This is bad intentions.

But the demigods of the Terran race cannot be defenseless.

That's why the demigods of the Terrans went to the ancient mine.

"Don't you worry that there is a great creation in the ancient mines?"

"Even if there is great fortune, the Terrans will be damaged." Gold war ape said here suddenly sensed something, even if he rushed to block, but still was blasted to hundreds of meters away.

"Bingji." Golden war ape looks at Bingji road angrily.

"The boy has the means left behind by the gods." Bingji pointed to Ye Hao and said, "the God of heaven beat the invincible hands of jiuchongtian in those years. If I don't hand it to you, I'll have to damage it here."

"God?" "The man who claims to be closest to the gods?" said the ape

"Not bad."

Golden war ape looked at Ye Hao deeply, "boy, you'd better keep the means of God."

As soon as the voice fell, the golden war ape tore up the space and left here.

"Why don't you stop it?" Liu Yaxin is busy.

Bingji is not looking at Liu Yaxin, but staring at Ye Hao slowly, "are you satisfied now?"

"I heard you have a tablet in your hand." Ye haolue said as soon as he pondered.

"What do you ask this for?" Bingji said warily.

"Take a look at it."

"If you want to borrow the Taoist tablet, you should join the war and pet the big one." Bingji shook her head and said, "if you can win the top ten of the pet contest, you are qualified to observe the Taoist tablet."

Ye Hao is waiting to say what Bingji is then said, "don't you have confidence in your own strength?"

"What a challenge." Ye Hao Ao ran a smile, "but I promised."

Ye Haoji's smile flashed out from the bottom of her eyes.

Immediately Bingji looked at taixuan, "the things before have been uncovered and never mentioned."

"As ye RI said, we need to see the sincerity of your demon clan."

"What more sincerity do you want to see?"

"The rampant demons will all be suppressed by your demons."

"Yes." Bingji also knows that if the demon clan doesn't take out anything at this time, there is no possibility of the Terran's understanding.

Then the two sides agreed on some details and then separated.

After returning to taixuan college, Ye Hao and loneliness were invited to taixuan's study.

When Ye Hao and lonely took their seats, taixuan stood up and saluted taixuan respectfully, "thanks to lonely Taoist brother this time."

Lonely stand up to stop taixuan salute, "I just did what I should do."

"But I still want to thank you for the people of wuchongtian." Taixuan did not continue to salute, but said seriously. Then taixuan came to Ye Hao.

Ye Hao stood up.

"If I guess right, you are Ye Hao, the demon among the demons?"

Taixuan guessed Ye Hao's identity when he saw loneliness.

Ye Hao nods.

"Did not expect you to come to my taixuan college?" "But thanks to you coming to taixuan college, otherwise, taixuan college will be dangerous this time."

"I come to taixuan college not only for the Taoist tablet in Bingji's hand, but also want to cultivate in taixuan College for some time." Ye Hao said frankly.

"I've heard something about you in the fourth heaven. Originally, I thought you wanted to restore your cultivation. However, you recovered in a few years."

"When we tried to test people's hearts, we really tried to find out a lot of things."

"You can't resist temptation."

"Are you going to deal with the demons in the future?"

"The strength of the demon clan is no less than that of the Terran." Taixuan sighed, "in the future, what the Terrans should do is to continuously improve their strength. When the Terrans' strength far exceeds the demon clan, then the demon clan will not have the heart to turn over."

"Taking advantage of this turmoil, you taixuan college can better integrate some resources." Ye Hao looks at taixuan.

"In fact, taixuan college has been deliberately starting to do this kind of thing these days, but at this time, the resources of taixuan college are inclined to the elite."

"Because of the catastrophe?"

"Once jiuchongtian collapses, all the elite of jiuchongtian will come to the 8th heaven. In this way, wuchongtian will be affected in a short time." Taixuan said bitterly, "in fact, this time the demon clan and demon clan invasion of the six heaven, why don't you want to seize the territory as early as possible?"

"The problem is that we can't leave early now, because the five fold heaven has not reached the peak of cultivation civilization, when all kinds of creation will emerge."

Why don't Ye Xuanhao want to hear that.

It's not good for anyone after you get stiff?

Terrans and demons can survive only if they keep warm.

……Ye Hao left the dean's office and walked to his room.

After arriving at the room, Ye Hao and loneliness returned to the small world.

After arriving at the small world, Ye Hao used the power of time to restore his loneliness to the peak.

The current situation is too turbulent.

You need to maintain your peak.

At this time, there was a knock at Ye Hao's door.

When Ye Hao opened the gate, he was surprised to see a familiar figure.

"I love smoke."

Lian Yan looked at Ye Hao with a look of guilt in his eyes, "tutor ye, I'm sorry."

"What happened?"

"I'm here to borrow money from you."

"Lianyan, I can lend you the money, but you have to tell me why." Ye Hao pondered for a moment and then said.

The reason why Ye Hao didn't care about it before was that Ye Hao's cultivation was not high.

But now Ye Hao has the strength to manage some chores.

"My brother owes a sum of money to Xue's casino."

"How much?"

"Thirty million."

Ye Hao couldn't help but stare at his eyes and said, "how could he lose so much?"

"He was caught."

"Don't you care?"

"I've been staring at him these days, but I didn't think I didn't notice yesterday. After he ran out, he went to the casino again." Lianyan said this sentence with a bitter face, "take over the casino and tell me today that my brother owes 30 million yuan."

"You spoil him too much." Ye Hao pondered for a moment and then said.

"This is my only brother."

"I just want to know how much money you have?" Ye Hao said faintly, "do you believe that after I lent you the 30 million yuan, your brother still dares to gamble after a long time?"

"Will I look at him all the time?"

"Can you look at him all your life without doing anything?"

The answer is No.

Gambling is addictive.

It's not like quitting.

"Please help my brother." Lianyan kneels down in tears.

Ye Hao reaches out to help Lianyan.

"Come on, show me." Ye Hao said in a deep voice.


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