Bloodthirsty soul burning array is still running.

The 100000 teachers and students of taixuan college are still enjoying the feast.

The 30000 demon soldiers trapped in the bloodthirsty soul burning array howled bitterly.

Their blood was refined, their spirits were burned, turned into pure energy and poured into the array.

This is a process of ebb and flow.

At the beginning, if they can't break the confinement of the array, then there is no possibility of breaking the confinement of the array. And with the passage of time, some demons were refined into ashes.

Ye Hao told the 100000 teachers and students of taixuan University before.

There is no need to continuously upgrade the realm of the immortal, but there is no limit to those below it.

If you can upgrade one realm, you can upgrade one realm. If you can upgrade two realms, no one will stop you?

Li Mo watched the elite of thirty thousand demons fall, and could not bear to use the forbidden technique any more.

After the ban was put into operation, Li Mo's whole body was filled with surging waves. Even though Liu Yaxin used a lot of means, Liu Yaxin was still defeated. However, with the powerful devil's one blow, Liu Yaxin was attacked by the array.

However, the force of thunder and lightning interweaved and turned into a sea of thunder.

He kept charging and retreating.

Because I can't get out.

Even if the cultivation of caiqilin is suppressed for a certain level, it is not something that can be resisted by the strong at the peak of the Immortal King.

In this way, after more than a dozen breaths, the momentum of the power devil fell back after reaching the peak.

And once it falls back, it's out of control.

"Ah." Demons roared.

Because he realized that he might fall here today.

After Liu Yaxin saw this scene, he was still quietly recovering the immortal power he had just consumed.

The power of thunder and lightning has always been the bane of evil and evil.

After fighting with CAI Qilin for hundreds of moves, Li Mo was seriously injured. When he had to, he burned his blood essence and broke out towards the periphery.

Not to mention that in the case of force magic at all costs, but just after the fight through, the force demon saw Liu Yaxin who was waiting for the battle.

"Get out of here."

"It's not sure who's going to roll?" Liu Yaxin sneered.

After Liu Yaxin has run his cultivation to the extreme, he gives a hard blow to Li mo.

Liu Yaxin felt that all his internal organs had been shifted due to the terrible impact. His body was constantly falling towards the rear. In the process of falling, Liu Yaxin forcibly stopped his body shape, and then, regardless of the injury on his body, rushed to Li Li magic again.


Half of Liu Yaxin's shoulder was broken, and Keli's chest was also hit.

Looking at the power demon Liu Yaxin who fell into the thunder and lightning sea again, his white teeth were full of scarlet blood.

Liu Yaxin feels that at this time, every breath is burning between the viscera.

"Are you all right?" After Ye Hao falls beside Liu Yaxin, he says softly.

"It can hold on." Liu Yaxin looked at Ye Hao and said slowly.

"That's good."

"Thanks to you this time." Liu Yaxin said sincerely.

If Ye Hao hadn't been there today, all the 100000 troops would have fallen, even if he had fallen here, because there was a demon watching in the dark?

If that person makes a move, he can't stop it at all.

"The same people, it should be." Ye Hao said softly.

When Ye Hao just said this, the demon, trapped in the sea of thunder and lightning, rushed out again.

But at this time the power demon is full of hair.

The whole body is filled with restless and terrifying power.

"He's consuming blood essence again." Liu Yaxin was surprised.

Liu Yaxin knows that Li Mo is going to work hard.

After Liu Yaxin pulled Ye Hao apart, he rushed to Li Li mo.


Liu Yaxin was hit dozens of miles away.

Liu Yaxin struggled to stand up when he noticed that the power of the devil fled toward the distance.

"Damn it." Liu Yaxin roared angrily.

However, Liu Yaxin also knew that it was very difficult to stop the power devil.

After all, it is impossible to stop the same level without more than three.

At this time, Liu Yaxin noticed that a figure appeared in front of the power devil.

When Liu Yaxin saw who it was, his face was shocked.

"Ye RI, what do you do?" Liu Yaxin said anxiously.

What is Ye Hao's cultivation?

The sixth floor of xianzun!

Even if Ye Hao is a demon, he can't be the opponent of the power demon?

Li Mo obviously saw Ye Hao.

But immediately his eyes were scarlet."The fat may shake the tree."

Speaking of this, the trend of the force demon kept rushing forward, and didn't even care about Ye Hao's hand towards him.

Need to care?

The power gap between the two sides is too big.

Does this mean that humans need to care about ants demonstrating to you?

No need.

Step on it.

That's what limo thought at the moment.

However, when Li Mo was still about 100 meters away from Ye Hao, he suddenly felt a burst of uneasiness in his heart.


Strong uneasiness!

The demon knew that it was a subconscious reminder.


Limo retreats to the rear.

But now it's not that you can go back.

Because Ye Hao did it at this time.

Ye Hao is dressed in an ancient Taoist diagram and wields a pair of invincible iron fists.


The void is annihilated, and the earth and the earth sink.

With a scream, half of his body was smashed.

At this time, Cai Qilin appears in the figure of Li Mo and coldly hands.

After three moves, Cai Qilin appears in the small world with a bloody force demon.

"Refined?" Cai Qilin hands the power demon to the medicine King Ding.

Yaowangding's eyes showed a surprise look.

"Maybe we can refine the best elixir this time."

"What about limo?" Liu Yaxin looks at Ye Hao.

"Suppressed." Ye Hao said with a smile.

Seeing that Ye Hao didn't say much, Liu Yaxin didn't ask much.

Ye Hao helped taixuan college so much that he deserved some benefits.

At this time, there were less than ten demons in the audience.

And these ten statues are all Immortal King level existence.

But look at their appearance, the oil is exhausted, the lamp is dry, can't last long.

"The demons will regain their former glory."

"Your people will crawl to the feet of our demons."


"That day will come back soon."

It has to be said that these demon soldiers are very tough.

Even at this point, I didn't admit it at all.

With the last figure turned to ashes, the bloodthirsty soul burning array also stopped working.

At this time, Han Mengqi and others rushed out of the array.

"Dean, are you ok?" Han Mengqi saw Liu Yaxin's appearance and asked.

"It's OK." Liu Yaxin looked at Han Mengqi as he said it. After a moment, he nodded slowly, "not bad. Before that, I was worried about your rash continuous promotion of cultivation?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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