"Many friends, many roads." Zhu que childe looked at Han Fei and said.

"You deserve it?" Han Fei was proud of himself, otherwise he would not cheat taixuan college.

Young master Zhu Que's face suddenly became cold.

"Sir, have you gone too far?"

"Little rosefinch, do you believe I baked you Han Fei glanced at Master Zhu que.


Does Han Fei need to give face?

"What do you say?" Master Zhu que looked at Han Fei with awe inspiring eyes.

A trace of ferocity flashed through Han Fei's eyes.

And when Han Fei is about to make a move, he is stopped by Ye Hao.

"It's really inappropriate to burn a girl's clothes in public. Which girl is inferior to others?" Ye Hao said faintly, "let's go."

Han Fei pondered and nodded.

And in the two people ready to enter the spring breeze Pavilion, but Zhuque childe stopped their way.

"What can I do for you?" Ye Hao looks at the way of Master Zhu que.

"Ask your friend to apologize to me." Master Zhu que spoke.

"I apologize for my friend." Ye Hao said softly.

"No, it has to be your friend." But he was not willing to give in.

"Is there no room for maneuver?" Ye Hao then asked.

"No, your friend has to apologize to me today."

"To your mother's apology?" Han Fei moved.

Han Fei's body shape is like electricity. In an instant, he rushes in front of master Zhuque, and then blows at him with a fist.

Young master Zhu Que's pupil shrinks fiercely.

In a hurry, he found himself unable to even respond effectively.

Therefore, Master Zhu que called out his armor.

When he summoned out the armor, his mind was stabilized, because his armor was king's armor.

Even if it's the early strike of the fairy king, it can withstand it.

However, when Han Fei hit him with a fist, his face changed wildly, and his manic power mercilessly rushed into his internal organs, spurting out a mouthful of blood. At the same time, Master Zhu que couldn't help looking at the position of his chest.

Zhuque childe found that the armor in the chest was smashed, and a big bloody hole was gushing blood.

"You." Master Zhu que struggled to get up and pointed to Han Fei Dao.

"Show me another one?" Han Fei said, his eyes filled with a ray of murder.

Han Fei couldn't help but shiver.

And at this time from the spring wind Pavilion out of a middle-aged woman.

The middle-aged woman took a look at the injury of Zhuque childe, and then looked at Han Fei's face. She said, "as a powerful Immortal King, why do you want to attack a younger generation?"

"Don't you see why?" Han Fei sneered, "since we had an argument, you've been watching in the dark. Do you really think I'm blind?"

"But you shouldn't make trouble in our spring breeze Pavilion."

"It seems that you are very partial to this little rosefinch.

"It's not a matter of partiality."

Han Fei has yet to say, but Ye Hao says, "do you think we are more likely to offend the rosefinch clan than we are?"

"What I see is that you two are making trouble out of nothing." The middle-aged woman said in a deep voice.

"If you say so, let's go." Ye Hao shook his head and said.

"Wait a minute."

"What?" Ye Hao turned to look at the middle-aged woman. A cold light flashed in his eyes, "do you want to stay here, shall we?"

Middle aged women do.

But she was not sure to leave the two, so she thought for three breaths and then said, "you are not welcome after spring breeze Pavilion."

"It seems that we really want to come to your spring breeze Pavilion, yes?" Ye Hao said coldly.

Han Fei said in an atmosphere after Ye Hao left more than 100 meters, "I can't hold down this tone in my heart."

"I'll help you out later."

"How to get angry?"

"Then you will know."


Baoyu Pavilion!

With the news that the magic elixir and magic weapon will be auctioned in Baoyu Pavilion, the eyes of the whole wuchongtian fall on Baoyu Pavilion.

And tonight, Baoyu Pavilion is going to auction elixir and magic weapon in alliance city.

That's why the city has been overcrowded these two days.

At night, Ye Hao and Han Fei came to Baoyu Pavilion. Jiang Hanyu, the owner of Baoyu Pavilion, had already prepared a box for them.

After entering the box, Jiang Hanyu served tea and poured water.

If you let others see this, you must be surprised.

"Hanyu, you don't have to worry about us." Ye Hao looked at the busy Jiang Hanyu and said, "you still need to control it tonight.""I don't need to do anything. I'll be here with you." Jiang Hanyu smiles softly.

"Ye RI, what a nice girl you are. Why don't you accept it?" Han Fei said with a smile.

"Yes, I think the girl is good, too." At this moment, a very nice voice sounded in the room.

When Ye Hao heard the voice, his eyes showed an incredible look.

The next moment, a figure pushed open the door of the box.

This is a woman in a veil.

Even if you can't see her appearance clearly, but just look at her overall outline, you can see that she will certainly be a great nation.

"Haoyue, why are you here?"

"Did you disturb your seduction?" Haoyue blinked and said, "why don't I avoid it?"

"It's OK." Ye Hao nodded.

"Ye Hao." Haoyue stares at Ye Hao.

"Ye Hao?" Han Fei stood up.

"What's the matter?" Ye Hao looks at Han Fei Dao.

"Before, I was curious that all the best pills you made for Mao? Dare you to be the one among the so-called demons? " Han Fei was shocked and said, "no wonder you put me down easily."

Speaking of this, Han feidun said for a while, "do you know that I have been troubled by your defeat in recent years. I have some doubts about myself. Now that I know you are Ye Hao, the pressure in my heart is gone. It's no good losing to other demons, but it's too natural to lose to you. "

An incredible look flashed through Jiang Hanyu's beautiful eyes.

"I didn't expect you to be the evil spirit in the legend?"

"Am I famous?"

"Your name has already resounded through the Ninth Heaven. I don't know how many women are talking about you." Jiang Hanyu said with a smile, "did I still secretly fall in love for a long time?"

"Is secret love useful? You have to make a confession Ye Hao hate iron is not steel road, "it is not that you do not know my family, you go to Yanhuang Zong to look for me?"

"Is that ok?" Jiang Hanyu's eyes widened.

"Of course not." Ye Hao pointed to Haoyue and said, "this is a female tiger. Don't let me have sex with others. Look, I haven't done anything about it? From the fourth heaven. "

"Four days? Is the girl the No.1 Beauty in the cloud sky palace of the four fold sky

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