"Now can you tell me what kind of supernatural power you used just now?"

"That's not magic."

"What is that?"

Ye Hao laughed but said nothing.

The boy suddenly realized that Ye Hao could not tell himself.

"Meet me. My name is Han Fei."

"My name is Ye RI."

"Never heard of it." Han Fei thought for a moment and said.

"I haven't heard of you either." Ye Hao said with a light smile.

"Originally I thought I was the most powerful young generation of wuchongtian." Han Fei looked at Ye Hao's bitter face and said, "who could have thought that Murong Jing almost defeated me, and you have totally abused me."

"Isn't it normal to abuse you?" Ye Haoli said of course.

"We are both demons, OK?"

"There are also three, six, nine, etc. demons."

"Are you at the top?"

"What do you think?"

"Are you a student of taixuan college?"


"What's your relationship with taixuan college?"

"Ye RI is a special tutor of taixuan college." At this time, Liu Yaxin said in the air.

"Then I will also be a special tutor of your college." Han Fei looked at Liu Yaxin and said, "I don't know if you are welcome to taixuan college?"

Can I not welcome it?

Han Fei is a strong demon!

It's related to such a monster. It can save lives at the critical moment.

In fact, Han Fei's evil spirits have grown up now, because even ordinary fairy kings are not his opponents, and if you give them some time, their strength will become stronger and stronger.

"Welcome." Liu Yaxin grinned.

"But I have one request!"

"What are the requirements?"

"I'm going to live next to him." Han Fei points to Ye Hao.

"No problem." Liu Yaxin agreed.

But at this time, Liu Yaxin also understood that the reason why Han Fei became a special tutor of taixuan University was that he was interested in Ye Hao.

Ye Hao is light way, "still do not withdraw your couplet?"

"It's time to go." Han Fei took down the couplet.

Seeing Han Fei withdraw the couplet, Ye Hao turns and walks to Jiang Hanyu.

"I've kept you waiting."

Jiang Hanyu looked at the smiling youth in front of her, and her deep eyes showed a strong awe.

Jiang Hanyu doesn't know how to describe Ye Hao.

It's too strong.

The friars of wuchongtian were all passing on whether Ye Hao was the opponent of murongjing?

And now do you need proof?

Han Fei, who defeated murongjing, was not wanted by Ye Hao.

More importantly, no one knows where Ye Hao's limit is?

Who in this world can subdue demons?

I'm afraid Ye Hao is the only one.

"Mr. Ye is joking." Jiang Hanyu looks at ye haorou.

"I'll see you down the hill." Ye Hao continued.

"Really?" Jiang Hanyu felt flattered.

You know Ye Hao is indifferent to murongjing.

"Let's go." Ye Hao said softly.

Seeing Ye Hao and Jiang Hanyu leave side by side, Han Mengqi's eyes turn red.

"Mengqi, do you like Ye RI?" Liu Yaxin asked when he saw Han Mengqi.

"No Han Mengqi said without hesitation.

"Ye RI is not something you can climb." Liu Yaxin was silent for a moment or said.


"Ye RI is engaged." Liu Yaxin met Han Mengqi's astonished eyes and said, "her wife is amazing, not more than Murong Jingsu color."

"Do you know the identity of Ye RI?"

"I can't tell you the identity of Ye RI." Liu Yaxin said in a deep voice, "what I can tell you is that ye RI Tai is amazing, but this one's character is too strong. So far, he has offended several demigods."

"Offending several demigods?" Han Mengqi's face changed wildly.

Can demigods be offended?

Why did Ye Hao offend several demigods when he was young?

"Is he in danger?" Han Mengqi quickly asked.

"There are many demigods he has offended, and there are many demigods to be sure of." Liu Yaxin said softly, "and ye Japanese body is not simple, it is very difficult for demigod to kill him."

Han Mengqi breathed a sigh of relief.


When Ye Hao sent Jiang Hanyu down the mountain, Han Fei hung behind Ye Hao.

Jiang Hanyu looks at her back from time to time.

"Leave him alone." Ye Hao said softly.

"Don't you worry about his attempt at you?" Jiang Hanyu preached to Ye Hao.

"He had a plan for me." Ye Hao doesn't care about Tao."Then you will." When Jiang Hanyu said this, he realized something, "you don't worry."

"There's nothing to worry about." Ye Hao said with a smile.

Does Ye Hao need to worry?

Don't mention Ye Hao's terrible psychic sense, but the medicine King tripod and the demon sword guard Ye Hao for 24 hours?

What's more, there are two demigods in the small world?

Ye Hao doesn't think Han Fei can design himself.

"Mr. Ye, in two years' time, the League City will hold a war pet competition, and there will also be a large auction. If you want to buy high-grade war pets, you may as well buy them at that time."

"Well." Ye Hao nods.

At the foot of the mountain, Jiang Hanyu left.

Ye Hao turned and walked toward his own courtyard.

Han Fei rushes to Ye Hao's side.

"Brother Ye Dao, what did you use just now?" Han Fei asked, looking at Ye Hao with a silly face.

"What do you call me?" Ye Hao squints at Han Fei Dao.

"Brother Ye Dao."

"Do I know you well?" Ye Hao said lightly.

Han Fei was stunned and immediately said with a smile, "we are both specially appointed tutors of taixuan University. In other words, we eat in the same pot."

Ye Hao glanced at Han Fei.

Han Fei sees that Ye Hao doesn't pay attention to himself. What else should he say? Ye Hao tears up the space and leaves.

"Wait for me." Han Fei immediately tore up the space and chased Ye Hao.

However, Han Fei soon found that he did not trace Ye Hao.

"Terrible speed." Han Fei stops in the broken space and murmurs.

Han Fei practiced a top-level body method.

He thinks that even if he is not the best, he can not catch up with him.

But now Ye Hao has proved with facts that he is no match for Ye Hao in terms of speed.

The specially appointed tutors enjoy the rights of day level tutors, but they don't need to have regular classes like the day level tutors. You can have classes whenever you want.

Anyway, it depends on your mood.

But there will be no loss in treatment.

Ye Hao made full use of his rights after he became a special tutor.

Originally, Ye Hao took a class half a month.

Now Ye Hao does it once every three months.

Professor Ye Hao is still in class 4 of yellow grade.

That day, when Ye Hao opened the gate of the courtyard, Han Fei rushed to meet him.

"You closed up for three months?"


Han Fei looked Ye Hao up and down for a moment, "why do I think you are stronger?"

"Isn't it right to be strong?"

"Your strength is from the inside out." From this sentence of Han Fei, we can see that Han Fei still has insight.

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