Can Han Mengqi not be angry?

I don't know how much courage she mustered to say that sentence just now?

But she didn't expect Ye Hao to give this answer?

Ye Hao stares at Han Mengqi's back and says nothing for a long time.

Ye Hao really doesn't want to get into trouble again.

At this time, a beautiful image appeared at the gate of Ye Hao's courtyard.

Slim and slim, it's amazing.

It is the young master of Baoyu Pavilion -

JIANG Hanyu!

"Mr. Ye." Jiang Hanyu does not dare to regard Ye Hao as a mysterious descendant.

The sixth floor of xianzun.

The money of evil spirits.

It is said that even murongjing of taixuan college is not Ye Hao's opponent.

Although the rumor has not been confirmed, what's the point of confirming it?

Whether Ye Hao is the opponent of murongjing or not, Ye Hao is the existence of Baoyu pavilion that can not be offended.

"Miss Jiang." After Ye Hao invited Jiang Hanyu in, he made tea for him.

After taking a sip, Jiang's exhaustion was swept away.

Her eyes showed a trace of essence, and said, "what kind of tea is this?"

"Tiger fierce tea."

"This spring is not simple either."

"Miss Jiang, good taste."

"There are not many pets in xianzunjing. I only brought 300 of them this time." Jiang Hanyu said and handed Ye Hao a bag of heaven and earth.

As soon as Ye Hao's mind was swept away, he transferred the Zhan pet in Jiang Hanyu's Qiankun bag to the small world.

"How many fairy stones?"

"1.84 billion."

"Here you are."

Jiang Hanyu took it numbly.


It's numbness!

In the past three years, Jiang Hanyu and Ye Hao have traded dozens of times.

At first, Jiang Hanyu was a little shocked. Why did Ye Hao take out billions of fairy stones every time? But later, Jiang became numb.

Because it seems that Ye Hao's body seems to have endless immortal stones.

Jiang Hanyu calculated an account.

She has taken more than 60 billion immortal stones from Ye Hao.


At the foot of taixuan college.

A young man in a Taoist robe looked at the towering taixuan college, and his eyes showed a trace of essence.

Daopao youth, red lips and white teeth, childish.

While some students were talking about this teenager, the behavior of that teenager surprised everyone.

I saw a huge couplet in the hands of the young man.

"Fight Tianjiao with fist and giant with foot."

The banner is the best in the world.

"Who is this boy?"

"Isn't that crazy?"

"Is this a challenge to taixuan college?"

"Looking for death."

During the discussion between teachers and students around, a young man rushed to the young man.

"Boy, now you remove this couplet, I can think that nothing happened."

The teenager glanced at the young man and said, "you can't do it."

"Dare you humiliate me?" The young man said and grabbed at the young man's shoulder.

It can be seen from his hand that the young man was just trying to catch him.

At the moment when the young man was about to catch the young man, his shoulder became shorter, and then he appeared behind the young man at the moment when he could not catch him, and then his five fingers firmly pressed on the young man's shoulder.

Pressing down, the young man cried out pain.

"If you don't hurt my heart, I'll spare you." The young man said, and sent him forward.

The young man staggered and looked at the young man in embarrassment, "who are you?"

"You have no right to know who I am." The young man said faintly, "I heard that there is a master named murongjing in your taixuan college. Now call her out to me."

"Do you want to challenge mentor Murong?"

"Any questions?"

"Not everyone is qualified to challenge murongjing?"

"Is it?" The teenager said in a loud voice, "murongjing, get out of here."

All the teachers and students around were in an uproar.

No one thought that the boy was so brave?

However, some experts are secretly changing color.

Because the young man's voice just now penetrated the whole taixuan college.

It's not something anyone can do.




One shadow after another appeared in the sky of taixuan college.

All of these figures are the top experts of taixuan college.

"Who is this boy?""It's not a small tone to fight Tianjiao and pedal to giants."

"This boy is not a small voice, don't you see his realm?"

"The sixth floor of xianzun."

"The boy doesn't seem to be very old? It's so small that I've reached the sixth floor of xianzun? "


"There is not much Tianjiao to reach this level?"

"Who said no?"

Soon, almost all the students in the day class of taixuan college arrived.

It's really because this teenager is too arrogant to put them in the eye.

Liu Yaxin looked at the boy when he appeared.

After watching for a while, Liu Yaxin looked dignified.

"Shubo, you go." Liu Yaxin looked at a student in the day class.

Shu Bo's cultivation happened to be the sixth floor of xianzun.

In the day class, the strength is not bad.

Shubo came to the young man and said, "let's go."

The teenager looked at Shubo and shook his head slightly. "You taixuan college still didn't put me in my eyes." Speaking of this, the boy put the floating dust in his hands on the ground.

The floating dust immediately bloomed out a series of terrible waves.

The wave soon turned into a large whirlpool.

The whirlpool enveloped Shubo.

Shubo's face changed greatly.

He tried his best to run the life Xuanfa, but he was still spinning uncontrollably.

However, Shubo started to move towards the whirlpool, but his attack was like mud into the sea, even without a trace.

After a few breaths, Shubo felt that his skeleton was almost broken.

"Put down Shubo." A day class student rushed over.

The student was caught in a whirlpool as soon as he was halfway there.

The student was shocked and frantic at the same time.

But it didn't help.

"That whirlpool is weird."

"That whirlpool seems to ignore any attack."

"It is impossible to ignore the attack. It should be said that the strength of the attack is not enough."

"That boy is afraid to be a giant."

"Han Mengqi is the only one who wants to deal with him!"

"Go and invite Han Mengqi."

The students in the day class are well-informed.

Soon realized that the teenager was not something they could cope with.

After a long time, Han Mengqi appeared at the gate of the college. When she saw the behind the scenes, she immediately became angry.

"Put them down for me." Han Mengqi held the sword and said coldly.

The young man glanced at Han Mengqi, and his mind moved. The whirlpool expanded ten times in an instant. Then all the monks saw that Han Mengqi was also involved in the whirlpool.

Seeing this scene, all the teachers and students are tender inside and outside.

What's the situation?

Can't Han Mengqi, a giant? , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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