Sanwangzhai is composed of three immortal statues with high cultivation.

In recent years, they have been tyrannical, and today Ye Hao and Han Mengqi are going to act for heaven.

But when they arrived at Sanwang village, Ye Hao and Han Mengqi were shocked to find that Sanwang village was gone.

"The killing technique is very professional, which is different from the previous wave." Ye Hao examined the corpse on the ground and said in a deep voice.

"Is it because the pet contest is about to start, and all the forces are raising funds?" Han Mengqi thought of a possibility.

"It's not that there is no such possibility." Ye Hao sighed.

In order to verify this conjecture, Ye Hao and Han Mengqi visited dozens of forces that were ready to attack before.

But all these dozens of forces have been killed.

"I have asked the Intelligence Department of taixuan college." Han Mengqi looked at Ye Hao and said, "during this period of time, there were as many as 300 forces that were destroyed."

"So much?"

"Some orthodox sects have also been looted."

Ye Hao was silent for a while and then said, "come on, let's go to the casino again."

"Didn't you say it wasn't appropriate?"

"Let's be a bit more obscure this time. We'll make a little bit less each time in a different capacity." Ye Hao thought for a moment and then said.

"No problem."

Within one day, Ye Hao and Han Mengqi visited wuchongtian's Casino again.

Because Ye Hao made money in a different capacity this time, few casinos did anything to stop him.

This makes Ye Hao and Han Mengqi's income drop sharply.

"40 billion is a lot." Han Mengqi saw Ye Hao with a black face and admonished him.

At the same time, Han Mengqi is also feeling.

When I faced the 40 billion yuan, I was calm.

Before Han Mengqi, it was because she had got tens of billions before.

"I'm going to use the time crystal tomorrow." Ye Hao gave Han Mengqi half of the fairy stone and then said.

"Well." Han Mengqi has approached the sixth floor of xianzun, and after one year, Han Mengqi is confident that she can step on the sixth floor of xianzun.

After Han Mengqi left, Ye Hao thought about it and stood up and rushed to Baoyu Pavilion.

Since he is leaving taixuan college, Ye Hao wants to tell Jiang Hanyu goodbye.

When he arrived at the gate of Baoyu Pavilion, Ye Hao noticed that a powerful general had sealed Baoyu Pavilion.

"What's the situation?" Ye Hao asked a young man.

"I don't have eyes." As soon as the young man said this, he saw that Ye Hao handed him two pieces of medium grade immortal stones.

His eyes lit up.

"The assets of Baoyu Pavilion were seized by Qibao Pavilion."

"What qualifications does Qibao pavilion have to seal down Baoyu pavilion?"

"It's said that Baoyu Pavilion bought a lot of war pets from Qibao Pavilion, but they were robbed by experts on the way." The young man sighed and said, "because Baoyu pavilion has only paid a part of the deposit, how can Baoyu Pavilion take out the final payment

"So Qibao pavilion has been closed down?" Ye Hao suddenly understood.


"What about the person in charge of Baoyu pavilion?"

"It's in there."


"Miss Jiang, today is the deadline we set. If you Jiang family still can't get the fairy stone, don't blame me for sealing up your shop." A gentle young man holding a folding fan looked at Jiang Hanyu's light way.

"Can't you spare a few more days?" Jiang Hanyu looked at the young man and begged.

"Our Qibao Pavilion also spent a lot of money to get that batch of war pets. It's very difficult for us to do it if you don't give the balance payment, OK?"

"Three days." Jiang Hanyu held out three fingers and said, "can you give me another three days?" Speaking of this, Jiang Hanyu handed the young man a bag of heaven and earth.

After a glance, the young man pushed the bag of heaven and earth back.

"Miss Jiang, do you send the beggars for 20 million?"

"I can only take out these." Jiang Hanyu said bitterly.

"In fact, you can take out yourself." The young man said for a moment, "I'll get to the point, Miss Jiang. If you promise to marry me, don't say three days, even if it's three months, there will be no problem."

How could Jiang Hanyu agree?

The young man in front of him is the young master of Qibao Pavilion, and his words about his identity are well matched.

However, the reputation of this one is rotten to the street, and Jiang Hanyu despises him from the bottom of his heart.

"Our old man is impatient to wait." Seeing that Jiang Hanyu did not speak, the young man said, "if you wait for my old man to speak, whether your Baoyu Pavilion still exists is a question?"

Jiang Hanyu's face changed greatly.

She knew how good the young man's father was?

It's very likely that you will swallow up Baoyu Pavilion.Thinking of this, Jiang Hanyu's heart becomes more and more bitter.

In fact, it's still her fault.

It is Jiang Hanyu who hears that Qibao pavilion has won a number of high-level war pets. Therefore, Jiang Hanyu encourages his father to go to Qibao Pavilion and buy them.

As the number of war pets reached more than 80 billion yuan, Qibao Pavilion paid Baoyu Pavilion 10 billion yuan in advance.

But who would have thought that they would be cut off on the way.

If the goods are robbed, you can't let Ye Hao take out the $70 billion?

Doesn't make sense, doesn't it?

But the river family can only use the Treasury.

But just after opening the storehouse, the high-rise of the Jiang family found that it was empty.

There's nothing left.

After seeing this scene, Jiang Hanyu's father spat out a mouthful of blood and fainted.

70 billion!

Where can Baoyu Pavilion be taken?

So that's what happened today.

"Miss Jiang, I don't have to marry you." The young man saw Jiang Hanyu's delay in speaking and said haughtily, "I'll give you a quarter of an hour to think about it. If you don't care about the Jiang family, you can't marry."

That's the threat.

"I will not marry a scum like you." As soon as the young man's voice fell, a gentle voice began to ring in the room. Then the space was broken and Ye Hao's figure came out of it.

"Mr. Ye." Seeing who it was, Jiang stood up in surprise.

The young man's face suddenly darkened.

Is this Jiang Hanyu's lover?

Jiang Hanyu was forbidden by others.

"Who are you?" Fang Qi stares at Ye Hao and says coldly.

"Do you owe Qibao Pavilion $70 billion?" Ye Hao looks at Jiang Hanyu road.

"Well." Jiang Hanyu nodded.

"Here you are." Ye Hao threw a bag of heaven and earth to Fang, "go away."

Fang Qi's mind swept and looked at Ye Hao with consternation.

70 billion medium grade immortal stone?

It's not something anyone can take out.

However, when hearing Ye Hao's word "go away", Fang Qi's eyes showed a trace of ferocity.

"Are you impatient to live?"

"Believe it or not, it's ok if I kill you." Ye Hao looks at Fang Qi Dao with a smile.

"Ha ha ha, I don't believe it." How can Fang Qi believe it? , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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