"This is Xue's casino." Lian Yan looks at Ye Hao in surprise.

"Is Xue's Casino famous?" Ye Hao asked suspiciously.

"The Xue family is the top force of wuchongtian, and there is a peak of Xianwang in their family."

"Is Xue Renyi from the Xue family?"


"No wonder you didn't tell me before." Ye Hao suddenly understood.

Such forces, even taixuan college, are not easily provoked.

Lianyan doesn't think Ye Hao will be the opponent of Xue's casino?

"Does your brother owe the casino 30 million?" Ye Hao asked with a smile.


"You go and change some chips." Ye Hao handed Lianyan a bag of heaven and earth.

Lianyan nodded.

Soon Lianyan came to Ye Hao with 100000 chips.

Came to a table, Ye Hao noticed that here is the size of the bet idea.

"Buy it, buy it, leave it." He Guan put down the gambling cup.

The gamblers at the table wagered.

Ye Hao took a look at the gambling cup and said, "next 12 o'clock."

"How much?"



"It's all down to twelve o'clock." Ye Hao said lightly.

"Isn't it - too risky?" Lian Yan asked anxiously.

"Do you want it in wealth insurance?" Ye Hao doesn't care about Tao.

Lianyan hesitated for a moment or put all his chips on the twelve points.

The gambler at this table looks at Ye Hao and his face is shocked.

One hundred thousand?

Isn't this a big one?

He Guan looks at Ye Hao suspiciously.

He worries about what kind of master Ye Hao is?

But after a few eyes, he still didn't know Ye Hao.

"Open it." Ye Hao said lightly.

He opened the gambling cup.

Three dice, one three, one four, one five.

"Twelve o'clock."

"Triple it."

"Did the boy win?"

"Doesn't that mean the boy made 300000?"


"How lucky is that?"

When the gamblers around discussed, Ye Hao looked at the official with a smile and said, "what? Any questions? "

He official looked at Ye Hao with a suspicious look, and said with a faint smile, "it's OK. I'll exchange it for you."

Seeing Ye Hao change from 100000 to 400000 in a flash, Lianyan understands why gamblers are keen on gambling?

"It's time to leave." Dutch officer shook the dice for a while and said in a loud voice.

When he said this, he looked at Ye Hao in his eyes.

That's a little provocative.

Ye Hao smiles, "twelve o'clock."

"Or twelve o'clock?"


"How much?"




Lianyan nodded and pushed all the 400000 chips to 12 o'clock.

The gambler at the table looked at the scene, but there was not much to follow.

"It's been 12 o'clock just now. It's probably impossible to do it again this time."

"Who said it was not?"

"I think it's small this time."

"I feel the same way."

But when he opened the cup, they were surprised to find that the three dice were still three four or five.

"How could it be?"

"What a coincidence, isn't it?"

"Too much."

Lianyan's eyes are full of excitement.

Can you not be excited?

After this one, it's 1.6 million.

Then the third, the fourth, the fifth.

After the sixth, the Dutch officer finally realized that the man and animal harmless guy in front of him was an expert.

At this time, the chips in front of Ye Hao have reached more than 11 million.

"Just a moment." The Dutch official did not dare to continue to open the cup.

Not long after the Dutch official left, an old man came to Ye Hao's table.

"Mr. Sun has something to do. I'll take the place of him for the time being." After looking around, the old man fixed his eyes on Ye Hao.

The gamblers around don't look very good.

They knew what was wrong with old sun because he couldn't cover it up.

"Shake the cup." Ye Hao said faintly.

The old man took a deep look at Ye Hao and gently shook the gambling cup.

When he fell down, his eyes were fixed on Ye Hao.To the old man's surprise, Ye Hao said directly to the woman beside him, "leopard three."

"Leopard three?" Lian Yan was surprised.

Leopard three's odds are 12 times.

"Yes, down." Ye Hao took a look at Lian Yan.

When Lianyan pushed all the more than 10 million chips in front of her to leopard three, she was extremely worried.

Because Lianyan knows that if she wins this time, it will be more than 100 million yuan.

And if you lose, it's nothing.

The old man looked at Ye Hao suspiciously for a while, and then slowly opened the gambling cup.

At the moment of opening, the old man saw three dice arranged in order.

3、 Three, three.

"How could it be?" The old man stood up, his eyes full of incredible color.

Ye Hao said faintly, "give me the money."

"You won too much this time. I need to tell them."

"Go ahead." Ye Hao doesn't care about Tao.

As soon as the old man left, a middle-aged man said to Ye Hao, "young man, you'd better run with the more than 10 million chips. It's impossible for Xue's casino to give you more than 100 million yuan. "

"Xue's casino can let you win, but it can't make you win."

"Boy, when you're good, you'll stop."

Seeing the advice of gamblers around him, Ye Hao turned a deaf ear.

Lianyan also realized this.

"Tutor ye, will you be all right?"

"Don't worry." Ye Hao said with a smile.

But in the past one minute later, a middle-aged man in royal clothing accompanied by the old man came to Ye Hao.

"Have you not asked your name yet?"

"Even if it's money, I'm here." Ye Hao took a look at the middle-aged man in royal clothes.

"Come with me, then." "Because the amount is too large, we need some time to prepare."

"The huge Xue family's casino can't even get more than one hundred million yuan?" Ye Hao said sarcastically, "are you sure you're not teasing me?"

"As I said, it takes time."

"Then keep playing." Ye Hao said faintly, "continue to shake the cup."

"You're overburdened."

"Can't you afford to lose Ye Hao said in a loud voice, "let's have a look. Xue's Casino is just like this."

All the gamblers came to see Ye Hao.

"What do you mean by Xue's casino?"

"Damn it, can you do anything wrong with the Xue family behind you?"

"If you don't give us an explanation today, I won't come to your Xuejia casino in the future."


The middle-aged royal guards are anxious to see all the gamblers around.

"Who said I couldn't afford to lose at Xue's casino?" The middle-aged of royal guards points to Ye Hao.

"Then you can arrange the lotus official to shake the cup." Ye Hao said lightly.

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