"I'm not going to do this kind of suicide?" Han Mengqi said softly.

"President Liu, what are we going to do now?" A strong Immortal King asked, "is the demon clan really rebellious?"

"When you go back, appease your pet." Liu Yaxin pondered for a moment and then said, "there is still a whole army to prepare for war after going back to deal with the alliance of demon clan and demon clan at any time."




Then Liu Yaxin took 100000 soldiers to taixuan college.

After arriving at taixuan college, Liu Yaxin and Ye Hao rushed to the depths of the sky.

Before the battle scene, Ye Hao and Liu Yaxin felt waves.

These fluctuations make both of you change color.

"There's a fight." Liu Yaxin felt uneasy.

Ye Hao quietly put on the road map.


"What kind of magic are you?" Liu Yaxin looks at Ye Hao in surprise.

"This is nature." Ye Hao whispered, "but it won't take long."

"Is there such a creation in the world?" Liu Yaxin just said here, saw a figure of snow race in white, holding a three foot green peak in his hand, and a woman of ice and jade in constant collision.



"Lonely, why do you have to go through this muddy water?" Bingji did not take down the loneliness and said coldly.

"It's about the people." Lonely sword and stand, indifferent to say.

"It's five days here." Bingji stressed.

"The same."

"Lonely, how long do you think you can last?" Bingji's eyes in bloom out a wisp of killing, "when you ban the end of the time, do you think you are still my opponent?"

"I still have blood essence to burn." "Lonely light way," even if you can't fight to death, but hit you, or no problem. "

Smell speech ice Ji silent down.

Solitude can be used in desperation.

But Bingji can't.

Because she's not as natural and unrestrained as loneliness.

"Taixuan, don't make unnecessary resistance." Then a ferocious voice sounded in the air.

Ye Hao follows the voice.

This just noticed that taixuan was completely suppressed by a golden monkey.

And in taixuan's side, there is a magic shadow, constantly cooperate with the hand.

Half of taixuan's body was dyed red with blood.

But even so, his eyes are still calm and terrible.

"Dean." Liu Yaxin exclaimed to see taixuan's failure and retreat.

"Here comes a miscellaneous fish." With the hand of that magic shadow saw Liu Yaxin after sneering.

Liu Yaxin's eyes suddenly showed the color of anger.

Miscellaneous fish?

Is this an insult to yourself?

"Playing the role of a handyman, do you mean to ridicule others Ye Hao looked at the shadow with disdain.

"What do you say?" The shadow was angry.

How does he exist?

The demigod of the sixth heaven.

But now he was humiliated by a mole ant in the immortal realm?

"See? This one is still deaf. " Ye Hao points to the shadow.

"I killed you." The shadow can't help but shoot Ye Hao.

Ye Hao is still.

The shadow moved only when it was 100 meters away from itself.

The art of forbidding immortals!

With the operation of the art of forbidding immortals, the surging immortal power in the shadow was immediately cut off.

This kind of truncation is equivalent to you suddenly step on the brake when you are accelerating extremely fast.

The momentary truncation let the evil shadow mouth in a mouth of reverse blood spurt out.

"A single thought is empty."

With the fall of Ye Hao's voice, a burst of mysterious and mysterious profound meaning rushed to the body of the demon shadow.

The shadow's eyes were startled and angry.

Angry is that Ye Hao, a mole ant, has hurt himself. To his surprise, his deeds have been cut off at this moment.

Cut down the road.

It's terrible.

It's not to say that the restoration can restore the Daoism.

"Kill." The shadow rushed towards Ye Hao.

There is a trace of irony in Ye Hao's eyes.

The next moment, the time and space in front of the shadow collapsed, and then the shadow disappeared.

Where have you been?

Liu Yaxin looked around blankly.

However, Ye Hao looks at the golden war ape who confronts Liu Yaxin. When Ye Hao runs the mystery of emptiness, the time and space around the golden war ape suddenly collapses, and the figure of golden war ape disappears immediately.

"Where is the golden war ape?" he said"I forced it into another space-time." Ye Hao said in a deep voice, "but with its strength, it will soon come back."

After taixuan nodded, he stood in place and quickly recovered.

"Who are you?" Bingji looks at Ye Hao and asks solemnly.

"Bingji, are you sure you want to go all the way to the dark?" Ye Hao said in a dignified tone.

"The Terrans have oppressed my demon clan for a long time. It's time for us to turn over to be the master." Bingji said coldly.

"If it wasn't for the Terrans, you demon clan would have been killed." Ye Hao looked at Bingji, and her eyes were full of sneer. "How did you say when you asked for the Terran? We are the main people. Now that we are hard, what is the oppression? It's shameless. "

"What do you say?" Bingji looks at Ye Hao's eyes and sees a fierce killing opportunity.

"I don't know. Do you remember the gods?" Ye Hao said faintly.

Bingji's face changed instantly.

"What do you want to say?"

Ye Hao looks at a colorful stone in Bingji's hand.

"This stone is a colorful stone in chaos." Ye Hao said coldly, "and this colorful stone is sealed with the top strike of the God." Ye Hao opened a corner of the colorful stone.

The next moment, from this corner, it blooms with amazing fluctuations.

Bingji's pupil shrinks.

Looking at the colorful stone in Ye Hao's hands, he is extremely afraid.

"At that time, the God's strength reached the limit of the third level." Ye Hao stares at Bing Ji and says, "do you think his all-out strike can kill you?"

"What do you want?" Bingji said with a gloomy face.

"We Terrans need to see the sincerity of your demons." Ye Hao said as he pointed to the golden battle ape road that had crossed time and space to get here.

Bingji is silent.

"It's time for you to make a decision." Ye Hao said coldly.

Golden war ape looks at Bingji suspiciously.

"Bingji, what happened?"

"The boy said that he could bring in the demigods of the sixth heaven." Bingji points to Ye Hao.

"The half gods of the sixth heaven don't have time to come here now." Gold war ape laughs.

"Why?" Bingji asked in surprise.

"We gave an ancient mine to the Terrans, and the Terran masters are exploring that ancient mine." Gold war ape said here, his eyes showed a trace of light, "there is a mysterious existence in that ancient mine, when I arrived there, I almost didn't damage it."

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