Ye Hao looks at Han Fei in surprise.

He didn't expect Han Fei to be so knowledgeable.

The strength from the inside to the outside is actually the strength of the source.

Ye Hao has been practicing in the small heaven and earth these days about the divine text he got from that temple.

Because Ye Hao got a complete version of Shenwen, which made it too difficult for Ye Hao to practice. Otherwise, the effect would not be so much.

The increasing difficulty of cultivation means that Ye Hao will still be effective in a higher realm in the future.

"And then?"

"And then can you tell me how you improved?" Han Fei asked shamelessly.


"I can exchange things with you." Han Fei bit his teeth and said.

"No need." Ye Hao said and walked toward the fourth class of yellow class.

It is impossible for Ye Hao to impart to Han Fei the mystery of emptiness or the supreme divine script.

It's too precious.

When Ye Hao came to class 4 of yellow grade, the students in the class looked at him with awe.

Three months ago, Ye Hao's first World War completely shocked the whole taixuan college.

No one thought that murongjing, who ranked first in the college, was far from Ye Hao's opponent.

Because it was so easy for Ye Hao to defeat Han Fei.

Then they saw Han Fei's figure appear on the platform.

"Go back if you want." Ye Hao points to the back road.

Han Fei went straight to the back of the students.

Then Ye Hao helped the students in the class to answer their questions.

Listen to listen, Han Fei's look becomes dignified.

Because Han Fei noticed that Ye Hao's answers were not only doubts about martial arts, but also doubts about Dan, array, utensil and channeling. No matter how complex the problem is, Ye Hao can always answer it in the most plain language.


How could it be?

After answering all the students' doubts, Ye Hao explained to these students the essence of martial arts at the level of Jinxian.

Because all the students in the class have set foot in the golden fairyland.

Han Fei initially thought that Ye Hao's explanation of the martial arts of jinxianjing was meaningless, but after listening to Han Fei for a while, he found that Ye Hao's explanation was more profound.

After listening for half an hour, Han Fei's face became extremely dignified.

He realized that Yeh Ho was far more aware of himself than he did in Wonderland.

Because Ye Hao elaborated some things that he did not notice.

It was at this time that Han Fei seemed to understand why Ye Hao was more powerful than himself.

An hour later, Ye Hao stopped.

"In the past three months, I think your spirit has reached the peak." Ye Hao glanced at the audience and said, "it's time to take the elixir to further improve."

Ye Hao said that an elixir appeared in front of the class.

Han Fei was shocked to find that all these elixirs were the best.

"Is it too extravagant?"

This level of elixir is not worth much.

The problem is that these elixirs are the best.

Elixir has always been a small probability event.

Those students took the elixir and took it in surprise. After taking it, they began to attack the current state.

"I don't understand why you invest so much in these students?" Han Fei voiced to Ye Hao, "I've inquired that the resources consumed by these students are all provided by you."

"Always do something when you're bored." Ye Hao looked at Han Fei and said, "besides, watching these students grow up, your heart will be very happy."

"Enter the world and practice?"

"In such a state of mind, you and I don't need to enter the world and practice." Ye Hao said lightly, "I just want to do something when I'm bored, that's all."

Han Fei was silent and said, "is this helpful to my mood?"

"You'll find out if you try." Ye Hao said with a smile.

What Ye Hao didn't expect was that Han Fei also brought a class later.

I don't know whether it's intentional or unintentional. Han Fei's class is yellow class three.

In order to surpass Ye Hao as soon as possible, Han Fei invested a huge amount of resources in class 3 of yellow level, which made the cultivation of students in class 3 of yellow level soar in the shortest time.

In a flash, two years passed.

That day, Ye Hao saw Han Fei at the door after his lecture.

"What can I do for you?"

"I want to ask you for some elixir."


"In the past two years, I have been desperate to improve the cultivation of these students, but I find it difficult for them to improve after they reach the peak of Jinxian." Han Fei said with a wry smile, "although the students have no complaints, I still feel ashamed of them."

In fact, Ye Hao has already noticed this problem.

But Ye Hao said nothing.Because if these students did not have Han Fei's resources, they would not have reached the golden immortal peak in their lifetime.

Not to mention that in just two years, it has reached a level that has never been achieved in this lifetime.

"Here you are." Ye Hao throws a bag of heaven and earth to Han Fei.

"What kind of elixir is in the bag of heaven and earth?"

"It's the best master level breaking forbidden pill."

Thank you very much Finally, Han Fei asked, "why don't the students in your class have this situation?"

"Because they are all very strong."

"In just a few years, you have set foot in the realm of immortal master. Do you still tell me that the foundation is stable?"

"Do you know what resources they have got?" Ye Hao took a look at Han Fei and said, "how much time has been saved by this one

"There are still three days to sign up for the contest." Han Fei changed the subject.

"Are you going?"

"Of course."

"I didn't see your pet."

"It's like I've seen your pet, yes."

"All right."

"Together then?"

"Again." Ye Hao suddenly thought of a thing that he had promised Han Mengqi before.

After Ye Hao left the classroom, he returned to his own courtyard.

Pushing open the gate of the courtyard, Ye Hao sees Han Mengqi in the courtyard next to him.

"Mengqi, do you have time later?"

"Yes." Han Mengqi doesn't know what Ye Hao has to do with her, but she still says decisively that she has time. In fact, she will go shopping with Jinxuan later.

"Remember the Agreement three years ago?"

"What agreement?"

"There are still three days to go before the registration of the pet contest begins." Ye Hao looked at Han Mengqi and said, "aren't you going to raise funds to buy things at the auction house?"

"That seems to be the case."

"Let's go."


After Ye Hao and Han Mengqi left taixuan college, they went to the nearest magic shadow.

And in the distance from the magic ring is still 10 kilometers, Ye Hao and Han Mengqi's face changed, because they smell the faint smell of blood.

Two people tear up the space and come to the sky above the magic ring only to find that it has been looted.

"Who did it?" Ye Hao's face did not look good.

This is a mustache.


"Who might have been offended by the shadow collar?" Han Mengqi whispered, "let's go to Sanwang village." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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