Xu Yang is in charge of the casino.

Normally speaking, Xu Yang doesn't care about winning or losing, but now that he's winning or losing at 100 million, he can't help but care.

But who could have thought that Ye Hao bewitched two or three sentences, and the gamblers of the whole gambling house were rioting.

Ye Hao looked around and said, "gentlemen, if I can win this one, I will give you half of my earnings."

As Ye Hao's voice dropped, thousands of gamblers were all excited.

Ye Hao has hundreds of millions of chips in his hands.

It is conceivable that there is no problem for this one to win hundreds of millions.

Then there are tens of thousands of each monk's hands.

So they looked at Xu Yang's eyes and wanted to eat him.

After seeing this situation, Xu Yang had to let the old man shake the gambling cup.

"He can't win again."

The old man answered and began to shake the gambling cup.

This time the old man was shaking for a long time.

After waiting for the cup to fall, Ye Hao looked at Lian flue, "four o'clock."

Lianyan answered and pushed all the chips to four o'clock.

"Who told you to put all your chips on it?" Ye Hao looks at Lian Yan and asks.

Lian Yan's face changed greatly, "isn't it?"

After seeing this scene, Xu Yang hurriedly said, "just now I'm going to buy it. Ma Lao, let's have a cup."

The old man opened the gambling cup.

The next moment his face changed.

Because the three dice in the gambling cup are one, one and two.

Lianyan also saw the numbers in the gambling cup.

"You lied to me." Lianyan stares at Ye Hao.

Just now, pitying smoke has brought my heart to my throat.

"Liven up the atmosphere." Ye Hao said with a smile.

"Four times."

"Isn't it more than four hundred million yuan

"It's over."

"Isn't it more than 80000 in our hands?"


The gambler in the casino cried out excitedly.

Xu Yang's whole life is bad.

He realized that the situation was beyond his control.

"We will definitely give you an account." Xu Yang pondered for a moment and then said, "I'm going to prepare the immortal stone now. I think you all know that there are six hundred million immortal stones in a short time, even our Xue family can't bring them out."

After Xu Yang finished, he left quickly.

After leaving, he rushed to Xue's headquarters.

Xue Fengxiang, the owner of the Xue family, asked with a livid face after hearing about the incident, "have you inquired about the identity of the young man?"


"If you don't, you can take it away by force." Xue Fengxiang pondered for a moment and then said.


Ye Hao was waiting in the casino when he suddenly found that the surrounding space had changed.

Ye Hao immediately realized that someone wanted to take himself away in secret.

But how can Ye Hao make the other party do it?

Ye Hao hums coldly, a space not far away suddenly breaks, and then a figure falls from that space in confusion.

"Xue Fengxiang." Lianyan exclaimed after seeing the figure.


"Xue Fengxiang?"

"Isn't Xue Fengxiang the owner of the Xue family?"

"What is Xue Fengxiang doing here?" Gamblers in the gambling house were surprised to see Xue Fengxiang one by one.

Ye Hao looked at Xue Fengxiang with a smile and said, "master Xue, your technique of space is not so good?"

"Who are you?" Xue Fengxiang's face sank like a waterway.

Xue Fengxiang was really shocked.

Because Xue Fengxiang is a strong Immortal King.

However, his space skills are not as good as Ye Hao.

But Ye Hao's body did not have the power of a powerful immortal.

What does that mean?

This shows Ye Hao is not a fairy king!

"It doesn't matter who I am." Ye Hao pointed to the chips on the table and said, "have these chips been exchanged?"

"After exchange, can this conflict be uncovered?" Xue Fengxiang was silent for a while.

"Just let me have a good time."

"Well, I'll give you a billion." Xue Fengxiang stares at Ye Hao.

One billion?

Xue Fengxiang's words shocked all the monks.

Because this is equivalent to Xue Fengxiang giving Ye Hao four hundred million yuan in white.

"Billion?" Ye Hao thought for a moment and nodded.

Xue Fengxiang gave Ye Hao a purse with a wave.

As soon as Ye Hao's mind swept away, he detained 500 million immortal stones, which were divided into thousands and floated in front of each gambler.

"It's for you as promised." Ye Hao said lightly.The gamblers were all startled.

Who did not expect that Ye Hao really sent out 500 million?

Five hundred million!

Why is Ye Hao willing to send it out?

"Master Xue, I have one more thing I need your help with?" Ye Hao said softly.

"Say it."

Ye Hao said about Lianyan's younger brother.

Xue Fengxiang was stunned.

Dare to love Ye Hao's hand is because of Lian Yan's gambler brother?

"What did I think it was?" Xue Fengxiang immediately said with a smile, "please, I'll bring you the people now."

Ye Hao nodded.

Ye Hao and Lian Yan followed Xue Fengxiang to a luxurious room, and Xue Fengxiang said to a maid, "don't you serve tea?"

The maid went out in a hurry.

"There are not many young people with such accomplishments as you?" Xue Fengxiang said with a smile, "I don't know your name?"

"Aren't you investigating my identity?"

"To say a word of shame, there was no investigation."

"Since you didn't find out, I won't tell you."

Xue Fengxiang was shocked.

Can this kid talk?

Fortunately, the maid came in with a pot of tea.

"Have a try, please. This is the best Pueraria tea."

Ye Hao took up his tea cup and blew it.

The next moment, there was a flash of light in my eyes.

"Master Xue, please." Ye Hao raised his glass.

Xue Fengxiang smiles and holds up the cup in front of him, indicating to Ye Hao.

Ye Hao took a sip of his tea cup.

Seeing Ye Hao take a sip, Xue Fengxiang's eyes show surprise.

"Is this tea good?"

"The puppet worm tastes good."

Xue Fengxiang's face suddenly disappeared.

Instead, there was a strong color of horror.

"Do you know puppet worms?"

"The puppet worm has been gone for a long time." Ye Hao stared at Xue Fengxiang and said, "I didn't expect that you Xue family would have it." Speaking of this, Ye Hao's hand appeared a jade Herald.

"What are you going to do?" Xue Fengxiang's face changed greatly.

"Puppet insects can only be cultivated by blood refining." Ye Hao said in a deep voice, "and the method of blood refining is the magic way."

Xue Fengxiang's body immediately gushed out the idea of killing the sky.

"Boy, you want to die yourself." Xue Fengxiang walked to Ye Hao as he spoke.

Ye Hao took a look at Xue Fengxiang and then described the content on the jade rune.

After Xue Fengxiang saw this scene, his eyes were full of doubts.

What's the situation?

Is this kid not afraid to die?

Xue Fengxiang doesn't know why Ye Hao's space skills are higher than himself, but Xue Fengxiang feels that Ye Hao's combat effectiveness may not be comparable to himself.

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