Xue Fengxiang thought of this and flashed at Ye Hao's head.

One strike will kill.

Since Ye Hao recognized the puppet worm, he had no reason to live.

Seeing the moment when Xue Fengxiang's strike was about to fall on Ye Hao, Ye Hao's eyes were full of terror, and the power of the vast spirit interweaved into a golden sword.

Xue Fengxiang's face changed greatly.

This is king level spirit attack.

The only way to resist the king level spirit attack is to forget the spirit attack.

Xue Fengxiang also called out a spirit attack in a hurry.

The two swords did not have the imaginary needle to wheat awn, nor the imaginary Mars hitting the earth. Ye Hao's sword easily crushed Xue Fengxiang.

When Xue Fengxiang's sword was broken, his face was blue and white.

A mouthful of blood came out.

At this time, Ye Hao couldn't help moving.

At the same time, he threw the Yufu in his hand, and at the same time, he punched Xue Fengxiang's heart.

Swift and violent as lightning.

The mountains and rivers of the land are broken, and the earth and the earth sink. They are in a state of panic like the last day.


Xue Fengxiang's half body was smashed, blood and intestines flowed out of the ground.

"Who are you?" Xue Fengxiang's face changed wildly.

Only demons have such fighting power.

Are there many demons in wuchongtian?

Ye Hao has no words, but his mind moves. Three figures appear around him.

The moment these three figures appear, they put their hands to imprison the space around them.

"Three separate bodies? No, this is the incarnation of the spirit? " Xue Fengxiang's view of the world is about to collapse. He points to Ye Hao in astonishment.

Isn't the spirit and soul all able to condense one?

Why can this one unite three?

But Xue Fengxiang had a bad feeling in his heart.

He is not Ye Hao's opponent, but now Ye Hao has three spirits. Where can he escape?

What's more, Ye Hao has already sent out the message jade rune. I believe it won't take long for an expert to arrive, and then he won't be able to survive.

Lian Yan was staring at this scene.

Her brain is completely empty.

What's the situation?

How could Ye Hao hurt the Xue family's owner?

The master of Xue family is the existence of fairyland.

What Lianyan doesn't know is that Ye Hao's cultivation has reached the peak of Xianwang's fourth floor since he stepped on the sixth floor of xianzun.

But the Xue family master is only the second floor of the Immortal King.

There are two different realms between the two sides. In addition, the former head of the Xue family was severely damaged by Ye Hao because of his contempt.

"Let's talk about it." Xue Fengxiang said in a deep voice.

"Talk about it?" Ye Hao had a good time.

"Let go of the Xue family and I'll give you a reward."

"It depends on what you pay for it?"

"This is my master's ring, which has 10 billion resources." Xue Fengxiang said and handed the ring on his hand to Ye Hao and said, "if you agree to let go of the Xue family, I will give it to you."

Ye Hao pondered and said, "show me."

Xue Fengxiang looked at Ye Hao's eyes and flashed violently, "did you agree?"

"I have to inspect the goods, don't I?"

"Here you are." In this case, Xue Fengxiang has no choice but to persuade Ye Hao before the Terran master comes.

After Ye Hao takes over Xue Fengxiang's ring, the moment when he wants to check his mind, he has a bad feeling for some reason.

Ye Hao suddenly realized that there was probably something wrong with the ring.

Ye Hao didn't rush to check, but he grabbed the space in front of him with his big hand. At the next moment, Xu Yang, dressed in a royal robe, was forcibly detained in front of him.

"Can you help me see what's in this ring?" When Ye Hao said this, he waved his hand to isolate the space around Xu Yang.

Xu Yang looks at Ye Hao suspiciously.

"I don't have much patience." Ye Hao said lightly, "if you don't look, I can find someone else, but you are useless."

What's the useless result?

Xu Yang knows it very well.

Therefore, even if Xu Yang is reluctant to use his mind to check the ring.

Soon Xu Yang's face showed a trace of surprise.

"Isn't this the master's space ring?" Xu Yang said this because he found that many things in the space ring are Xue's, and the value of these things in the space ring is as high as 10 billion.

Ye Hao's eyes are fixed on Xu Yang.

When Xu Yang's voice dropped, Ye Hao saw the black texture on Xu Yang's face.

"Spirit poison." Ye Hao recognized it with a glance.At this time, Ye Hao looked at Xue Fengxiang with a ferocious look in his eyes.

"Xue Fengxiang, you Xue family is finished."

Xue Fengxiang was shaking like chaff.

He didn't expect Ye Hao to be so cautious?


At this time, the space is broken and Liu Yaxin's figure appears in this room.

Liu Yaxin looked around and looked at Ye Hao and said, "are you sure there are puppet insects in Xue Fengxiang's hand?"

Ye Hao pointed to the teacup and said, "Dean Liu, you can check it."

Liu Yaxin's mind swept, in the extremely subtle circumstances, Liu Yaxin saw a small figure, which exuded a faint evil spirit, and a pair of small eyes showed a bloodthirsty and cruel look.

Puppet worm.

How did Liu Yaxin not know that this was the infamous puppet bug after seeing this scene?

"Xue Fengxiang, you Xue family are not timid."

"It's a frame up." Xue Fengxiang said quickly.

"The teachers and students of taixuan college have begun to gather and are ready to take action at any time." Liu Yaxin did not look at Xue Fengxiang, but looked at Ye Hao with dignity.

"Xue Renyi, how are you going to treat it?"

"Over the years, the college has been training dead men, and Xue Renyi is going to send them to the death training camp." Liu Yaxin pondered and said.

Is it possible that Xue Renyi will not retaliate if taixuan college starts to attack the Xue family?

So it's the best thing to send him to death camp.

Loyalty is the first priority of death camp. It can be imagined that Xue Renyi will be brainwashed. Of course, this will reduce his combat effectiveness to a certain extent. However, compared with the loss caused by Xue Renyi's rebellion against the Academy in the future, this loss can be ignored.

"You can't Xue Fengxiang a startled way, "Xue family and evil clan matter benevolence is not clear at all."

Liu Yaxin looks at Ye Hao in surprise.

Just now Liu Yaxin whispered in secret and asked Ye Hao if he could confirm that the Xue family was in collusion with the demons.

Ye Hao said it would be easy to find out.

Liu Yaxin did not know how to test before?

But after Xue Fengxiang said this, Liu Yaxin knew what Ye Hao meant by trial?

"It doesn't matter if you say it doesn't matter?" Ye Hao sneered.

"There is a huge risk in cooperating with demons, so how can such a thing be known to benevolence and righteousness?" Xue Fengxiang stares at Ye Hao and says in a deep voice.

Ye Hao looks at a ghost body opposite.

"Are they all recorded?"

"It's all recorded."

Ye Hao stretched out his hand and put the image stone in the hands of the spirit and soul into custody. "President Liu, you can go out to fight."

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