The Deacon's face went wild when he saw this.

If this one wins again, it means Ye Hao can win more than 300 million yuan?

More than three billion!

The casinos are pretty much broken.

So the Deacon prayed not five.

Only when he saw the gambling cup in the casino, his whole body was shaking like chaff.

"Five, really five?"

The gamblers in the casinos were also shocked.

One won 360 million, which is a big gamble?

"Change chips." Ye Hao said faintly.

"There are too many chips. I have to ask the Deacon." The Dutch official in charge of the gambling table is busy.

With a wave of his hand, Ye Hao forcibly imprisons the spy to the gambling table.

"Please." Ye Hao looks at the Dutch official road.

He Guan could not help but swallow a mouthful of saliva.

He knows that the deacon of the casino is a master of the immortal realm.

But now he was caught by Ye Hao like a chicken.

The Deacon looked at Ye Hao in shock and said, "may I have your name, sir?"

"You don't need to know who I am." Ye Hao glanced at the deacon, "I just want to ask whether you will cash the chips or not?"

"Cash, cash, cash." Said the Deacon with a bitter smile.

If you don't pay in full view of the public, then you don't have to open your own casino.

"Change it into a fairy stone." Ye Hao said as soon as he pondered.

Hearing Ye Hao say so, the Deacon can't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

He knew the other side didn't want to win their casino any more.

Han Mengqi, who holds 480 million immortal stones, has never broken her smile.

"Are you so excited?"

"480 million." Han Mengqi glances at Ye Hao.

"Now it's convenient for you to tell me, what do you want so many fairy stones for?"

"In more than two years, won't we start the contest?" Han Mengqi whispered, "then Qibao Pavilion will hold a grand auction."

"Do you want to auction something?"


"In that case, I have to prepare some fairy stones."

"So do it now." Han Mengqi said with a smile.

"Go, go to the next city."

The next time Ye Hao and Han Mengqi went to the cities of wuchongtian.

They both patronized the casinos in every city.

The two of them didn't make up their minds.

Every casino makes a couple of billion dollars and it's gone.

Of course, there are casinos that want to default.

However, some of those who want to default are defeated by Ye Hao, and some of them have to ask for solitude.

After all, there are fairy King high-level existence.

And these failed casinos don't end up losing hundreds of millions.

Ye Hao and Han Mengqi plundered other people's treasury.

After returning to taixuan college, Ye Hao and Han Mengqi counted their gains in the room.

"More than 80 billion high-grade immortal stones, and 400 million top-grade immortal stones." Han Mengqi can't recover for a long time after finding out the fairy stone.

It's amazing.

You should know that Ye Hao and Han Mengqi have been able to keep up with the immortal stones obtained by taixuan college this time.

"These herbs and materials are about 60 billion yuan." Ye Hao said with a smile.

"Hair, hair, hair." Han Mengqi murmured.

"Not promising."

"Hey, hey."

"Divide it up."


"Here you are." Ye Hao gave Han Mengqi more than 40 billion medium grade immortal stones and 200 million top grade immortal stones with a wave of his hand.

"Ah, what do you give me so much for?" Han Mengqi a surprised way.

"Didn't I tell you to divide equally?"

"How can I ask for so much?"

"Here you go."

"I really can't ask for so much!"

Looking at Han Mengqi's firm eyes, Ye Hao pondered for a moment and said, "in this way, I want two thirds of the medicinal materials and materials."

"I don't need those."

No one doesn't need it?

Sometimes these resources can't even be bought.

Ye Hao directly divided the medicine and materials into two parts, and then Ye Hao handed the small one to Han Mengqi.

"These things may feel valuable to you." Ye Hao looked at Han Mengqi and said, "but in my opinion, that's what happened."


"Resources will become synonymous with luxury when jiuchongtian collapses." "So it will be very important to store resources at this time," ye said seriously

Hearing Ye Hao say so, Han Mengqi pondered for a while and then said, "then I'm not polite.""That's good."

"Are you my child?"


Han Mengqi glared at Ye Hao, immediately stood up and said, "I want to go back and sort out the resources."

"Go ahead."

"By the way, shall we have another wave in two years?"

"Mengqi, you're going too far." Ye Hao said speechlessly, "you can't just capture casinos if you want resources."

"Who are you going to catch?"

"Isn't there a lot of bandits and robbers in wuchongtian?" Ye Hao looked at Han Mengqi and said, "we can rob these bandits."

"Is it rich?"

"It doesn't matter whether the oil and water is big or not. The important thing is to eliminate the harm to the people."

"It makes sense." Han Mengqi should say, "but next I want to upgrade my cultivation to the sixth floor of xianzun."

"In two years, are you sure you can upgrade to the sixth floor of xianzun?"

"Probably not." Han Mengqi sighed, "but if you can't do it, then I won't be able to attack the top ten."

"The top ten

"What do you think?"

"Three years for you." Ye Hao thought for a moment and then said.


The green light in Ye Hao's hand flashed, but a stone with time fluctuation appeared.

"Time crystal." Han Mengqi a surprised way.

"There is no lack of spar." Ye Hao said with a smile.

"You give it to me?" Han Mengqi asked suspiciously.

"Any questions?"

"It's too precious."

"It's like I don't practice, yes." Ye Hao pointed to Han Mengqi and said with a smile, "didn't I practice in your time crystal? Now practice in my time crystal. "

"The crystal of time is too precious."

"Do you think I have only one in my hand?"

"Do you have many?"


"I don't believe it."

Ye Hao smiles and a time crystal appears in his hand.

"Where did you get the time crystal?"


Hearing what Ye Hao said, Han Mengqi stopped asking this question.

"Can I take my students with me?"

"Yes." Ye Hao whispered, "you can call anyone."

Han Mengqi was silent for a while, looking at Ye Hao in a complicated way, "I want to know if you really want to leave taixuan college after the contest is over?"

"Well." Ye Hao nods.

"May I not go?" When Han Mengqi asked this sentence, her eyes were full of expectation.

Ye Hao did not respond.

Han Mengqi's small face suddenly collapsed.

"What will I do if I miss you?" Han Mengqi asked, biting her red lips.

"Cold sauce."

This is the irresponsible answer.

Han Mengqi stares at Ye Hao, turns around and goes. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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