the faint sadness?"

"Do you know what I got in the temple?" Ye Hao looks at Xiao Qi Dao with a smile.


"The way to let the giant step on the demon."

Xiaoqi's eyes immediately showed a surprise look, "really?"

"Do you think I can lie to you about this?"

"There was no mistake in choosing to follow you." Xiao Qi is about to jump up.

"How much do you remember about the skill at the gate of the temple?" But Ye Hao changed the topic.

"Three sentences."

"Three sentences?"


"You will read these three lines when you are free."

"Shenwen?" Xiao Qi's pupil shrinks.


"What's the use of this divine text?"

"Refine your body and strengthen your soul." Ye Hao looked at Xiao Qi and said in a deep voice, "this is an essential improvement, and it is continuous."

Hearing Ye Hao say this, Xiao Qi quickly recalled the three sacred words he had memorized before.

"By the way, how many sentences do you master?"

"All, thirty-three sentences."

"Can you teach it to me?"

"Teach it to you, and you can't master one more sentence." Ye Hao said softly.

Xiao Qi is silent.

A moment later, he sighed, "what a pity."

"Ha ha." Ye Hao laughed.

"What are you laughing at?"

"Don't you think it's familiar?" Ye Hao pointed to Xiao Qi and said, "are you sorry that you didn't insist on more time before?"

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