Taixuan college!

After the news that the college was going to go out to fight against the Terran rebellion, the students of taixuan college were boiling.


Who doesn't hate it?

"It's just that I don't know who the rebellious president Liu is talking about." A young man in a robe talks.

"No matter who it is, they have to pay the price of bleeding." Xue Renyi said coldly.

"What brother Xue said is very true." Said the young man with a smile.

"What do you say?" Xue Renyi glanced at the brocade youth.

"I say brother Xue is right." Huang ang didn't know, so he said it again.

"Who are you? What am I? You deserve to be my brother? " Xue Renyi pointed to Huang ang and sneered.

As soon as Xue Renyi's voice fell, all the teachers and students on the playground looked at him.

Huang ang is the little patriarch of taixuan Pavilion.

This time I came to taixuan university to discuss cooperation on behalf of taixuan Pavilion.

It is reasonable that Xue Renyi should not treat Huang ang like this in any case. However, the Xue family recently had a conflict with taixuan Pavilion, which damaged the Xue family's face.

Therefore, Xue Renyi has seized the opportunity now. How can he not take the opportunity to humiliate him?

"What do you say?" Huang ang looked at Xue Renyi with surprise and anger.

"The taixuan Pavilion is really in decline. The master of the little Pavilion is actually a proud man." Xue Renyi emphasized the word "Tianjiao".

The students all around burst into laughter.

They looked at Huang Ang's expression full of teasing and banter.

However, if you look closely, you will find that either Xue Renyi's followers or some followers are laughing. The top students in the college hardly laugh.

At this time, laughter represents ridicule.

It's OK to have a grudge against Huang ang. What do you do if you don't?

"Xue Renyi, Huang ang is a guest of taixuan college." Han Mengqi couldn't see it. She stood up and said in a deep voice.

"Guests also have to weigh their identities." Xue Renyi looked at Han Mengqi and said, "for example, it makes people laugh and be generous."

"You." Huang ang looked at Xue Renyi angrily.

But Huang ang didn't make a move.

He is very clear that he is not the rival of the magnate Xue Renyi.

Now I don't want to lose face, but if I do, I will lose it.

"What? Do you want to weigh yourself? " Xue Renyi said with a smile.

Words are full of disdain.

Huang Ang's heart surged with anger. However, considering the power gap between the two sides, Huang ang had to suppress it.

His eyes were bloodshot.

He looked very angry.

But in the end, it slowly returned to calm.

"Cowards." Xue Renyi was a little surprised that Huang ang had calmed down, but immediately he continued to stimulate Huang ang.

"Xue Renyi, you have gone too far." Even Han Mengqi was angry.

Huang Ang's mouth made a low growl.

"Xue Renyi, you don't know the origin of taixuan Pavilion and our taixuan college." At this time, a figure floated down and said, "the founder of the two forces is one. What is your intention to humiliate the young master of taixuan pavilion?"

Seeing this figure, Xue Renyi showed a trace of fear in his eyes.

But he still stuck his neck and said, "you don't want to put on your hat!"

"I'll see if I put on my hat in a moment." Who is this figure not Ye Hao? After a pause, Ye Hao said, "and this may be the last time we meet."

Xue Renyi had a bad feeling in his heart.

"Ye RI, what do you mean?"

"Do you know which power taixuan college is going to attack this time?"

"How do I know?" Xue Renyi changed color.

At this time, the two figures came towards Xue Renyi.

Seeing these two figures, Xue Renyi's face immediately changed.

"Xue Renyi, come with me." One of them looks at Xue Renyi with a complicated look.

"Director Liang, what happened?" Xue Renyi asked bitterly after retreating two steps.

"You Xue family colludes with demons."

"No way."

"We have solid evidence."

"You must have set me up, right?" Xue Renyi pointed to Ye Hao and roared angrily.

Ye Hao said faintly, "what do you think is worth my framing?"

"You've been in conflict with me, so you're trying to hurt me, right?"

Ye Hao pointed to the sky and said, "open your eyes and look carefully."

Xue Renyi followed the direction pointed by Ye Hao and saw Liu Yaxin in the air.

"I'll show you a video." Liu Yaxin talked about the image stone.In the image stone, Xue Fengxiang asks the maid to serve Ye Hao a cup of tea.

However, Ye Hao didn't drink it. Instead, he revealed that there were puppet insects in the tea. Immediately, people saw that Xue Fengxiang was so angry that he attacked Ye Hao. However, no one thought that Xue Fengxiang was severely damaged by Ye Hao.

Then Xue Fengxiang lures Ye Hao with the space ring as bait, but Ye Hao forces Xu Yang to watch the resources in the space ring.

Finally, when Liu Yaxin arrived, Ye Hao cheated Xue Fengxiang.

Xue Fengxiang admits that the Xue family colludes with the demons.

At this point, the impact content ends.

"You are mean." Xue Renyi points to Ye Hao.

"Is it your Xue family who is despicable?" Huang ang sneered, "you Xue family will always be labeled as a traitor."

"What do you say?"

"I said you Xue family will always be labeled as traitor."

"I'm going to kill you." Xue Renyi was about to pounce on him and was held down by director Liang. "Xue Renyi, what are you going to do?"

Seeing director Liang's cold eyes, Xue Renyi finally realized the current situation.

"The Xue family colludes with the demons, which has nothing to do with me." Xue Renyi looked at Liu Yaxin and said in a deep voice.

"It doesn't matter if you say it doesn't matter." Liu Yaxin said lightly, "the college needs investigation, and after the investigation, it will give you a fair result."

"I don't believe in the Academy's investigation?" Xue Renyi did not want to say, "you have killed our Xue family, do you still let me not?"

Xue Renyi is not Xiaobai who doesn't know anything.

So he knew exactly what it was like to be taken away.

"Take it." Liu Yaxin waved.

Xue Renyi roared.

But the next moment, Xue Renyi was imprisoned by director Liang and forced away.

Seeing Xue Renyi taken away, Han Mengqi sighs.

"Ye RI, how do you think of coming to Xuejia's casino?" Han Mengqi asked softly.

"Lianyan's younger brother was designed to owe a huge gambling debt." Ye Hao looked at Han Mengqi and said, "I'm going to help Lian Yan beg for justice. Who could have thought that he would attract the master of the Xue family."

"I want to know what you did at the casino?"


"Did you make it?"

"Don't you talk nonsense?"

"How much did you make?"

"More than six billion."

Han Mengqi couldn't help but stare at her eyes and said, "so many?"


"Can you take me to gamble?"

"Are you short of money?"

"Who does not lack?"

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