"Joke!" Fang Qi laughed.

"Joke?" At this time, there was a cold voice in the air, and then a figure rushed to Fang Qi's face. Before Fangqi could react, he slapped him in the face.

Fang Qi's chair broke with a bang.

Fang Qi is more in the same place after three circles of paralysis sitting on the ground.

After a while, Fang recovered. He struggled to stand up and looked at the figure with a murderous face and said, "you want to die."

As a young master of Qibao Pavilion.

Fang Qi hasn't been slapped in the face yet?

Hearing this, Han Fei said with a smile, "is it up to you?"

"Ming Lao." Fang Qi still has some eye power.

Just now, when Han Fei made a move, Fang couldn't catch Han Fei's figure at all.

What does that mean?

Fang Qi is very clear.

This is why Fang Qi called Ming Lao.

Just to Fang Qi's dismay, Ming Lao didn't respond at all.

"Ming Lao."

"Ming Lao."

"Ming Lao."

After Fang Qi called three times in a row without getting a response, his eyes at Han Fei became gloomy.

"What have you done to Ming Lao?"

Han Fei looks at Ye Hao with a smile.

When Fang Qimou Guang moved to Ye Hao's side, he saw Ye Hao spread out his palm, and there was a figure in the palm of which was imprisoned.

This figure is not Ming Lao, who is it?

"Ming Lao." Fang Qi exclaimed.

After seeing Fang Qi, Ming Lao said, "young master, these two are masters of fairyland."

Ming is always an artifact.

Strength in the early days of the fairy king.

And can easily imprison him, must be the master of fairyland.

After hearing Ming Lao's words, Fang Qi looked at Ye Hao angrily, "two elders, are you too careless?"

Fang Qi subconsciously regarded Ye Hao as the elder strong men of the fairyland.

"Who are you calling Fang Qi gave him a cold look.

"Am I calling you the wrong name?"

"Is Laozi younger than you

Fang Qi's face changed.

He looked at Fang Qi in disbelief and said, "who are you?"

"Now I want to ask who Laozi is?" Han Fei said haughtily, "I will not tell you."

Fang Qi felt confused.

But his heart was extremely heavy.

He was vaguely aware of the dignity of the two.

"Take the stone and roll away." Ye Hao said faintly.

Fang Qi took a deep look at Ye Hao and said, "let Ming Lao go."

Ye Hao moved his mind and removed the space restrictions around Ming and Lao.

When he came back to Fang Qi, he said, "let's go, young master."

After leaving Baoyu Pavilion, Fang asked. "Do you know who those two are, Ming Lao?"

"Few of the younger generation have this strength." When Ming Lao said this, his face was full of dignified color.

"What do you mean, Mr. Ming?" Fang Qi's face changed.

"This is the foot of taixuan college. Who do you think they are?"

Fang Qi couldn't help but shiver.

"What now?" Fang Qi was really scared.


Who dares to offend evil spirits?

Don't mention their qibaoge, even taixuan college, don't want to offend them?

"With their personalities, if they want revenge, they won't let us go." The old man thought for a while and said, "but I think I still have to let the owner come out."

"Tell my father about it?" On hearing this, Fang Qi's expression suddenly became sad.

"I don't think they will retaliate. I just don't think they will retaliate." Old Ming shook his head gently.

Hearing this, Fang Qi was silent.

Let's talk about Jiang Hanyu here.

"Why don't you tell me what happened?" Ye Hao looked at Jiang Hanyu and asked softly.

"I don't know if you have 70 billion immortal stones on you? What's more, even if you have one, I'm sorry to borrow it from you. " Jiang Hanyu's face showed a sad color, "our Jiang family's Treasury has been robbed, and the accumulation of 30000 years has all disappeared." Jiang Hanyu said here, his eyes are full of bitterness and astringency that can not be changed. "What do we Jiang family take back?"

This is not three or five hundred.

It's $70 billion.

"Do you have a strong Xianwang garrison in your Jiang family's treasury?"

"The garrison is dead."

"It's a strong presence to say so."

"Well.""What are you going to do next?"

"Sell part of the property and start the business again." Jiang Hanyu thought for a while and then said, "it takes a long time to pay back the 70 billion I owe you."

"Let's talk about cooperation." Ye Hao looks at Jiang Hanyu road.

"Cooperation?" Jiang Hanyu looks at Ye Hao suspiciously.

"I have a batch of resources in my hand. You Jiangjia sells them through your channels." Ye Hao said calmly, "the income gained is 37%

"How much resources do you have in your hands?" Han Fei shook his head and said, "the current situation of the Jiang family can not maintain the current situation without tens of billions."

Ye Hao waved his hand, and hundreds of jade bottles appeared in the air.

In each jade bottle there is an elixir with strong fluctuation.

Ye Hao pointed to one of the jade bottles and said, "this bottle of immortal elixir can cure those who are possessed by demons. As far as I know, there are very few such elixirs on the market now. How many immortal stones do you think such a fairy pill can sell?"

"The elixir for the treatment of demons?" Jiang Hanyu's face was startled, but after a glance, the look on her face was more wonderful.

Because Jiang Hanyu found out that this bottle of elixir was the best.

"There's no problem with a 10 million piece. If it's auctioned, it's normal to double it two or three times." Jiang Hanyu said softly.

Han Fei was stunned.

Does a bottle of nine pieces mean that this bottle of elixir is as high as 300 million?

"This bottle is a noble breaking forbidden pill." Ye Hao pointed to a bottle of immortal elixir and said, "after taking it, I don't say it's 100%, but I can almost step into the immortal realm. How much do you think the price of such a pill should be?"

"One hundred percent of the heaven?" Jiang Hanyu's eyes are full of shock, "once this kind of elixir is auctioned, all major forces will sell, and small and medium-sized forces will be crazy with it." Jiang Hanyu said here for a pause, "there is no problem with a 30 million piece. If it is auctioned, it is likely to reach hundreds of millions."

"Isn't this bottle worth a billion dollars?" Han Fei points to that jade bottle in dismay.

Ye Hao glanced at Han Fei.

This glance seems to be talking about the ignorant bunny.

"This bottle is a nine grade advanced Dan." Ye Hao pointed to a jade bottle and said, "after taking it, the cultivation Association will be promoted from the eighth floor of xianzun to the ninth floor of xianzun."

Even Han Fei was shocked when Ye Hao's words fell.

The eighth floor of xianzun and the ninth floor of xianzun are two concepts.

It is impossible for a master on the eighth floor of xianzun to testify to the fairyland, but the master of the ninth floor of xianzun has this possibility.

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